Blame IlmImf/ImfDeepTiledOutputFile.h

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// Copyright (c) 2011, Industrial Light & Magic, a division of Lucas
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// Digital Ltd. LLC
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// All rights reserved.
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// Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
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// modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are
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// met:
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// *       Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
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// notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
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// *       Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
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// copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer
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// in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the
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// distribution.
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// *       Neither the name of Industrial Light & Magic nor the names of
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// its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
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// from this software without specific prior written permission.
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//      class DeepTiledOutputFile
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#include "ImfHeader.h"
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#include "ImfFrameBuffer.h"
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#include "ImathBox.h"
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#include "ImfThreading.h"
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#include "ImfGenericOutputFile.h"
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#include "ImfNamespace.h"
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#include "ImfForward.h"
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#include "ImfExport.h"
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class IMF_EXPORT DeepTiledOutputFile : public GenericOutputFile
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    // A constructor that opens the file with the specified name, and
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    // writes the file header.  The file header is also copied into the
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    // TiledOutputFile object, and can later be accessed via the header()
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    // method.
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    // Destroying TiledOutputFile constructed with this constructor
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    // automatically closes the corresponding files.
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Packit 0d464f
    // The header must contain a TileDescriptionAttribute called "tiles".
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    // The x and y subsampling factors for all image channels must be 1;
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    // subsampling is not supported.
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    // Tiles can be written to the file in arbitrary order.  The line
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    // order attribute can be used to cause the tiles to be sorted in
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    // the file.  When the file is read later, reading the tiles in the
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    // same order as they are in the file tends to be significantly
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    // faster than reading the tiles in random order (see writeTile,
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    // below).
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    DeepTiledOutputFile (const char fileName[],
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                         const Header &header,
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                         int numThreads = globalThreadCount ());
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    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
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    // A constructor that attaches the new TiledOutputFile object to
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    // a file that has already been opened.  Destroying TiledOutputFile
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    // objects constructed with this constructor does not automatically
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    // close the corresponding files.
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    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
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    DeepTiledOutputFile (OPENEXR_IMF_INTERNAL_NAMESPACE::OStream &os,
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                         const Header &header,
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                         int numThreads = globalThreadCount ());
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    // Destructor
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    // Destroying a TiledOutputFile object before all tiles
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    // have been written results in an incomplete file.
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    virtual ~DeepTiledOutputFile ();
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    // Access to the file name
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    const char *        fileName () const;
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    // Access to the file header
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    const Header &      header () const;
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    // Set the current frame buffer -- copies the FrameBuffer
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    // object into the TiledOutputFile object.
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    // The current frame buffer is the source of the pixel
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    // data written to the file.  The current frame buffer
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    // must be set at least once before writeTile() is
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    // called.  The current frame buffer can be changed
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    // after each call to writeTile().
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    void                setFrameBuffer (const DeepFrameBuffer &frameBuffer);
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    // Access to the current frame buffer
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    const DeepFrameBuffer & frameBuffer () const;
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    // Utility functions:
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    // Multiresolution mode and tile size:
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    // The following functions return the xSize, ySize and mode
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    // fields of the file header's TileDescriptionAttribute.
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    unsigned int        tileXSize () const;
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    unsigned int        tileYSize () const;
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    LevelMode           levelMode () const;
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    LevelRoundingMode   levelRoundingMode () const;
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    // Number of levels:
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    // numXLevels() returns the file's number of levels in x direction.
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    //  if levelMode() == ONE_LEVEL:
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    //      return value is: 1
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    //  if levelMode() == MIPMAP_LEVELS:
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    //      return value is: rfunc (log (max (w, h)) / log (2)) + 1
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    //  if levelMode() == RIPMAP_LEVELS:
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    //      return value is: rfunc (log (w) / log (2)) + 1
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    //  where
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    //      w is the width of the image's data window,  max.x - min.x + 1,
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    //      y is the height of the image's data window, max.y - min.y + 1,
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    //      and rfunc(x) is either floor(x), or ceil(x), depending on
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    //      whether levelRoundingMode() returns ROUND_DOWN or ROUND_UP.
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    // numYLevels() returns the file's number of levels in y direction.
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    //  if levelMode() == ONE_LEVEL or levelMode() == MIPMAP_LEVELS:
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    //      return value is the same as for numXLevels()
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    //  if levelMode() == RIPMAP_LEVELS:
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    //      return value is: rfunc (log (h) / log (2)) + 1
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    // numLevels() is a convenience function for use with MIPMAP_LEVELS
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    // files.
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    //  if levelMode() == ONE_LEVEL or levelMode() == MIPMAP_LEVELS:
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    //      return value is the same as for numXLevels()
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    //  if levelMode() == RIPMAP_LEVELS:
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    //      an IEX_NAMESPACE::LogicExc exception is thrown
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    // isValidLevel(lx, ly) returns true if the file contains
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    // a level with level number (lx, ly), false if not.
