Blame src/plugins/abrt-action-ureport

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#!/usr/bin/python3 -u
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# WARNING: python -u means unbuffered I/O. Without it the messages are
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# passed to the parent asynchronously which looks bad in clients.
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# This script wraps reporter-ureport client and keeps number of sent
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# uReports to a server consistent with number of problem ocurrences.
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import sys
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import os
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import getopt
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import augeas
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from report import dd_opendir, DD_FAIL_QUIETLY_ENOENT, run_event_on_problem_dir
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from reportclient import set_verbosity, error_msg_and_die, error_msg, log1, log_warning
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import locale
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import gettext
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_ = lambda x: gettext.gettext(x)
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def init_gettext():
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        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
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    except locale.Error:
Packit 8ea169
        os.environ['LC_ALL'] = 'C'
Packit 8ea169
        locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, "")
Packit 8ea169
    # Defeat "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'nl_langinfo'"
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        gettext.bind_textdomain_codeset(GETTEXT_PROGNAME, locale.nl_langinfo(locale.CODESET))
Packit 8ea169
    except AttributeError:
Packit 8ea169
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    gettext.bindtextdomain(GETTEXT_PROGNAME, '/usr/share/locale')
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def get_augeas(module, file_path):
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    A function for efficient configuration of Augeas.
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    Augeas modules are placed in /usr/share/augeas/lenses/dist
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    aug_obj = augeas.Augeas(flags=augeas.Augeas.NO_MODL_AUTOLOAD)
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    aug_obj.set("/augeas/load/{0}/lens".format(module), "{0}.lns".format(module))
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    aug_obj.set("/augeas/load/{0}/incl".format(module), file_path)
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    return aug_obj
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def spawn_and_wait(prog, args=None):
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    if args is None:
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        args = [prog]
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        args.insert(0, prog)
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        return os.spawnvpe(os.P_WAIT, prog, args, os.environ)
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    except OSError as err:
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        error_msg(_("Unable to start '%s', error message was: '%s'"),
Packit 8ea169
                    " ".join(args), err)
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        return -1
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def try_parse_number(dd, filename):
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        n = dd.load_text(filename, DD_FAIL_QUIETLY_ENOENT)
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        if n == "":
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            return 0
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        return int(n)
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        error_msg(_("Not a number in file '%s'"), filename)
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        return 0
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def get_bugzilla_reports(reported_to):
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    bugs = set()
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    for line in reported_to.split("\n"):
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        if line.startswith("Bugzilla:"):
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    return bugs
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def run_event(event_name, dump_dir_name):
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    state, ret = run_event_on_problem_dir(dump_dir_name, event_name)
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    if ret == 0 and state.children_count == 0:
Packit 8ea169
        log1("Didn't find definition of event '%s'", event_name)
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if __name__ == "__main__":
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    # localization
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    verbose = 0
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    ABRT_VERBOSE = os.getenv("ABRT_VERBOSE")
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            verbose = int(ABRT_VERBOSE)
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    progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
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    help_text = _("Usage: %s [-v]") % progname
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        opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "vh", ["help"])
Packit 8ea169
    except getopt.GetoptError as err:
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        error_msg(err)  # prints something like "option -a not recognized"
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Packit 8ea169
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    for opt, arg in opts:
Packit 8ea169
        if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
Packit 8ea169
Packit 8ea169
Packit 8ea169
        if opt == "-v":
Packit 8ea169
