// SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1+ /* * Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat, Inc. */ #include "nm-default.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "nm-glib-aux/nm-dedup-multi.h" #include "nm-std-aux/unaligned.h" #include "nm-utils.h" #include "nm-dhcp-utils.h" #include "nm-dhcp-options.h" #include "nm-core-utils.h" #include "NetworkManagerUtils.h" #include "platform/nm-platform.h" #include "nm-dhcp-client-logging.h" #include "systemd/nm-sd.h" #include "systemd/nm-sd-utils-dhcp.h" /*****************************************************************************/ #define NM_TYPE_DHCP_SYSTEMD (nm_dhcp_systemd_get_type ()) #define NM_DHCP_SYSTEMD(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), NM_TYPE_DHCP_SYSTEMD, NMDhcpSystemd)) #define NM_DHCP_SYSTEMD_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), NM_TYPE_DHCP_SYSTEMD, NMDhcpSystemdClass)) #define NM_IS_DHCP_SYSTEMD(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), NM_TYPE_DHCP_SYSTEMD)) #define NM_IS_DHCP_SYSTEMD_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), NM_TYPE_DHCP_SYSTEMD)) #define NM_DHCP_SYSTEMD_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), NM_TYPE_DHCP_SYSTEMD, NMDhcpSystemdClass)) typedef struct _NMDhcpSystemd NMDhcpSystemd; typedef struct _NMDhcpSystemdClass NMDhcpSystemdClass; static GType nm_dhcp_systemd_get_type (void); /*****************************************************************************/ typedef struct { sd_dhcp_client *client4; sd_dhcp6_client *client6; char *lease_file; guint request_count; bool privacy:1; } NMDhcpSystemdPrivate; struct _NMDhcpSystemd { NMDhcpClient parent; NMDhcpSystemdPrivate _priv; }; struct _NMDhcpSystemdClass { NMDhcpClientClass parent; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (NMDhcpSystemd, nm_dhcp_systemd, NM_TYPE_DHCP_CLIENT) #define NM_DHCP_SYSTEMD_GET_PRIVATE(self) _NM_GET_PRIVATE (self, NMDhcpSystemd, NM_IS_DHCP_SYSTEMD) /*****************************************************************************/ static NMIP4Config * lease_to_ip4_config (NMDedupMultiIndex *multi_idx, const char *iface, int ifindex, sd_dhcp_lease *lease, guint32 route_table, guint32 route_metric, GHashTable **out_options, GError **error) { gs_unref_object NMIP4Config *ip4_config = NULL; gs_unref_hashtable GHashTable *options = NULL; const struct in_addr *addr_list; char addr_str[NM_UTILS_INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; const char *s; nm_auto_free_gstring GString *str = NULL; gs_free sd_dhcp_route **routes = NULL; const char *const*search_domains = NULL; guint16 mtu; int i, num; const void *data; gsize data_len; gboolean metered = FALSE; gboolean has_router_from_classless = FALSE; gboolean has_classless_route = FALSE; gboolean has_static_route = FALSE; const gint32 ts = nm_utils_get_monotonic_timestamp_sec (); gint64 ts_time = time (NULL); struct in_addr a_address; struct in_addr a_netmask; struct in_addr a_next_server; struct in_addr server_id; struct in_addr broadcast; const struct in_addr *a_router; guint32 a_plen; guint32 a_lifetime; guint32 renewal; guint32 rebinding; gs_free nm_sd_dhcp_option *private_options = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (lease != NULL, NULL); if (sd_dhcp_lease_get_address (lease, &a_address) < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_literal (error, NM_UTILS_ERROR_UNKNOWN, "could not get address from lease"); return NULL; } if (sd_dhcp_lease_get_netmask (lease, &a_netmask) < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_literal (error, NM_UTILS_ERROR_UNKNOWN, "could not get netmask from lease"); return NULL; } if (sd_dhcp_lease_get_lifetime (lease, &a_lifetime) < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_literal (error, NM_UTILS_ERROR_UNKNOWN, "could not get lifetime from lease"); return NULL; } ip4_config = nm_ip4_config_new (multi_idx, ifindex); options = out_options ? nm_dhcp_option_create_options_dict () : NULL; _nm_utils_inet4_ntop (a_address.s_addr, addr_str); nm_dhcp_option_add_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_NM_IP_ADDRESS, addr_str); a_plen = nm_utils_ip4_netmask_to_prefix (a_netmask.s_addr); nm_dhcp_option_add_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_SUBNET_MASK, _nm_utils_inet4_ntop (a_netmask.s_addr, addr_str)); nm_dhcp_option_add_option_u64 (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_IP_ADDRESS_LEASE_TIME, a_lifetime); nm_dhcp_option_add_option_u64 (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_NM_EXPIRY, (guint64) (ts_time + a_lifetime)); if (sd_dhcp_lease_get_next_server (lease, &a_next_server) == 0) { _nm_utils_inet4_ntop (a_next_server.s_addr, addr_str); nm_dhcp_option_add_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_NM_NEXT_SERVER, addr_str); } nm_ip4_config_add_address (ip4_config, &((const NMPlatformIP4Address) { .address = a_address.s_addr, .peer_address = a_address.s_addr, .plen = a_plen, .addr_source = NM_IP_CONFIG_SOURCE_DHCP, .timestamp = ts, .lifetime = a_lifetime, .preferred = a_lifetime, })); if (sd_dhcp_lease_get_server_identifier (lease, &server_id) >= 0) { _nm_utils_inet4_ntop (server_id.s_addr, addr_str); nm_dhcp_option_add_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_SERVER_ID, addr_str); } if (sd_dhcp_lease_get_broadcast (lease, &broadcast) >= 0) { _nm_utils_inet4_ntop (broadcast.s_addr, addr_str); nm_dhcp_option_add_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_BROADCAST, addr_str); } num = sd_dhcp_lease_get_dns (lease, &addr_list); if (num > 0) { nm_gstring_prepare (&str); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { _nm_utils_inet4_ntop (addr_list[i].s_addr, addr_str); g_string_append (nm_gstring_add_space_delimiter (str), addr_str); if ( addr_list[i].s_addr == 0 || nm_ip4_addr_is_localhost (addr_list[i].s_addr)) { /* Skip localhost addresses, like also networkd does. * See https://github.com/systemd/systemd/issues/4524. */ continue; } nm_ip4_config_add_nameserver (ip4_config, addr_list[i].s_addr); } nm_dhcp_option_add_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_DOMAIN_NAME_SERVER, str->str); } num = sd_dhcp_lease_get_search_domains (lease, (char ***) &search_domains); if (num > 0) { nm_gstring_prepare (&str); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { g_string_append (nm_gstring_add_space_delimiter (str), search_domains[i]); nm_ip4_config_add_search (ip4_config, search_domains[i]); } nm_dhcp_option_add_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_DOMAIN_SEARCH_LIST, str->str); } if (sd_dhcp_lease_get_domainname (lease, &s) >= 0) { gs_strfreev char **domains = NULL; char **d; nm_dhcp_option_add_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_DOMAIN_NAME, s); /* Multiple domains sometimes stuffed into option 15 "Domain Name". * As systemd escapes such characters, split them at \\032. */ domains = g_strsplit (s, "\\032", 0); for (d = domains; *d; d++) nm_ip4_config_add_domain (ip4_config, *d); } if (sd_dhcp_lease_get_hostname (lease, &s) >= 0) { nm_dhcp_option_add_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_HOST_NAME, s); } num = sd_dhcp_lease_get_routes (lease, &routes); if (num > 0) { nm_auto_free_gstring GString *str_classless = NULL; nm_auto_free_gstring GString *str_static = NULL; guint32 default_route_metric = route_metric; for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { switch (sd_dhcp_route_get_option (routes[i])) { case NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_CLASSLESS_STATIC_ROUTE: has_classless_route = TRUE; break; case NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_STATIC_ROUTE: has_static_route = TRUE; break; } } if (has_classless_route) str_classless = g_string_sized_new (30); if (has_static_route) str_static = g_string_sized_new (30); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { char network_net_str[NM_UTILS_INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; char gateway_str[NM_UTILS_INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; guint8 r_plen; struct in_addr r_network; struct in_addr r_gateway; in_addr_t network_net; int option; guint32 m; option = sd_dhcp_route_get_option (routes[i]); if (!NM_IN_SET (option, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_CLASSLESS_STATIC_ROUTE, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_STATIC_ROUTE)) continue; if (sd_dhcp_route_get_destination (routes[i], &r_network) < 0) continue; if ( sd_dhcp_route_get_destination_prefix_length (routes[i], &r_plen) < 0 || r_plen > 32) continue; if (sd_dhcp_route_get_gateway (routes[i], &r_gateway) < 0) continue; network_net = nm_utils_ip4_address_clear_host_address (r_network.s_addr, r_plen); _nm_utils_inet4_ntop (network_net, network_net_str); _nm_utils_inet4_ntop (r_gateway.s_addr, gateway_str); g_string_append_printf (nm_gstring_add_space_delimiter ( option == NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_CLASSLESS_STATIC_ROUTE ? str_classless : str_static), "%s/%d %s", network_net_str, (int) r_plen, gateway_str); if ( option == NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_STATIC_ROUTE && has_classless_route) { /* RFC 3443: if the DHCP server returns both a Classless Static Routes * option and a Static Routes option, the DHCP client MUST ignore the * Static Routes option. */ continue; } if ( r_plen == 0 && option == NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_STATIC_ROUTE) { /* for option 33 (static route), RFC 2132 says: * * The default route ( is an illegal destination for a static * route. */ continue; } if (r_plen == 0) { /* if there are multiple default routes, we add them with differing * metrics. */ m = default_route_metric; if (default_route_metric < G_MAXUINT32) default_route_metric++; has_router_from_classless = TRUE; } else m = route_metric; nm_ip4_config_add_route (ip4_config, &((const NMPlatformIP4Route) { .network = network_net, .plen = r_plen, .gateway = r_gateway.s_addr, .rt_source = NM_IP_CONFIG_SOURCE_DHCP, .metric = m, .table_coerced = nm_platform_route_table_coerce (route_table), }), NULL); } if (str_classless && str_classless->len > 0) nm_dhcp_option_add_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_CLASSLESS_STATIC_ROUTE, str_classless->str); if (str_static && str_static->len > 0) nm_dhcp_option_add_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_STATIC_ROUTE, str_static->str); } num = sd_dhcp_lease_get_router (lease, &a_router); if (num > 0) { guint32 default_route_metric = route_metric; nm_gstring_prepare (&str); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { guint32 m; s = _nm_utils_inet4_ntop (a_router[i].s_addr, addr_str); g_string_append (nm_gstring_add_space_delimiter (str), s); if (a_router[i].s_addr == 0) { /* silently skip */ continue; } if (has_router_from_classless) { /* If the DHCP server returns both a Classless Static Routes option and a * Router option, the DHCP client MUST ignore the Router option [RFC 3442]. * * Be more lenient and ignore the Router option only if Classless Static * Routes contain a default gateway (as other DHCP backends do). */ continue; } /* if there are multiple default routes, we add them with differing * metrics. */ m = default_route_metric; if (default_route_metric < G_MAXUINT32) default_route_metric++; nm_ip4_config_add_route (ip4_config, &((const NMPlatformIP4Route) { .rt_source = NM_IP_CONFIG_SOURCE_DHCP, .gateway = a_router[i].s_addr, .table_coerced = nm_platform_route_table_coerce (route_table), .metric = m, }), NULL); } nm_dhcp_option_add_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_ROUTER, str->str); } if ( sd_dhcp_lease_get_mtu (lease, &mtu) >= 0 && mtu) { nm_dhcp_option_add_option_u64 (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_INTERFACE_MTU, mtu); nm_ip4_config_set_mtu (ip4_config, mtu, NM_IP_CONFIG_SOURCE_DHCP); } num = sd_dhcp_lease_get_ntp (lease, &addr_list); if (num > 0) { nm_gstring_prepare (&str); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { _nm_utils_inet4_ntop (addr_list[i].s_addr, addr_str); g_string_append (nm_gstring_add_space_delimiter (str), addr_str); } nm_dhcp_option_add_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_NTP_SERVER, str->str); } if (sd_dhcp_lease_get_root_path (lease, &s) >= 0) { nm_dhcp_option_add_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_ROOT_PATH, s); } if (sd_dhcp_lease_get_t1 (lease, &renewal) >= 0) { nm_dhcp_option_add_option_u64 (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_RENEWAL_T1_TIME, renewal); } if (sd_dhcp_lease_get_t2 (lease, &rebinding) >= 0) { nm_dhcp_option_add_option_u64 (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_REBINDING_T2_TIME, rebinding); } if (sd_dhcp_lease_get_timezone (lease, &s) >= 0) { nm_dhcp_option_add_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP4_NEW_TZDB_TIMEZONE, s); } if (sd_dhcp_lease_get_vendor_specific (lease, &data, &data_len) >= 0) metered = !!memmem (data, data_len, "ANDROID_METERED", NM_STRLEN ("ANDROID_METERED")); nm_ip4_config_set_metered (ip4_config, metered); num = nm_sd_dhcp_lease_get_private_options (lease, &private_options); if (num > 0) { for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { char *option_string; option_string = nm_utils_bin2hexstr_full (private_options[i].data, private_options[i].data_len, ':', FALSE, NULL); if (!options) { g_free (option_string); continue; } nm_dhcp_option_take_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options, private_options[i].code, option_string); } } NM_SET_OUT (out_options, g_steal_pointer (&options)); return g_steal_pointer (&ip4_config); } /*****************************************************************************/ static void bound4_handle (NMDhcpSystemd *self, gboolean extended) { NMDhcpSystemdPrivate *priv = NM_DHCP_SYSTEMD_GET_PRIVATE (self); const char *iface = nm_dhcp_client_get_iface (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (self)); sd_dhcp_lease *lease; gs_unref_object NMIP4Config *ip4_config = NULL; gs_unref_hashtable GHashTable *options = NULL; GError *error = NULL; if ( sd_dhcp_client_get_lease (priv->client4, &lease) < 0 || !lease) { _LOGW ("no lease!"); nm_dhcp_client_set_state (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (self), NM_DHCP_STATE_FAIL, NULL, NULL); return; } _LOGD ("lease available"); ip4_config = lease_to_ip4_config (nm_dhcp_client_get_multi_idx (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (self)), iface, nm_dhcp_client_get_ifindex (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (self)), lease, nm_dhcp_client_get_route_table (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (self)), nm_dhcp_client_get_route_metric (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (self)), &options, &error); if (!ip4_config) { _LOGW ("%s", error->message); g_clear_error (&error); nm_dhcp_client_set_state (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (self), NM_DHCP_STATE_FAIL, NULL, NULL); return; } nm_dhcp_option_add_requests_to_options (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options); dhcp_lease_save (lease, priv->lease_file); nm_dhcp_client_set_state (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (self), extended ? NM_DHCP_STATE_EXTENDED : NM_DHCP_STATE_BOUND, NM_IP_CONFIG_CAST (ip4_config), options); } static int dhcp_event_cb (sd_dhcp_client *client, int event, gpointer user_data) { NMDhcpSystemd *self = NM_DHCP_SYSTEMD (user_data); NMDhcpSystemdPrivate *priv = NM_DHCP_SYSTEMD_GET_PRIVATE (self); nm_assert (priv->client4 == client); _LOGD ("client event %d", event); switch (event) { case SD_DHCP_CLIENT_EVENT_EXPIRED: nm_dhcp_client_set_state (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (user_data), NM_DHCP_STATE_EXPIRE, NULL, NULL); break; case SD_DHCP_CLIENT_EVENT_STOP: nm_dhcp_client_set_state (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (user_data), NM_DHCP_STATE_FAIL, NULL, NULL); break; case SD_DHCP_CLIENT_EVENT_RENEW: case SD_DHCP_CLIENT_EVENT_IP_CHANGE: bound4_handle (self, TRUE); break; case SD_DHCP_CLIENT_EVENT_IP_ACQUIRE: bound4_handle (self, FALSE); break; case SD_DHCP_CLIENT_EVENT_SELECTING: break; default: _LOGW ("unhandled DHCP event %d", event); break; } return 0; } static gboolean ip4_start (NMDhcpClient *client, const char *dhcp_anycast_addr, const char *last_ip4_address, GError **error) { nm_auto (sd_dhcp_client_unrefp) sd_dhcp_client *sd_client = NULL; NMDhcpSystemd *self = NM_DHCP_SYSTEMD (client); NMDhcpSystemdPrivate *priv = NM_DHCP_SYSTEMD_GET_PRIVATE (self); gs_free char *lease_file = NULL; GBytes *hwaddr; const uint8_t *hwaddr_arr; gsize