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    int                 numLevels () const;
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    int                 numXLevels () const;
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    int                 numYLevels () const;
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    bool                isValidLevel (int lx, int ly) const;
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    // Dimensions of a level:
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    // levelWidth(lx) returns the width of a level with level
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    // number (lx, *), where * is any number.
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    //  return value is:
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    //      max (1, rfunc (w / pow (2, lx)))
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    // levelHeight(ly) returns the height of a level with level
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    // number (*, ly), where * is any number.
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    //  return value is:
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    //      max (1, rfunc (h / pow (2, ly)))
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    int                 levelWidth  (int lx) const;
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    int                 levelHeight (int ly) const;
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    // Number of tiles:
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    // numXTiles(lx) returns the number of tiles in x direction
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    // that cover a level with level number (lx, *), where * is
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    // any number.
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    //  return value is:
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    //      (levelWidth(lx) + tileXSize() - 1) / tileXSize()
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    // numYTiles(ly) returns the number of tiles in y direction
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    // that cover a level with level number (*, ly), where * is
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    // any number.
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    //  return value is:
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    //      (levelHeight(ly) + tileXSize() - 1) / tileXSize()
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    int                 numXTiles (int lx = 0) const;
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    int                 numYTiles (int ly = 0) const;
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    // Level pixel ranges:
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    // dataWindowForLevel(lx, ly) returns a 2-dimensional
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    // region of valid pixel coordinates for a level with
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    // level number (lx, ly)
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    //  return value is a Box2i with min value:
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    //      (dataWindow.min.x, dataWindow.min.y)
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    //  and max value:
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    //      (dataWindow.min.x + levelWidth(lx) - 1,
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    //       dataWindow.min.y + levelHeight(ly) - 1)
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    // dataWindowForLevel(level) is a convenience function used
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    // for ONE_LEVEL and MIPMAP_LEVELS files.  It returns
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    // dataWindowForLevel(level, level).
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    IMATH_NAMESPACE::Box2i        dataWindowForLevel (int l = 0) const;
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    IMATH_NAMESPACE::Box2i        dataWindowForLevel (int lx, int ly) const;
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    // Tile pixel ranges:
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    // dataWindowForTile(dx, dy, lx, ly) returns a 2-dimensional
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    // region of valid pixel coordinates for a tile with tile coordinates
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    // (dx,dy) and level number (lx, ly).
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    //  return value is a Box2i with min value:
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    //      (dataWindow.min.x + dx * tileXSize(),
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    //       dataWindow.min.y + dy * tileYSize())
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    //  and max value:
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    //      (dataWindow.min.x + (dx + 1) * tileXSize() - 1,
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    //       dataWindow.min.y + (dy + 1) * tileYSize() - 1)
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    // dataWindowForTile(dx, dy, level) is a convenience function
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    // used for ONE_LEVEL and MIPMAP_LEVELS files.  It returns
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    // dataWindowForTile(dx, dy, level, level).
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    IMATH_NAMESPACE::Box2i        dataWindowForTile (int dx, int dy,
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                                           int l = 0) const;
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    IMATH_NAMESPACE::Box2i        dataWindowForTile (int dx, int dy,
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                                           int lx, int ly) const;
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    // Write pixel data:
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    // writeTile(dx, dy, lx, ly) writes the tile with tile
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    // coordinates (dx, dy), and level number (lx, ly) to
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    // the file.
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    //   dx must lie in the interval [0, numXTiles(lx) - 1]
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    //   dy must lie in the interval [0, numYTiles(ly) - 1]
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    //   lx must lie in the interval [0, numXLevels() - 1]
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    //   ly must lie in the inverval [0, numYLevels() - 1]
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    // writeTile(dx, dy, level) is a convenience function
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    // used for ONE_LEVEL and MIPMAP_LEVEL files.  It calls
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    // writeTile(dx, dy, level, level).
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    // The two writeTiles(dx1, dx2, dy1, dy2, ...) functions allow
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    // writing multiple tiles at once.  If multi-threading is used
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    // multiple tiles are written concurrently.  The tile coordinates,
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    // dx1, dx2 and dy1, dy2, specify inclusive ranges of tile
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    // coordinates.  It is valid for dx1 < dx2 or dy1 < dy2; the
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    // tiles are always written in the order specified by the line
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    // order attribute.  Hence, it is not possible to specify an
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    // "invalid" or empty tile range.
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    // Pixels that are outside the pixel coordinate range for the tile's
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    // level, are never accessed by writeTile().
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    // Each tile in the file must be written exactly once.
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    // The file's line order attribute determines the order of the tiles
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    // in the file:
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    //   INCREASING_Y   In the file, the tiles for each level are stored
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    //                  in a contiguous block.  The levels are ordered
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    //                  like this:
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    //                      (0, 0)   (1, 0)   ... (nx-1, 0)
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    //                      (0, 1)   (1, 1)   ... (nx-1, 1)
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    //                       ...
