Blame IlmImfUtil/ImfImage.h

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// Copyright (c) 2014, Industrial Light & Magic, a division of Lucas
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// Digital Ltd. LLC
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// All rights reserved.
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// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
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// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
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// met:
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// *       Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
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// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
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// *       Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
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// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
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// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
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// distribution.
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// *       Neither the name of Industrial Light & Magic nor the names of
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// its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
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// from this software without specific prior written permission. 
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// class Image -- an in-memory data structure that can hold an arbitrary
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// OpenEXR image, flat or deep, with one or multiple resolution levels,
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// and with an arbitrary set of channels.
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// An image is a container for a set of image levels, and an image level
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// is a container for a set of image channels.  An image channel contains
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// an array of pixel values of type half, float or unsigned int.
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// For example:
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//     image --+-- level 0 --+-- channel "R" --- pixel data
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//             |             |
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//             |             +-- channel "G" --- pixel data
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//             |             |
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//             |             +-- channel "B" --- pixel data
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//             |
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//             +-- level 1 --+-- channel "R" --- pixel data
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//             |             |
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//             |             +-- channel "G" --- pixel data
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//             |             |
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//             |             +-- channel "B" --- pixel data
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//             |
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//             +-- level 2 --+-- channel "R" --- pixel data
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//                           |
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//                           +-- channel "G" --- pixel data
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//                           |
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//                           +-- channel "B" --- pixel data
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// An image has a level mode, which can be ONE_LEVEL, MIPMAP_LEVELS or
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// RIPMAP_LEVELS, and a level rounding mode, which can be ROUND_UP or
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// ROUND_DOWN.  Together, the level mode and the level rounding mode
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// determine how many levels an image contains, and how large the data
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// window for each level is.  All levels in an image have the same set
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// of channels.
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// An image channel has a name (e.g. "R", "Z", or "xVelocity"), a type
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// (HALF, FLOAT or UINT) and x and y sampling rates.  A channel stores
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// samples for a pixel if the pixel is inside the data window of the
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// level to which the channel belongs, and the x and y coordinates of
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// the pixel are divisible by the x and y sampling rates of the channel.
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// An image can be either flat or deep.  In a flat image each channel
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// in each level stores at most one value per pixel.  In a deep image
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// each channel in each level stores an arbitrary number of values per
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// pixel.  As an exception, each level of a deep image has a sample count
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// channel with a single value per pixel; this value determines how many
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// values each of the other channels in the same level has at the same
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// pixel location.
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// The classes Image, ImageLevel and ImageChannel are abstract base
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// classes.  Two sets of concrete classes, one for flat and one for
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// deep images, are derived from the base classes.
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#include "ImfImageLevel.h"
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#include <ImfTileDescription.h>
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#include <ImfArray.h>
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#include "ImfExport.h"
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class Channel;
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class IMF_EXPORT Image
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    // Constructor and destructor
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    Image ();
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    virtual ~Image ();
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    // Access to the image's level mode and level rounding mode.
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	LevelMode               levelMode() const;
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	LevelRoundingMode       levelRoundingMode() const;
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    // Number of levels:
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    // numXLevels() returns the image's number of levels in the x direction.
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    //	if levelMode() == ONE_LEVEL:
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    //      return value is: 1
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    //	if levelMode() == MIPMAP_LEVELS:
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    //      return value is: rfunc (log (max (w, h)) / log (2)) + 1
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    //	if levelMode() == RIPMAP_LEVELS:
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    //      return value is: rfunc (log (w) / log (2)) + 1
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    //	where
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    //	    w is the width of the image's data window,  max.x - min.x + 1,
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    //	    h is the height of the image's data window, max.y - min.y + 1,
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    //	    and rfunc(x) is either floor(x), or ceil(x), depending on
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    //	    whether levelRoundingMode() returns ROUND_DOWN or ROUND_UP.
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    // numYLevels() returns the image's number of levels in the y direction.
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    //	if levelMode() == ONE_LEVEL or levelMode() == MIPMAP_LEVELS:
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    //      return value is the same as for numXLevels()
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    //	if levelMode() == RIPMAP_LEVELS:
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    //      return value is: rfunc (log (h) / log (2)) + 1
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    // numLevels() is a convenience function for use with MIPMAP_LEVELS images.
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    //	if levelMode() == ONE_LEVEL or levelMode() == MIPMAP_LEVELS:
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    //      return value is the same as for numXLevels()
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    //	if levelMode() == RIPMAP_LEVELS:
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    //      a LogicExc exception is thrown
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	int                     numLevels() const;
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	int                     numXLevels() const;
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	int                     numYLevels() const;
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    // Per-level data windows
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    // dataWindow() returns the data window for the image; this is the
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    // same as the data window for the level with level number (0, 0).
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    // dataWindowForLevel(lx, ly) returns the data window for level x,
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    // that is, the window for which the image level with level number
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    // (lx, ly) has allocated pixel storage.
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    //	return value is a Box2i with min value:
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    //      (dataWindow().min.x,
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    //       dataWindow().min.y)
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    //	and max value:
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    //      (dataWindow().min.x + levelWidth(lx) - 1,
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    //       dataWindow().min.y + levelHeight(ly) - 1)
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    // dataWindowForLevel(l) is a convenience function used for ONE_LEVEL
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    // and MIPMAP_LEVELS files.  It returns dataWindowForLevel(l,l)).