hwaddr_len; int arp_type; GBytes *client_id; gs_unref_bytes GBytes *client_id_new = NULL; GBytes *vendor_class_identifier; const uint8_t *client_id_arr; size_t client_id_len; struct in_addr last_addr = { 0 }; const char *hostname; const char *mud_url; int r, i; g_return_val_if_fail (!priv->client4, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (!priv->client6, FALSE); r = sd_dhcp_client_new (&sd_client, FALSE); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to create dhcp-client: %s"); return FALSE; } _LOGT ("dhcp-client4: set %p", sd_client); r = sd_dhcp_client_attach_event (sd_client, NULL, 0); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to attach event: %s"); return FALSE; } hwaddr = nm_dhcp_client_get_hw_addr (client); if ( !hwaddr || !(hwaddr_arr = g_bytes_get_data (hwaddr, &hwaddr_len)) || (arp_type = nm_utils_arp_type_detect_from_hwaddrlen (hwaddr_len)) < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_literal (error, NM_UTILS_ERROR_UNKNOWN, "invalid MAC address"); return FALSE; } r = sd_dhcp_client_set_mac (sd_client, hwaddr_arr, hwaddr_len, (guint16) arp_type); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to set MAC address: %s"); return FALSE; } r = sd_dhcp_client_set_ifindex (sd_client, nm_dhcp_client_get_ifindex (client)); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to set ifindex: %s"); return FALSE; } nm_dhcp_utils_get_leasefile_path (AF_INET, "internal", nm_dhcp_client_get_iface (client), nm_dhcp_client_get_uuid (client), &lease_file); if (last_ip4_address) inet_pton (AF_INET, last_ip4_address, &last_addr); else { nm_auto (sd_dhcp_lease_unrefp) sd_dhcp_lease *lease = NULL; dhcp_lease_load (&lease, lease_file); if (lease) sd_dhcp_lease_get_address (lease, &last_addr); } if (last_addr.s_addr) { r = sd_dhcp_client_set_request_address (sd_client, &last_addr); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to set last IPv4 address: %s"); return FALSE; } } client_id = nm_dhcp_client_get_client_id (client); if (!client_id) { client_id_new = nm_utils_dhcp_client_id_mac (arp_type, hwaddr_arr, hwaddr_len); client_id = client_id_new; } if ( !(client_id_arr = g_bytes_get_data (client_id, &client_id_len)) || client_id_len < 2) { /* invalid client-ids are not expected. */ nm_assert_not_reached (); nm_utils_error_set_literal (error, NM_UTILS_ERROR_UNKNOWN, "no valid IPv4 client-id"); return FALSE; } /* Note that we always set a client-id. In particular for infiniband that is necessary, * see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc4390#section-2.1 . */ r = sd_dhcp_client_set_client_id (sd_client, client_id_arr[0], client_id_arr + 1, NM_MIN (client_id_len - 1, _NM_SD_MAX_CLIENT_ID_LEN)); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to set IPv4 client-id: %s"); return FALSE; } /* Add requested options */ for (i = 0; _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options[i].name; i++) { if (_nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options[i].include) { nm_assert (_nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options[i].option_num <= 255); r = sd_dhcp_client_set_request_option (sd_client, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp4_options[i].option_num); nm_assert (r >= 0 || r == -EEXIST); } } hostname = nm_dhcp_client_get_hostname (client); if (hostname) { /* FIXME: sd-dhcp decides which hostname/FQDN option to send (12 or 81) * only based on whether the hostname has a domain part or not. At the * moment there is no way to force one or another. */ r = sd_dhcp_client_set_hostname (sd_client, hostname); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to set DHCP hostname: %s"); return FALSE; } } mud_url = nm_dhcp_client_get_mud_url (client); if (mud_url) { r = sd_dhcp_client_set_mud_url (sd_client, mud_url); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to set DHCP MUDURL: %s"); return FALSE; } } vendor_class_identifier = nm_dhcp_client_get_vendor_class_identifier (client); if (vendor_class_identifier) { const char *option_data; gsize len; option_data = g_bytes_get_data (vendor_class_identifier, &len); nm_assert (option_data); nm_assert (len <= 255); option_data = nm_strndup_a (300, option_data, len, NULL); r = sd_dhcp_client_set_vendor_class_identifier (sd_client, option_data); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to set DHCP vendor class identifier: %s"); return FALSE; } } r = sd_dhcp_client_set_callback (sd_client, dhcp_event_cb, client); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to set callback: %s"); return FALSE; } priv->client4 = g_steal_pointer (&sd_client); g_free (priv->lease_file); priv->lease_file = g_steal_pointer (&lease_file); nm_dhcp_client_set_client_id (client, client_id); r = sd_dhcp_client_start (priv->client4); if (r < 0) { sd_dhcp_client_set_callback (priv->client4, NULL, NULL); nm_clear_pointer (&priv->client4, sd_dhcp_client_unref); nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to start DHCP client: %s"); return FALSE; } nm_dhcp_client_start_timeout (client); return TRUE; } static NMIP6Config * lease_to_ip6_config (NMDedupMultiIndex *multi_idx, const char *iface, int ifindex, sd_dhcp6_lease *lease, gboolean info_only, GHashTable **out_options, gint32 ts, GError **error) { gs_unref_object NMIP6Config *ip6_config = NULL; gs_unref_hashtable GHashTable *options = NULL; struct in6_addr tmp_addr; const struct in6_addr *dns; uint32_t lft_pref, lft_valid; char addr_str[NM_UTILS_INET_ADDRSTRLEN]; char **domains; const char *s; nm_auto_free_gstring GString *str = NULL; int num, i; g_return_val_if_fail (lease, NULL); ip6_config = nm_ip6_config_new (multi_idx, ifindex); options = out_options ? nm_dhcp_option_create_options_dict () : NULL; sd_dhcp6_lease_reset_address_iter (lease); nm_gstring_prepare (&str); while (sd_dhcp6_lease_get_address (lease, &tmp_addr, &lft_pref, &lft_valid) >= 0) { const NMPlatformIP6Address address = { .plen = 128, .address = tmp_addr, .timestamp = ts, .lifetime = lft_valid, .preferred = lft_pref, .addr_source = NM_IP_CONFIG_SOURCE_DHCP, }; nm_ip6_config_add_address (ip6_config, &address); _nm_utils_inet6_ntop (&tmp_addr, addr_str); g_string_append (nm_gstring_add_space_delimiter (str), addr_str); }; if (str->len) nm_dhcp_option_add_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp6_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP6_NM_IP_ADDRESS, str->str); if ( !info_only && nm_ip6_config_get_num_addresses (ip6_config) == 0) { g_set_error_literal (error, NM_MANAGER_ERROR, NM_MANAGER_ERROR_FAILED, "no address received in managed mode"); return NULL; } num = sd_dhcp6_lease_get_dns (lease, &dns); if (num > 0) { nm_gstring_prepare (&str); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { _nm_utils_inet6_ntop (&dns[i], addr_str); g_string_append (nm_gstring_add_space_delimiter (str), addr_str); nm_ip6_config_add_nameserver (ip6_config, &dns[i]); } nm_dhcp_option_add_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp6_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP6_DNS_SERVERS, str->str); } num = sd_dhcp6_lease_get_domains (lease, &domains); if (num > 0) { nm_gstring_prepare (&str); for (i = 0; i < num; i++) { g_string_append (nm_gstring_add_space_delimiter (str), domains[i]); nm_ip6_config_add_search (ip6_config, domains[i]); } nm_dhcp_option_add_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp6_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP6_DOMAIN_LIST, str->str); } if (sd_dhcp6_lease_get_fqdn (lease, &s) >= 0) { nm_dhcp_option_add_option (options, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp6_options, NM_DHCP_OPTION_DHCP6_FQDN, s); } NM_SET_OUT (out_options, g_steal_pointer (&options)); return g_steal_pointer (&ip6_config); } static void bound6_handle (NMDhcpSystemd *self) { NMDhcpSystemdPrivate *priv = NM_DHCP_SYSTEMD_GET_PRIVATE (self); const gint32 ts = nm_utils_get_monotonic_timestamp_sec (); const char *iface = nm_dhcp_client_get_iface (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (self)); gs_unref_object NMIP6Config *ip6_config = NULL; gs_unref_hashtable GHashTable *options = NULL; gs_free_error GError *error = NULL; NMPlatformIP6Address prefix = { 0 }; sd_dhcp6_lease *lease; if ( sd_dhcp6_client_get_lease (priv->client6, &lease) < 0 || !lease) { _LOGW (" no