cimport cython def f(a,b): """ >>> f(1,[1,2,3]) True >>> f(5,[1,2,3]) False >>> f(2,(1,2,3)) True """ cdef object result = a in b return result def g(a,b): """ >>> g(1,[1,2,3]) 1 >>> g(5,[1,2,3]) 0 >>> g(2,(1,2,3)) 1 """ cdef int result = a in b return result def h(b): """ >>> h([1,2,3,4]) True >>> h([1,3,4]) False """ cdef object result = 2 in b return result def j(b): """ >>> j([1,2,3,4]) 1 >>> j([1,3,4]) 0 """ cdef int result = 2 in b return result @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode") def k(a): """ >>> k(1) 1 >>> k(5) 0 """ cdef int result = a in [1,2,3,4] return result @cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode") @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode") def m_list(int a): """ >>> m_list(2) 1 >>> m_list(5) 0 """ cdef int result = a in [1,2,3,4] return result @cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode") @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode") def m_tuple(int a): """ >>> m_tuple(2) 1 >>> m_tuple(5) 0 """ cdef int result = a in (1,2,3,4) return result @cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode") @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode") def m_set(int a): """ >>> m_set(2) 1 >>> m_set(5) 0 """ cdef int result = a in {1,2,3,4} return result cdef bytes bytes_string = b'ab\0cde\0f\0g' py_bytes_string = bytes_string @cython.test_assert_path_exists("//PrimaryCmpNode") @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode", "//BoolBinopNode") def m_bytes(char a, bytes bytes_string): """ >>> m_bytes(ord('f'), py_bytes_string) 1 >>> m_bytes(ord('X'), py_bytes_string) 0 >>> 'f'.encode('ASCII') in None # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: ...iterable... >>> m_bytes(ord('f'), None) Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable """ cdef int result = a in bytes_string return result @cython.test_assert_path_exists("//PrimaryCmpNode") @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode", "//BoolBinopNode") def m_bytes_unsigned(unsigned char a, bytes bytes_string): """ >>> m_bytes(ord('f'), py_bytes_string) 1 >>> m_bytes(ord('X'), py_bytes_string) 0 >>> 'f'.encode('ASCII') in None # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: ...iterable... >>> m_bytes(ord('f'), None) Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable """ cdef int result = a in bytes_string return result @cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode") @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode") def m_bytes_literal(char a): """ >>> m_bytes_literal(ord('f')) 1 >>> m_bytes_literal(ord('X')) 0 """ cdef int result = a in b'ab\0cde\0f\0g' return result @cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode") @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode") def m_bytes_literal_unsigned(unsigned char a): """ >>> m_bytes_literal(ord('f')) 1 >>> m_bytes_literal(ord('X')) 0 """ cdef int result = a in b'ab\0cde\0f\0g' return result cdef unicode unicode_string = u'abc\0defg\u1234\uF8D2' py_unicode_string = unicode_string @cython.test_assert_path_exists("//PrimaryCmpNode") @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode", "//BoolBinopNode") def m_unicode(Py_UNICODE a, unicode unicode_string): """ >>> m_unicode(ord('f'), py_unicode_string) 1 >>> m_unicode(ord('X'), py_unicode_string) 0 >>> m_unicode(ord(py_klingon_character), py_unicode_string) 1 >>> 'f' in None # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: ...iterable... >>> m_unicode(ord('f'), None) Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: argument of type 'NoneType' is not iterable """ cdef int result = a in unicode_string return result cdef unicode klingon_character = u'\uF8D2' py_klingon_character = klingon_character @cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode") @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode") def m_unicode_literal(Py_UNICODE a): """ >>> m_unicode_literal(ord('f')) 1 >>> m_unicode_literal(ord('X')) 0 >>> m_unicode_literal(ord(py_klingon_character)) 1 """ cdef int result = a in u'abc\0defg\u1234\uF8D2' return result cdef unicode wide_unicode_character = u'\U0010FEDC' py_wide_unicode_character = wide_unicode_character wide_unicode_character_surrogate1 = 0xDBFF wide_unicode_character_surrogate2 = 0xDEDC @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode") @cython.test_assert_path_exists("//PrimaryCmpNode") def m_wide_unicode_literal(Py_UCS4 a): """ >>> m_unicode_literal(ord('f')) 1 >>> m_unicode_literal(ord('X')) 0 >>> import sys >>> if sys.maxunicode == 65535: ... m_wide_unicode_literal(wide_unicode_character_surrogate1) ... m_wide_unicode_literal(wide_unicode_character_surrogate2) ... else: ... m_wide_unicode_literal(ord(py_wide_unicode_character)) ... 