Blame libnm-core/nm-setting-private.h

Packit Service 87a54e
/* SPDX-License-Identifier: LGPL-2.1-or-later */
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 * Copyright (C) 2011 Red Hat, Inc.
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    #error Cannot use this header.
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#include "nm-setting.h"
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#include "nm-setting-bridge.h"
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#include "nm-connection.h"
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#include "nm-core-enum-types.h"
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#include "nm-core-internal.h"
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NMSettingPriority _nm_setting_get_base_type_priority(NMSetting *setting);
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int               _nm_setting_compare_priority(gconstpointer a, gconstpointer b);
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void _nm_setting_emit_property_changed(NMSetting *setting);
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typedef enum NMSettingUpdateSecretResult {
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} NMSettingUpdateSecretResult;
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         _nm_setting_update_secrets(NMSetting *setting, GVariant *secrets, GError **error);
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gboolean _nm_setting_clear_secrets(NMSetting *                      setting,
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                                   NMSettingClearSecretsWithFlagsFn func,
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                                   gpointer                         user_data);
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/* The property of the #NMSetting should be considered during comparisons that
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 * use the %NM_SETTING_COMPARE_FLAG_INFERRABLE flag. Properties that don't have
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 * this flag, are ignored when doing an infrerrable comparison.  This flag should
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 * be set on all properties that are read from the kernel or the system when a
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 * connection is generated.  eg, IP addresses/routes can be read from the
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 * kernel, but the 'autoconnect' property cannot, so
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 * This flag should not be used with properties where the default cannot be
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 * read separately from the current value, like MTU or wired duplex mode.
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/* This is a legacy property, which clients should not send to the daemon. */
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/* When a connection is active and gets modified, usually the change
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 * to the settings-connection does not propagate automatically to the
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 * applied-connection of the device. For certain properties like the
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 * firewall zone and the metered property, this is different.
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 * Such fields can be ignored during nm_connection_compare() with the
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/* property_to_dbus() should ignore the property flags, and instead always calls to_dbus_fcn()
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extern const NMSettInfoPropertType nm_sett_info_propert_type_deprecated_interface_name;
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extern const NMSettInfoPropertType nm_sett_info_propert_type_deprecated_ignore_i;
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extern const NMSettInfoPropertType nm_sett_info_propert_type_deprecated_ignore_u;
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extern const NMSettInfoPropertType nm_sett_info_propert_type_plain_i;
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extern const NMSettInfoPropertType nm_sett_info_propert_type_plain_u;
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_nm_setting_verify(NMSetting *setting, NMConnection *connection, GError **error);
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gboolean _nm_setting_verify_secret_string(const char *str,
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                                          const char *setting_name,
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                                          const char *property,
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                                          GError **   error);
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gboolean _nm_setting_aggregate(NMSetting *setting, NMConnectionAggregateType type, gpointer arg);
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gboolean _nm_setting_slave_type_is_valid(const char *slave_type, const char **out_port_type);
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GVariant *_nm_setting_to_dbus(NMSetting *                             setting,
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                              NMConnection *                          connection,
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                              NMConnectionSerializationFlags          flags,
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                              const NMConnectionSerializationOptions *options);
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NMSetting *_nm_setting_new_from_dbus(GType               setting_type,
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                                     GVariant *          setting_dict,
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                                     GVariant *          connection_dict,
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                                     NMSettingParseFlags parse_flags,
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                                     GError **           error);
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gboolean _nm_setting_property_is_regular_secret(NMSetting *setting, const char *secret_name);
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gboolean _nm_setting_property_is_regular_secret_flags(NMSetting * setting,
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                                                      const char *secret_flags_name);
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static inline GArray *
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    return g_array_new(FALSE, FALSE, sizeof(NMSettInfoProperty));
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GArray *_nm_sett_info_property_override_create_array_ip_config(void);
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void _nm_setting_class_commit_full(NMSettingClass *            setting_class,
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                                   NMMetaSettingType           meta_type,
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                                   const NMSettInfoSettDetail *detail,
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                                   GArray *                    properties_override);
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static inline void
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_nm_setting_class_commit(NMSettingClass *setting_class, NMMetaSettingType meta_type)
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    _nm_setting_class_commit_full(setting_class, meta_type, NULL, NULL);
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#define NM_SETT_INFO_SETT_GENDATA(...)                         \
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    ({                                                         \
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        static const NMSettInfoSettGendata _g = {__VA_ARGS__}; \
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        &_;;                                                   \
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#define NM_SETT_INFO_SETT_DETAIL(...) (&((const NMSettInfoSettDetail){__VA_ARGS__}))
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#define NM_SETT_INFO_PROPERT_TYPE(...)                         \
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    ({                                                         \
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        static const NMSettInfoPropertType _g = {__VA_ARGS__}; \
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        &_;;                                                   \
Packit Service a1bd4f
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#define NM_SETT_INFO_PROPERTY(...) (&((const NMSettInfoProperty){__VA_ARGS__}))
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gboolean _nm_properties_override_assert(const NMSettInfoProperty *prop_info);
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static inline void
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_nm_properties_override(GArray *properties_override, const NMSettInfoProperty *prop_info)
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    g_array_append_vals(properties_override, prop_info, 1);
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#define _nm_properties_override_gobj(properties_override, p_param_spec, p_property_type) \
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    _nm_properties_override(                                                             \
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        (properties_override),                                                           \
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        NM_SETT_INFO_PROPERTY(.param_spec = (p_param_spec), .property_type = (p_property_type), ))
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#define _nm_properties_override_dbus(properties_override, p_name, p_property_type) \
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    _nm_properties_override(                                                       \
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        (properties_override),                                                     \
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        NM_SETT_INFO_PROPERTY(.name = ("" p_name ""), .property_type = (p_property_type), ))
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gboolean _nm_setting_use_legacy_property(NMSetting * setting,
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                                         GVariant *  connection_dict,
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                                         const char *legacy_property,
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                                         const char *new_property);
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GPtrArray *_nm_setting_need_secrets(NMSetting *setting);
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gboolean _nm_setting_should_compare_secret_property(NMSetting *           setting,
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                                                    NMSetting *           other,
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                                                    const char *          secret_name,
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                                                    NMSettingCompareFlags flags);
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NMBridgeVlan *_nm_bridge_vlan_dup(const NMBridgeVlan *vlan);
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NMBridgeVlan *_nm_bridge_vlan_dup_and_seal(const NMBridgeVlan *vlan);
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