lease!"); nm_dhcp_client_set_state (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (self), NM_DHCP_STATE_FAIL, NULL, NULL); return; } _LOGD ("lease available"); ip6_config = lease_to_ip6_config (nm_dhcp_client_get_multi_idx (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (self)), iface, nm_dhcp_client_get_ifindex (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (self)), lease, nm_dhcp_client_get_info_only (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (self)), &options, ts, &error); if (!ip6_config) { _LOGW ("%s", error->message); nm_dhcp_client_set_state (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (self), NM_DHCP_STATE_FAIL, NULL, NULL); return; } nm_dhcp_client_set_state (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (self), NM_DHCP_STATE_BOUND, NM_IP_CONFIG_CAST (ip6_config), options); sd_dhcp6_lease_reset_pd_prefix_iter (lease); while (!sd_dhcp6_lease_get_pd (lease, &prefix.address, &prefix.plen, &prefix.preferred, &prefix.lifetime)) { prefix.timestamp = ts; nm_dhcp_client_emit_ipv6_prefix_delegated (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (self), &prefix); } } static void dhcp6_event_cb (sd_dhcp6_client *client, int event, gpointer user_data) { NMDhcpSystemd *self = NM_DHCP_SYSTEMD (user_data); NMDhcpSystemdPrivate *priv = NM_DHCP_SYSTEMD_GET_PRIVATE (self); nm_assert (priv->client6 == client); _LOGD ("client event %d", event); switch (event) { case SD_DHCP6_CLIENT_EVENT_RETRANS_MAX: nm_dhcp_client_set_state (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (user_data), NM_DHCP_STATE_TIMEOUT, NULL, NULL); break; case SD_DHCP6_CLIENT_EVENT_RESEND_EXPIRE: case SD_DHCP6_CLIENT_EVENT_STOP: nm_dhcp_client_set_state (NM_DHCP_CLIENT (user_data), NM_DHCP_STATE_FAIL, NULL, NULL); break; case SD_DHCP6_CLIENT_EVENT_IP_ACQUIRE: case SD_DHCP6_CLIENT_EVENT_INFORMATION_REQUEST: bound6_handle (self); break; default: _LOGW ("unhandled event %d", event); break; } } static gboolean ip6_start (NMDhcpClient *client, const char *dhcp_anycast_addr, const struct in6_addr *ll_addr, NMSettingIP6ConfigPrivacy privacy, guint needed_prefixes, GError **error) { NMDhcpSystemd *self = NM_DHCP_SYSTEMD (client); NMDhcpSystemdPrivate *priv = NM_DHCP_SYSTEMD_GET_PRIVATE (self); nm_auto (sd_dhcp6_client_unrefp) sd_dhcp6_client *sd_client = NULL; GBytes *hwaddr; const char *hostname; const char *mud_url; int r, i; const guint8 *duid_arr; gsize duid_len; GBytes *duid; const uint8_t *hwaddr_arr; gsize hwaddr_len; int arp_type; g_return_val_if_fail (!priv->client4, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (!priv->client6, FALSE); if ( !(duid = nm_dhcp_client_get_client_id (client)) || !(duid_arr = g_bytes_get_data (duid, &duid_len)) || duid_len < 2) { nm_utils_error_set_literal (error, NM_UTILS_ERROR_UNKNOWN, "missing DUID"); g_return_val_if_reached (FALSE); } r = sd_dhcp6_client_new (&sd_client); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to create dhcp-client: %s"); return FALSE; } _LOGT ("dhcp-client6: set %p", sd_client); if (nm_dhcp_client_get_info_only (client)) sd_dhcp6_client_set_information_request (sd_client, 1); r = sd_dhcp6_client_set_iaid (sd_client, nm_dhcp_client_get_iaid (client)); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to set IAID: %s"); return FALSE; } r = sd_dhcp6_client_set_duid (sd_client, unaligned_read_be16 (&duid_arr[0]), &duid_arr[2], duid_len - 2); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to set DUID: %s"); return FALSE; } r = sd_dhcp6_client_attach_event (sd_client, NULL, 0); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to attach event: %s"); return FALSE; } hwaddr = nm_dhcp_client_get_hw_addr (client); if ( !hwaddr || !