/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */ /* * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2018 Red Hat, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2007 - 2008 Novell, Inc. */ #include "nm-default.h" #include "nm-setting-serial.h" #include "nm-setting-private.h" /** * SECTION:nm-setting-serial * @short_description: Describes connection properties for devices that use * serial communications * * The #NMSettingSerial object is a #NMSetting subclass that describes * properties necessary for connections that may use serial communications, * such as mobile broadband or analog telephone connections. **/ /*****************************************************************************/ NM_GOBJECT_PROPERTIES_DEFINE_BASE(PROP_BAUD, PROP_BITS, PROP_PARITY, PROP_STOPBITS, PROP_SEND_DELAY, ); typedef struct { guint64 send_delay; guint baud; guint bits; guint stopbits; char parity; } NMSettingSerialPrivate; G_DEFINE_TYPE(NMSettingSerial, nm_setting_serial, NM_TYPE_SETTING) #define NM_SETTING_SERIAL_GET_PRIVATE(o) \ (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_PRIVATE((o), NM_TYPE_SETTING_SERIAL, NMSettingSerialPrivate)) /*****************************************************************************/ /** * nm_setting_serial_get_baud: * @setting: the #NMSettingSerial * * Returns: the #NMSettingSerial:baud property of the setting **/ guint nm_setting_serial_get_baud(NMSettingSerial *setting) { g_return_val_if_fail(NM_IS_SETTING_SERIAL(setting), 0); return NM_SETTING_SERIAL_GET_PRIVATE(setting)->baud; } /** * nm_setting_serial_get_bits: * @setting: the #NMSettingSerial * * Returns: the #NMSettingSerial:bits property of the setting **/ guint nm_setting_serial_get_bits(NMSettingSerial *setting) { g_return_val_if_fail(NM_IS_SETTING_SERIAL(setting), 0); return NM_SETTING_SERIAL_GET_PRIVATE(setting)->bits; } /** * nm_setting_serial_get_parity: * @setting: the #NMSettingSerial * * Returns: the #NMSettingSerial:parity property of the setting **/ NMSettingSerialParity nm_setting_serial_get_parity(NMSettingSerial *setting) { g_return_val_if_fail(NM_IS_SETTING_SERIAL(setting), 0); return NM_SETTING_SERIAL_GET_PRIVATE(setting)->parity; } /** * nm_setting_serial_get_stopbits: * @setting: the #NMSettingSerial * * Returns: the #NMSettingSerial:stopbits property of the setting **/ guint nm_setting_serial_get_stopbits(NMSettingSerial *setting) { g_return_val_if_fail(NM_IS_SETTING_SERIAL(setting), 0); return NM_SETTING_SERIAL_GET_PRIVATE(setting)->stopbits; } /** * nm_setting_serial_get_send_delay: * @setting: the #NMSettingSerial * * Returns: the #NMSettingSerial:send-delay property of the setting **/ guint64 nm_setting_serial_get_send_delay(NMSettingSerial *setting) { g_return_val_if_fail(NM_IS_SETTING_SERIAL(setting), 0); return NM_SETTING_SERIAL_GET_PRIVATE(setting)->send_delay; } static GVariant * parity_to_dbus(const GValue *from) { switch (g_value_get_enum(from)) { case NM_SETTING_SERIAL_PARITY_EVEN: return g_variant_new_byte('E'); case NM_SETTING_SERIAL_PARITY_ODD: return g_variant_new_byte('o'); case NM_SETTING_SERIAL_PARITY_NONE: default: return g_variant_new_byte('n'); } } static void parity_from_dbus(GVariant *from, GValue *to) { switch (g_variant_get_byte(from)) { case 'E': g_value_set_enum(to, NM_SETTING_SERIAL_PARITY_EVEN); break; case 'o': g_value_set_enum(to, NM_SETTING_SERIAL_PARITY_ODD); break; case 'n': default: g_value_set_enum(to, NM_SETTING_SERIAL_PARITY_NONE); break; } } /*****************************************************************************/ static void get_property(GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { NMSettingSerial *setting = NM_SETTING_SERIAL(object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_BAUD: g_value_set_uint(value, nm_setting_serial_get_baud(setting)); break; case PROP_BITS: g_value_set_uint(value, nm_setting_serial_get_bits(setting)); break; case PROP_PARITY: g_value_set_enum(value, nm_setting_serial_get_parity(setting)); break; case PROP_STOPBITS: g_value_set_uint(value, nm_setting_serial_get_stopbits(setting)); break; case PROP_SEND_DELAY: