Blame README.cmake.txt

Packit Service 6754ca
Build IlmBase and OpenEXR on Windows using cmake
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What follows are instructions for generating Visual Studio solution 
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files and building those two packages
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1. Launch a command window, navigate to the IlmBase folder with 
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CMakeLists.txt,and type command:
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	del /f CMakeCache.txt
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      -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<where you want to install the ilmbase builds>
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      -G "Visual Studio 10 Win64" 
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2. Navigate to IlmBase folder in Windows Explorer, open ILMBase.sln
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and build the solution. When it build successfully, right click 
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INSTALL project and build. It will install the output to the path
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you set up at the previous step.  
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3. Go to and download zlib 
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4. Launch a command window, navigate to the OpenEXR folder with 
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CMakeLists.txt, and type command:	  
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	del /f CMakeCache.txt
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      -DZLIB_ROOT=<zlib location>
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      -DILMBASE_PACKAGE_PREFIX=<where you installed the ilmbase builds>
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      -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<where you want to instal the openexr builds>
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      -G "Visual Studio 10 Win64" ^
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5. Navigate to OpenEXR folder in Windows Explorer, open OpenEXR.sln
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and build the solution. When it build successfully, right click 
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INSTALL project and build. It will install the output to the path
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you set up at the previous step. 
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-- OpenEXR --
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initial bootstraping:
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    cmake -DILMBASE_PACKAGE_PREFIX=<location of installed IlmBase files> -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<install location> <source location of OpenEXR>
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build the actual code base:
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    make -j 4
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for testing do:
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    make test
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then to install to your chosen location:
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    make install