1 1 1 """ cdef int result = a in u'abc\0defg\u1234\uF8D2\U0010FEDC' return result @cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode") @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode") def conditional_int(int a): """ >>> conditional_int(1) 1 >>> conditional_int(0) 2 >>> conditional_int(5) 2 """ return 1 if a in (1,2,3,4) else 2 @cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode") @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode") def conditional_object(int a): """ >>> conditional_object(1) 1 >>> conditional_object(0) '2' >>> conditional_object(5) '2' """ return 1 if a in (1,2,3,4) else '2' @cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode") @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode") def conditional_bytes(char a): """ >>> conditional_bytes(ord('a')) 1 >>> conditional_bytes(ord('X')) '2' >>> conditional_bytes(0) '2' """ return 1 if a in b'abc' else '2' @cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode") @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode") def conditional_unicode(Py_UNICODE a): """ >>> conditional_unicode(ord('a')) 1 >>> conditional_unicode(ord('X')) '2' >>> conditional_unicode(0) '2' """ return 1 if a in u'abc' else '2' @cython.test_assert_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode") @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//BoolBinopNode", "//PrimaryCmpNode") def conditional_none(int a): """ >>> conditional_none(1) >>> conditional_none(0) 1 >>> conditional_none(5) 1 """ return None if a in {1,2,3,4} else 1 @cython.test_assert_path_exists( "//BoolBinopNode", "//BoolBinopNode//PrimaryCmpNode" ) @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//ListNode") def n(a): """ >>> n('d *') 1 >>> n('xxx') 0 """ cdef int result = a.lower() in [u'a *',u'b *',u'c *',u'd *'] return result def p(a): """ >>> p(1) 0 >>> p('a') 1 """ cdef dict d = {u'a': 1, u'b': 2} cdef int result = a in d return result def q(a): """ >>> q(1) Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not iterable >>> l = [1,2,3,4] >>> l2 = [l[1:],l[:-1],l] >>> 2 in l in l2 True """ cdef dict d = None cdef int result = a in d # should fail with a TypeError return result def r(a): """ >>> r(2) 1 """ cdef object l = [1,2,3,4] cdef object l2 = [l[1:],l[:-1],l] cdef int result = a in l in l2 return result def s(a): """ >>> s(2) 1 """ cdef int result = a in [1,2,3,4] in [[1,2,3],[2,3,4],[1,2,3,4]] return result #@cython.test_assert_path_exists("//ReturnStatNode//BoolNode") #@cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//SwitchStatNode") def constant_empty_sequence(a): """ >>> constant_empty_sequence(1) False >>> constant_empty_sequence(5) False """ return a in () @cython.test_fail_if_path_exists("//ReturnStatNode//BoolNode") @cython.test_assert_path_exists("//PrimaryCmpNode") def constant_empty_sequence_side_effect(a): """ >>> l =[] >>> def a(): ... l.append(1) ... return 1 >>> constant_empty_sequence_side_effect(a) False >>> l [1] """ return a() in () def test_error_non_iterable(x): """ >>> test_error_non_iterable(1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: ...iterable... """ return x in 42 def test_error_non_iterable_cascaded(x): """ >>> test_error_non_iterable_cascaded(1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError: ...iterable... """ return 1 == x in 42 def test_inop_cascaded(x): """ >>> test_inop_cascaded(1) False >>> test_inop_cascaded(2) True >>> test_inop_cascaded(3) False """ return 1 != x in [2] ### The following tests are copied from CPython's ### They look stupid, but the nice thing about them is that Cython ### treats '1' as a C integer constant that triggers Python object ### coercion for the 'in' operator here, whereas the left side of ### the cascade can be evaluated entirely in C space. def test_inop_cascaded_one(): """ >>> test_inop_cascaded_one() False """ return 1 < 1 > 1 == 1 >= 1 <= 1 != 1 in 1 not in 1 is 1 is not 1 def test_inop_cascaded_int_orig(int x): """ >>> test_inop_cascaded_int_orig(1) False """ return 1 < 1 > 1 == 1 >= 1 <= 1 != x in 1 not in 1 is 1 is not 1 def test_inop_cascaded_one_err(): """ >>> test_inop_cascaded_one_err() # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError:... itera... """ return 1 == 1 >= 1 <= 1 in 1 not in 1 is 1 is not 1 def test_inop_cascaded_int_orig_err(int x): """ >>> test_inop_cascaded_int_orig_err(1) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS Traceback (most recent call last): TypeError:... itera... """ return 1 == 1 >= 1 <= 1 == x in 1 not in 1 is 1 is not 1 ### def test_inop_cascaded_int(int x): """ >>> test_inop_cascaded_int(1) False >>> test_inop_cascaded_int(2) True >>> test_inop_cascaded_int(3) False """ return 1 != x in [1,2]