(hwaddr_arr = g_bytes_get_data (hwaddr, &hwaddr_len)) || (arp_type = nm_utils_arp_type_detect_from_hwaddrlen (hwaddr_len)) < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_literal (error, NM_UTILS_ERROR_UNKNOWN, "invalid MAC address"); return FALSE; } r = sd_dhcp6_client_set_mac (sd_client, hwaddr_arr, hwaddr_len, (guint16) arp_type); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to set MAC address: %s"); return FALSE; } r = sd_dhcp6_client_set_ifindex (sd_client, nm_dhcp_client_get_ifindex (client)); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to set ifindex: %s"); return FALSE; } /* Add requested options */ for (i = 0; _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp6_options[i].name; i++) { if (_nm_dhcp_option_dhcp6_options[i].include) { r = sd_dhcp6_client_set_request_option (sd_client, _nm_dhcp_option_dhcp6_options[i].option_num); nm_assert (r >= 0 || r == -EEXIST); } } mud_url = nm_dhcp_client_get_mud_url (client); if (mud_url) { r = sd_dhcp6_client_set_request_mud_url (sd_client, mud_url); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to set mud-url: %s"); return FALSE; } } if (needed_prefixes > 0) { if (needed_prefixes > 1) _LOGW ("dhcp-client6: only one prefix request is supported"); /* FIXME: systemd-networkd API only allows to request a * single prefix */ r = sd_dhcp6_client_set_prefix_delegation (sd_client, TRUE); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to enable prefix delegation: %s"); return FALSE; } } r = sd_dhcp6_client_set_local_address (sd_client, ll_addr); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to set local address: %s"); return FALSE; } hostname = nm_dhcp_client_get_hostname (client); r = sd_dhcp6_client_set_fqdn (sd_client, hostname); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to set DHCP hostname: %s"); return FALSE; } r = sd_dhcp6_client_set_callback (sd_client, dhcp6_event_cb, client); if (r < 0) { nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to set callback: %s"); return FALSE; } priv->client6 = g_steal_pointer (&sd_client); r = sd_dhcp6_client_start (priv->client6); if (r < 0) { sd_dhcp6_client_set_callback (priv->client6, NULL, NULL); nm_clear_pointer (&priv->client6, sd_dhcp6_client_unref); nm_utils_error_set_errno (error, r, "failed to start client: %s"); return FALSE; } nm_dhcp_client_start_timeout (client); return TRUE; } static void stop (NMDhcpClient *client, gboolean release) { NMDhcpSystemd *self = NM_DHCP_SYSTEMD (client); NMDhcpSystemdPrivate *priv = NM_DHCP_SYSTEMD_GET_PRIVATE (self); int r = 0; NM_DHCP_CLIENT_CLASS (nm_dhcp_systemd_parent_class)->stop (client, release); _LOGT ("dhcp-client%d: stop %p", priv->client4 ? '4' : '6', priv->client4 ? (gpointer) priv->client4 : (gpointer) priv->client6); if (priv->client4) { sd_dhcp_client_set_callback (priv->client4, NULL, NULL); r = sd_dhcp_client_stop (priv->client4); } else if (priv->client6) { sd_dhcp6_client_set_callback (priv->client6, NULL, NULL); r = sd_dhcp6_client_stop (priv->client6); } if (r) _LOGW ("failed to stop client (%d)", r); } /*****************************************************************************/ static void nm_dhcp_systemd_init (NMDhcpSystemd *self) { } static void dispose (GObject *object) { NMDhcpSystemdPrivate *priv = NM_DHCP_SYSTEMD_GET_PRIVATE (object); nm_clear_g_free (&priv->lease_file); if (priv->client4) { sd_dhcp_client_stop (priv->client4); sd_dhcp_client_unref (priv->client4); priv->client4 = NULL; } if (priv->client6) { sd_dhcp6_client_stop (priv->client6); sd_dhcp6_client_unref (priv->client6); priv->client6 = NULL; } G_OBJECT_CLASS (nm_dhcp_systemd_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void nm_dhcp_systemd_class_init (NMDhcpSystemdClass *sdhcp_class) { NMDhcpClientClass *client_class = NM_DHCP_CLIENT_CLASS (sdhcp_class); GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (sdhcp_class); object_class->dispose = dispose; client_class->ip4_start = ip4_start; client_class->ip6_start = ip6_start; client_class->stop = stop; } const NMDhcpClientFactory _nm_dhcp_client_factory_systemd = { .name = "systemd", .get_type = nm_dhcp_systemd_get_type, .experimental = TRUE, }; /*****************************************************************************/ static GType _get_type_per_addr_family (int addr_family) { nm_assert_addr_family (addr_family); if (addr_family == AF_INET) return nm_dhcp_nettools_get_type (); return nm_dhcp_systemd_get_type (); } const NMDhcpClientFactory _nm_dhcp_client_factory_internal = { .name = "internal", .get_type_per_addr_family = _get_type_per_addr_family, };