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	const IMATH_NAMESPACE::Box2i &  dataWindow() const;
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	const IMATH_NAMESPACE::Box2i &  dataWindowForLevel(int l) const;
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	const IMATH_NAMESPACE::Box2i &  dataWindowForLevel(int lx, int ly) const;
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    // Size of a level:
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    // levelWidth(lx) returns the width of a level with level
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    // number (lx, *), where * is any number.
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    //	return value is:
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    //      max (1, rfunc (w / pow (2, lx)))
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    // levelHeight(ly) returns the height of a level with level
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    // number (*, ly), where * is any number.
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    //	return value is:
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    //      max (1, rfunc (h / pow (2, ly)))
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    int			    levelWidth  (int lx) const;
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    int			    levelHeight (int ly) const;
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    // Resize the image:
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    // resize(dw,lm,lrm) sets the data window of the image to dw,
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    // sets the level mode to lm and the level rounding mode to lrm,
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    // and allocates new storage for image levels and image channels.
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    // The set of channels in the image does not change.
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    // The contents of the image are lost; pixel data are not preserved
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    // across the resize operation.  If resizing fails, then the image
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    // will be left with an empty data window and no image levels.
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    // resize(dw) is the same as resize(dw,levelMode(),levelRoundingMode())
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	void                    resize(const IMATH_NAMESPACE::Box2i &dataWindow);
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	virtual void            resize(const IMATH_NAMESPACE::Box2i &dataWindow,
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                                    LevelMode levelMode,
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                                    LevelRoundingMode levelRoundingMode);
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    // Shift the pixels and the data window of an image:
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    // shiftPixels(dx,dy) shifts the image by dx pixels horizontally and
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    // dy pixels vertically.  A pixel at location (x,y) moves to position
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    // (x+dx, y+dy).  The data window of the image is shifted along with
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    // the pixels.  No pixel data are lost.
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    // The horizontal and vertical shift distances must be multiples of
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    // the x and y sampling rates of all image channels.  If they are not,
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    // shiftPixels() throws an ArgExc exception.
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	void                    shiftPixels(int dx, int dy);
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    // Insert a new channel into the image.
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    // The arguments to this function are the same as for adding a
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    // a channel to an OpenEXR file: channel name, x and y sampling
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    // rates, and a "perceptually approximately linear" flag.
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    // If the image already contains a channel with the same name
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    // as the new name then the existing channel is deleted before
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    // the new channel is added.
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    void                    insertChannel (const std::string &name,
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                                           PixelType type,
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                                           int xSampling = 1,
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                                           int ySampling = 1,
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                                           bool pLinear = false);
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    void                    insertChannel (const std::string &name,
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                                           const Channel &channel);
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    // Erase channels from an image:
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    // eraseChannel(n) erases the channel with name n.
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    // clearChannels() erases all channels.
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	void                    eraseChannel(const std::string &name);
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	void                    clearChannels();
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    // Rename an image channel:
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    // renameChannel(nOld,nNew) changes the name of the image channel
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    // with name nOld to nNew.
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    // If the image already contains a channel called nNew, or if the
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    // image does not contain a channel called nOld, then renameChannel()
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    // throws an ArgExc exception.
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    // In the (unlikely) event that renaming the image channel causes
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    // the program to run out of memory, renameChannel() erases the
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    // channel that is being renamed, and throws an exception.
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	void                    renameChannel(const std::string &oldName,
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                                           const std::string &newName);
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    // Rename multiple image channels at the same time:
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    // Given a map, m, from old to new channel names, renameChannels(m)
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    // assigns new names to the channels in the image.  If m has an entry
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    // for a channel named c, then the channel will be renamed to m[c].
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    // If m has no entry for c, then the channel keeps its old name.
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    // If the same name would be assigned to more than one channel, then
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    // renameChannels() does not rename any channels but throws an ArgExc
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    // exception instead.
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    // In the (unlikely) event that renaming the image channel causes the
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    // program to run out of memory, renameChannels() erases all channels
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    // in the image and throws an exception.
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	void                    renameChannels(const RenamingMap &oldToNewNames);
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    // Accessing image levels by level number.
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    // level(lx,ly) returns a reference to the image level
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    // with level number (lx,ly).
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    // level(l) returns level(l,l).
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    virtual ImageLevel &            level (int l = 0);
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    virtual const ImageLevel &      level (int l = 0) const;
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    virtual ImageLevel &            level (int lx, int ly);
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    virtual const ImageLevel &      level (int lx, int ly) const;
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    virtual ImageLevel *
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        newLevel (int lx, int ly, const IMATH_NAMESPACE::Box2i &dataWindow) = 0;
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    bool        levelNumberIsValid (int lx, int ly) const;
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    void        clearLevels ();
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    struct ChannelInfo
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        ChannelInfo (PixelType type = HALF,
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                     int xSampling = 1,
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                     int ySampling = 1,
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                     bool pLinear = false);
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        PixelType   type;
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        int         xSampling;
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        int         ySampling;
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        bool        pLinear;
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    typedef std::map <std::string, ChannelInfo> ChannelMap;
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    IMATH_NAMESPACE::Box2i  _dataWindow;
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    LevelMode               _levelMode;
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    LevelRoundingMode       _levelRoundingMode;
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    ChannelMap              _channels;
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    Array2D<ImageLevel *>   _levels;
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