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<div class="chapter">
<div class="titlepage"><div><div><h2 class="title">
<a name="ref-overview-plugin-specific-modems"></a>Plugin-specific Modems</h2></div></div></div>
      ModemManager plugins exist in order to handle all non-standard vendor-specific behaviour
      that needs to get supported.
      Plugins will provide their own Modem object implementations, usually subclassing the
      generic <span class="structname">MMBroadbandModem</span> object. As previously explained, this
      object implements every interface that may be exported by the Modem object in DBus; and
      then, depending on the per-interface support checks, the interface will end up being
      really exported or not.
      Each interface defines every step to be run during the initialization, enabling or
      disabling sequences. Then, the object implementing the interface may or may not provide
      the implementation of such step. By default, the generic
      <span class="structname">MMBroadbandModem</span> object implements already most of the steps
      in the interfaces providing common features:
<div class="figure">
<a name="mm-modemmanager-interface-initialization-sequence"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 2. Modem interface initialization sequence</b></p>
<div class="figure-contents"><div><img src="ModemManager-interface-initialization-sequence.png" alt="Modem interface initialization sequence"></div></div>
<br class="figure-break"><p>
      Vendor-specific subclasses of <span class="structname">MMBroadbandModem</span> are then able to
      either provide their own implementation of a given step (in the image below, a custom
      implementation for capabilities checking); or even completely disable the step if they
      know that there is no way to run it (in the image below, revision string loading is
<div class="figure">
<a name="mm-modemmanager-interface-initialization-sequence-subclassed"></a><p class="title"><b>Figure 3. Modem interface initialization sequence subclassed</b></p>
<div class="figure-contents"><div><img src="ModemManager-interface-initialization-sequence-subclassed.png" alt="Modem interface initialization sequence subclassed"></div></div>
<br class="figure-break"><p>
      These subclass-able steps are all implemented as standard GIO asynchronous functions,
      so subclassing a step involves implementing both the async method which receives the
      input arguments to the action and the corresponding <code class="literal"><code class="function">_finish()</code></code> method
      which provides the results of the action once the operation is ready.
      It is worth noting that these steps and the asynchronous methods implementing them
      don't assume that an AT port will be used to implement the real action. This means
      that any other kind of port may be really used (e.g. QCDM or QMI) in the implementation,
      or even that a static reply can be returned (e.g. Iridium modems will always report
      "Iridium" as current OperatorName).
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