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<part id="ref-migrating" xmlns:xi="">
  <title>Migrating from ModemManager 0.6 to ModemManager 1.0</title>
      ModemManager 1.0 is a new major version of ModemManager that breaks both
      API and ABI compared to previous versions. These changes allow better
      managing new types of devices (e.g. those with multiple capabilities),
      or those not based in AT commands for operation (e.g. QMI or MBIM modems).
      This section provides an introduction to the changes done in the DBus interface
      with respect to the main operations performed with modems through ModemManager.

      <title>Listing available modems</title>
        The D-Bus name <literal>org.freedesktop.ModemManager1</literal>
        on the system bus is the new name used by the ModemManager 1.0 daemon, and it
        implements several standard DBus interfaces, including the new
        <ulink url="">
        interface, which allows to list available modem objects and get notifications
        where new ones are added or when existing ones are removed. There are therefore
        neither a custom method to enumerate devices as in the old 0.6 interface, nor
        custom signals to notify about added or removed modems.
        Modems which are found but are not usable will be flagged with a
        <link linkend="MM-MODEM-STATE-FAILED:CAPS"><constant>MM_MODEM_STATE_FAILED</constant></link>
        state in the
        <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-freedesktop-ModemManager1-Modem.State">
        property, and a more detailed reason about the failure will be given in the
        <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-freedesktop-ModemManager1-Modem.StateFailedReason">
        property. The most common case of failure is to have the SIM missing in a modem which
        requires one for operation.

      <title>PIN unlocking</title>
        The process of PIN unlocking the modem is now performed with the
        <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-ModemManager1-Sim.SendPin">
        method in the
        <link linkend="gdbus-org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Sim">
        The path of the SIM object is specified in the
        <link linkend="gdbus-property-org-freedesktop-ModemManager1-Modem.Sim">
        property of the
        <link linkend="gdbus-org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem">
        interface. If the modem doesn't have a SIM, no object path will be given.

      <title>Connection and disconnection</title>
        The process of requesting to connect or disconnect the modem is now split into
        two operations: creating a bearer with
        <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-ModemManager1-Modem.CreateBearer">
        in the
        <link linkend="gdbus-org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem">
        interface and getting the bearer connected with
        <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-ModemManager1-Bearer.Connect">
        in the
        <link linkend="gdbus-org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Bearer">
        interface. These two steps are equivalent to the old <literal>Connect()</literal>
        method in the previous <literal>org.freedesktop.ModemManager.Modem</literal>
        The old <literal>Disconnect()</literal>
        method in the previous <literal>org.freedesktop.ModemManager.Modem</literal>
        interface is therefore also applied in a per-bearer basis through the new
        <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-ModemManager1-Bearer.Disconnect">
        in the
        <link linkend="gdbus-org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Bearer">
        This logic of splitting the connection logic allows ModemManager to create
        multiple bearers that may be connected to e.g. different access points (if
        the modem allows it).

      <title>Simple connection</title>
        In order to simplify the whole sequence to get the modem connected, ModemManager
        still exposes a Simple interface, renamed as:
        <link linkend="gdbus-org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem.Simple">
        <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-ModemManager1-Modem-Simple.Connect">
        method will create a single bearer with the parameters specified in the call and get
        it connected, while the
        <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-ModemManager1-Modem-Simple.Disconnect">
        method will disconnect all available bearers.
        One of the main differences with respect to the 0.6 interface, is that
        <link linkend="gdbus-method-org-freedesktop-ModemManager1-Modem-Simple.Connect">
        doesn't support to change allowed modes or bands. Instead, these operations should
        be done through the methods in the
        <link linkend="gdbus-org.freedesktop.ModemManager1.Modem">