            verbose += 1
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    os.environ["ABRT_VERBOSE"] = str(verbose)
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    # getcwd might fail if cwd was deleted
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        dirname = os.getcwd()
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    except OSError as err:
Packit 8ea169
        error_msg_and_die(_("Unable to get current working directory as"
Packit 8ea169
                            " it was probably deleted"))
Packit 8ea169
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    dd = dd_opendir(dirname, 0)
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    if not dd:
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    report_type = dd.load_text("type", DD_FAIL_QUIETLY_ENOENT)
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    # because of backward compatibility
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    if not report_type:
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        report_type = dd.load_text("analyzer", 0)
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    core_backtrace_exists = dd.exist("core_backtrace")
Packit 8ea169
    packaged = dd.exist("package")
Packit 8ea169
    reported_to = dd.load_text("reported_to", DD_FAIL_QUIETLY_ENOENT)
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    ureports_counter = try_parse_number(dd, "ureports_counter")
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    count = try_parse_number(dd, "count")
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    # Send only if the problem is not yet reported
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    #           if the count file is corrupted or
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    #           if the number of ureports is lower then the number of occurrences
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    if ureports_counter != 0 and count != 0 and ureports_counter >= count:
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        log1("uReport has been already sent: '%s'", dirname)
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        if reported_to and reported_to != "":
Packit 8ea169
            bugs = get_bugzilla_reports(reported_to)
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            if bugs:
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                log_warning(_("A bug was already filed about this problem:"))
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                bugs = sorted(bugs)
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                for bug in bugs:
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                sys.exit(70)  # EXIT_STOP_EVENT_RUN
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            log1("Bug for '%s' not yet filed. Continuing.", dirname)
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            log1("'%s/reported_to' doesn't exist", dirname)
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        log_warning(_("uReport was already sent, not sending it again"))
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    if report_type == "CCpp" and not core_backtrace_exists:
Packit 8ea169
        exitcode = spawn_and_wait("abrt-action-generate-core-backtrace")
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        if exitcode != 0:
Packit 8ea169
            log1("uReport can't be sent without core_backtrace. Exiting.")
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    if not packaged:
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        log1("Problem comes from unpackaged executable.")
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        process_unpackaged_str = os.getenv("uReport_ProcessUnpackaged")
Packit 8ea169
        if not process_unpackaged_str:
Packit 8ea169
            augeas_conf = get_augeas("libreport", "/etc/libreport/plugins/ureport.conf")
Packit 8ea169
            process_unpackaged_str = augeas_conf.get("/files/etc/libreport/plugins/ureport.conf/ProcessUnpackaged")
Packit 8ea169
        process_unpackaged = False
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        if process_unpackaged_str:
Packit 8ea169
            process_unpackaged = process_unpackaged_str.lower() in ['yes', '1', 'on']
Packit 8ea169
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        if not process_unpackaged:
Packit 8ea169
            log_warning(_("Problem comes from unpackaged executable. Unable to create uReport."))
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    exitcode = spawn_and_wait("reporter-ureport")
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    if exitcode == 0 or exitcode == 70:
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        dd = dd_opendir(dirname, 0)
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        if not dd:
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        dd.save_text("ureports_counter", str(ureports_counter + 1))
Packit 8ea169
        reported_to = dd.load_text("reported_to", DD_FAIL_QUIETLY_ENOENT)
Packit 8ea169
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        watch = os.getenv("uReport_WatchReportedBugs") or ""
Packit 8ea169
        if exitcode == 70 and watch.lower() in ["yes", "on", "1"]:
Packit 8ea169
            if reported_to and reported_to != "" and get_bugzilla_reports(reported_to):
Packit 8ea169
                log_warning(_("Adding you to CC List of the existing bugzilla bug"))
Packit 8ea169
                run_event("watch_Bugzilla", dirname)
Packit 8ea169
Packit 8ea169
        email = os.getenv("uReport_ContactEmail")
Packit 8ea169
        if not email:
Packit 8ea169
            augeas_conf = get_augeas("libreport", "/etc/libreport/plugins/ureport.conf")
Packit 8ea169
            email = augeas_conf.get("/files/etc/libreport/plugins/ureport.conf/ContactEmail")
Packit 8ea169
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        if email:
Packit 8ea169
            log1("Attaching ContactEmail: " + email)
Packit 8ea169
            spawn_and_wait("reporter-ureport", ["-A", "-E"])
Packit 8ea169
Packit 8ea169
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        log1(_("reporter-ureport failed with exit code %d" % exitcode))
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