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    //                      (0,ny-1) (1,ny-1) ... (nx-1,ny-1)
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    //                  where nx = numXLevels(), and ny = numYLevels().
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    //                  In an individual level, (lx, ly), the tiles
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    //                  are stored in the following order:
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    //                      (0, 0)   (1, 0)   ... (tx-1, 0)
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    //                      (0, 1)   (1, 1)   ... (tx-1, 1)
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    //                       ...
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    //                      (0,ty-1) (1,ty-1) ... (tx-1,ty-1)
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    //                  where tx = numXTiles(lx),
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    //                  and   ty = numYTiles(ly).
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    //   DECREASING_Y   As for INCREASING_Y, the tiles for each level
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    //                  are stored in a contiguous block.  The levels
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    //                  are ordered the same way as for INCREASING_Y,
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    //                  but within an individual level, the tiles
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    //                  are stored in this order:
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Packit 0d464f
    //                      (0,ty-1) (1,ty-1) ... (tx-1,ty-1)
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    //                       ...
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    //                      (0, 1)   (1, 1)   ... (tx-1, 1)
Packit 0d464f
    //                      (0, 0)   (1, 0)   ... (tx-1, 0)
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    //   RANDOM_Y       The order of the calls to writeTile() determines
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    //                  the order of the tiles in the file.
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    void                writeTile  (int dx, int dy, int l = 0);
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    void                writeTile  (int dx, int dy, int lx, int ly);
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Packit 0d464f
    void                writeTiles (int dx1, int dx2, int dy1, int dy2,
Packit 0d464f
                                    int lx, int ly);
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Packit 0d464f
    void                writeTiles (int dx1, int dx2, int dy1, int dy2,
Packit 0d464f
                                    int l = 0);
Packit 0d464f
Packit 0d464f
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Packit 0d464f
    // Shortcut to copy all pixels from a TiledInputFile into this file,
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    // without uncompressing and then recompressing the pixel data.
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    // This file's header must be compatible with the TiledInputFile's
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    // header:  The two header's "dataWindow", "compression",
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    // "lineOrder", "channels", and "tiles" attributes must be the same.
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Packit 0d464f
    void                copyPixels (DeepTiledInputFile &in);
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    void                copyPixels (DeepTiledInputPart &in);
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    // Updating the preview image:
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    // updatePreviewImage() supplies a new set of pixels for the
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    // preview image attribute in the file's header.  If the header
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    // does not contain a preview image, updatePreviewImage() throws
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    // an IEX_NAMESPACE::LogicExc.
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Packit 0d464f
    // Note: updatePreviewImage() is necessary because images are
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    // often stored in a file incrementally, a few tiles at a time,
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    // while the image is being generated.  Since the preview image
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    // is an attribute in the file's header, it gets stored in the
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    // file as soon as the file is opened, but we may not know what
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    // the preview image should look like until we have written the
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    // last tile of the main image.
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    void                updatePreviewImage (const PreviewRgba newPixels[]);
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    // Break a tile -- for testing and debugging only:
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Packit 0d464f
    // breakTile(dx,dy,lx,ly,p,n,c) introduces an error into the
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    // output file by writing n copies of character c, starting
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    // p bytes from the beginning of the tile with tile coordinates
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    // (dx, dy) and level number (lx, ly).
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Packit 0d464f
    // Warning: Calling this function usually results in a broken
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    // image file.  The file or parts of it may not be readable,
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    // or the file may contain bad data.
Packit 0d464f
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Packit 0d464f
    void                breakTile  (int dx, int dy,
Packit 0d464f
                                    int lx, int ly,
Packit 0d464f
                                    int offset,
Packit 0d464f
                                    int length,
Packit 0d464f
                                    char c);
Packit 0d464f
    struct Data;
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    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
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    // A constructor attaches the OutputStreamMutex to the
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    // given one from MultiPartOutputFile. Set the previewPosition
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    // and lineOffsetsPosition which have been acquired from
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    // the constructor of MultiPartOutputFile as well.
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    // ----------------------------------------------------------------
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    DeepTiledOutputFile (const OutputPartData* part);
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Packit 0d464f
    DeepTiledOutputFile (const DeepTiledOutputFile &);              // not implemented
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    DeepTiledOutputFile & operator = (const DeepTiledOutputFile &); // not implemented
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    void                initialize (const Header &header);
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    bool                isValidTile (int dx, int dy,
Packit 0d464f
                                     int lx, int ly) const;
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    size_t              bytesPerLineForTile (int dx, int dy,
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                                             int lx, int ly) const;
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Packit 0d464f
    Data *              _data;
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    friend class MultiPartOutputFile;
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