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To run demos do:

cd Demos
make test

which runs run_primes.py, run_numeric_demo.py, run_spam.py, integrate_timing.py, callback/runcheese.py and embed/embedded

For other demos:

cd libraries
python setup.py build_ext --inplace
python -c 'import call_mymath;print(call_mymath.call_sinc(1))'

To run one of the benchmarks for 10 iterations to compare cython and python timings:

cd benchmarks
python setup.py build_ext --inplace
python nqueens.py -n 10
python -c 'import nqueens;print(nqueens.test_n_queens(10))'

To demo cython/bin/cython_freeze:

./nCr 10 5
  • Build notes
    • benchmarks/chaos.py requires cython 0.24 or newer
    • embed and freeze work for python2, require cython 0.24 or higher for python 3.5