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IlmImf is our "EXR" file format for storing 16-bit FP images.  Libraries in
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this package depend on the IlmBase library.
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See the IlmImfExamples directory for some code that demonstrates how
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to use the IlmImf library to read and write OpenEXR files.  The doc
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directory contains some high-level documentation and history about the
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OpenEXR format.
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If you have questions about using the OpenEXR libraries, you may want
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to join our developer mailing list.  See for
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The OpenEXR source code distribution is free software.  See the file
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named COPYING (included in this distribution) for details.
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Building OpenEXR requires the IlmBase and the zlib library.
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You can obtain the source code for zlib from:
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If you're building OpenEXR on a Windows platform, see README.win32 for
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instructions on how to build OpenEXR.  The remainder of this file
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applies only to GNU/Linux or other UNIX-like systems.
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After installing the required libraries, to build OpenEXR on
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GNU/Linux or other UNIX-like systems, do this:
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make install
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unless you obtained IlmBase directly from git, in which case you
Packit 0d464f
should first read README.git
Packit 0d464f
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Please type :
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./configure --help
Packit 0d464f
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for a list of options in relation to building IlmBase libraries. In 
Packit 0d464f
particular, peruse README.namespaces for information regarding the 
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use of namespaces in IlmBase and OpenEXR.
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See README.OSX for details on building OpenEXR in MacOS X.
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Do `make check` to run the OpenEXR confidence tests.  They should all
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pass; if you find a test that does not pass on your system, please let
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us know.
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Other UNIX variants haven't been tested, but should be easy to build.
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Let us know if you're having problems porting OpenEXR to a particular
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All include files needed to use the OpenEXR libraries are installed in the 
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OpenEXR subdirectory of the install prefix, e.g. /usr/local/include/OpenEXR.
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On systems with support for pkg-config, use `pkg-config --cflags
Packit 0d464f
OpenEXR` for the C++ flags required to compile against OpenEXR
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headers; and `pkg-config --libs OpenEXR` for the linker flags required
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to link against OpenEXR libraries.
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