g_value_set_uint64(value, nm_setting_serial_get_send_delay(setting)); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } static void set_property(GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { NMSettingSerialPrivate *priv = NM_SETTING_SERIAL_GET_PRIVATE(object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_BAUD: priv->baud = g_value_get_uint(value); break; case PROP_BITS: priv->bits = g_value_get_uint(value); break; case PROP_PARITY: priv->parity = g_value_get_enum(value); break; case PROP_STOPBITS: priv->stopbits = g_value_get_uint(value); break; case PROP_SEND_DELAY: priv->send_delay = g_value_get_uint64(value); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID(object, prop_id, pspec); break; } } /*****************************************************************************/ static void nm_setting_serial_init(NMSettingSerial *self) { NMSettingSerialPrivate *priv = NM_SETTING_SERIAL_GET_PRIVATE(self); nm_assert(priv->parity == NM_SETTING_SERIAL_PARITY_NONE); priv->stopbits = 1; priv->baud = 57600; priv->bits = 8; } /** * nm_setting_serial_new: * * Creates a new #NMSettingSerial object with default values. * * Returns: (transfer full): the new empty #NMSettingSerial object **/ NMSetting * nm_setting_serial_new(void) { return g_object_new(NM_TYPE_SETTING_SERIAL, NULL); } static void nm_setting_serial_class_init(NMSettingSerialClass *klass) { GObjectClass * object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS(klass); NMSettingClass *setting_class = NM_SETTING_CLASS(klass); GArray * properties_override = _nm_sett_info_property_override_create_array(); g_type_class_add_private(klass, sizeof(NMSettingSerialPrivate)); object_class->get_property = get_property; object_class->set_property = set_property; /** * NMSettingSerial:baud: * * Speed to use for communication over the serial port. Note that this * value usually has no effect for mobile broadband modems as they generally * ignore speed settings and use the highest available speed. **/ obj_properties[PROP_BAUD] = g_param_spec_uint(NM_SETTING_SERIAL_BAUD, "", "", 0, G_MAXUINT, 57600, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * NMSettingSerial:bits: * * Byte-width of the serial communication. The 8 in "8n1" for example. **/ obj_properties[PROP_BITS] = g_param_spec_uint(NM_SETTING_SERIAL_BITS, "", "", 5, 8, 8, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * NMSettingSerial:parity: * * Parity setting of the serial port. **/ /* ---keyfile--- * property: parity * format: 'e', 'o', or 'n' * description: The connection parity; even, odd, or none. Note that older * versions of NetworkManager stored this as an integer: 69 ('E') for even, * 111 ('o') for odd, or 110 ('n') for none. * example: parity=n * ---end--- * ---dbus--- * property: parity * format: byte * description: The connection parity: 69 (ASCII 'E') for even parity, * 111 (ASCII 'o') for odd, 110 (ASCII 'n') for none. * ---end--- */ obj_properties[PROP_PARITY] = g_param_spec_enum(NM_SETTING_SERIAL_PARITY, "", "", NM_TYPE_SETTING_SERIAL_PARITY, NM_SETTING_SERIAL_PARITY_NONE, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); _nm_properties_override_gobj( properties_override, obj_properties[PROP_PARITY], NM_SETT_INFO_PROPERT_TYPE(.dbus_type = G_VARIANT_TYPE_BYTE, .gprop_to_dbus_fcn = parity_to_dbus, .gprop_from_dbus_fcn = parity_from_dbus, )); /** * NMSettingSerial:stopbits: * * Number of stop bits for communication on the serial port. Either 1 or 2. * The 1 in "8n1" for example. **/ obj_properties[PROP_STOPBITS] = g_param_spec_uint(NM_SETTING_SERIAL_STOPBITS, "", "", 1, 2, 1, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); /** * NMSettingSerial:send-delay: * * Time to delay between each byte sent to the modem, in microseconds. **/ obj_properties[PROP_SEND_DELAY] = g_param_spec_uint64(NM_SETTING_SERIAL_SEND_DELAY, "", "", 0, G_MAXUINT64, 0, G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_properties(object_class, _PROPERTY_ENUMS_LAST, obj_properties); _nm_setting_class_commit_full(setting_class, NM_META_SETTING_TYPE_SERIAL, NULL, properties_override); }