# # Jamrules file to build CUnit - Root Directory # (see http://www.freetype.org/jam/index.html) # # Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Jerry St.Clair # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public # License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either # version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Library General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # On Linux, basic build options are set by configure. # See else clause below for other platforms. if $(OS) = LINUX || $(UNIX) { SLASH = / ; VERSION = 2.1 ; RELEASE = 3 ; VERSION_MAJOR = 2 ; VERSION_MINOR = 1 ; # root of install path prefix = /Users/aks/CUnitHome ; # choice of interfaces to build into library if TRUE = TRUE { BUILD_AUTOMATED = 1 ; } if TRUE = TRUE { BUILD_BASIC = 1 ; } if TRUE = TRUE { BUILD_CONSOLE = 1 ; } if FALSE != FALSE { BUILD_CURSES = 1 ; SYS_LIBS = -l ; } # BUILD_WINDOWS = 1 ; # choice of whether to build examples if TRUE = TRUE { BUILD_EXAMPLES = 1 ; } # choice of whether to build test program if TRUE = TRUE { BUILD_TEST = 1 ; } # choice of whether to build shared library if @ENABLE_SHARED@ = TRUE { BUILD_SHARED_LIB = 1 ; } # choice of whether to build static library if @ENABLE_STATIC@ = TRUE { BUILD_STATIC_LIB = 1 ; } # debug compilation mode if TRUE = FALSE { NODEBUG = 1 ; } # Use memory tracing if TRUE = TRUE { USE_MEMTRACE = -DMEMTRACE ; } # Recognize deprecated version 1.1 function names and build V1.1 examples if FALSE = TRUE { USE_DEPRECATED_NAMES = -DUSE_DEPRECATED_CUNIT_NAMES ; } } # On other platforms, comment out the option to disable it else { SLASH = \\ ; # Version number set manually so may be out-of-date VERSION = 2.1 ; RELEASE = 0 ; VERSION_MAJOR = 2 ; VERSION_MINOR = 1 ; # Set the root of install path prefix = c:\\dev\\CUnit_install ; # Comment to not include interface in library BUILD_AUTOMATED = 1 ; BUILD_BASIC = 1 ; BUILD_CONSOLE = 1 ; # BUILD_CURSES = 1 ; BUILD_WINDOWS = 1 ; # Comment to not build examples BUILD_EXAMPLES = 1 ; # Comment to not build test program BUILD_TEST = 1 ; # Comment to not build CUnit shared library BUILD_SHARED_LIB = 1 ; # Comment to not build CUnit static library BUILD_STATIC_LIB = 1 ; # Comment to compile with debugging & assertions enabled NODEBUG = 1 ; # Uncomment to perform memory tracing #USE_MEMTRACE = -DMEMTRACE ; # Uncomment to recognize deprecated version 1.1 function names # and build V1.1 examples #USE_DEPRECATED_NAMES = -DUSE_DEPRECATED_CUNIT_NAMES ; } #--------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Options from here on should not require routine tweaking PACKAGE = CUnit ; # Install locations - comment out to not install that class of file INSTALL_BIN_DIR = $(prefix)$(SLASH)bin ; INSTALL_LIB_DIR = $(prefix)$(SLASH)lib ; INSTALL_INC_DIR = $(prefix)$(SLASH)include$(SLASH)CUnit ; INSTALL_DOC_DIR = $(prefix)$(SLASH)doc$(SLASH)CUnit ; INSTALL_MAN_DIR = $(prefix)$(SLASH)man ; INSTALL_SHARE_DIR = $(prefix)$(SLASH)share$(SLASH)CUnit ; #INSTALL_EXAM_DIR = $(prefix)$(SLASH)share$(SLASH)CUnit$(SLASH)Examples ; #INSTALL_TEST_DIR = $(prefix)$(SLASH)share$(SLASH)CUnit$(SLASH)Test ; # Build directory - - will be qualified for compiler & build type BUILD_DIR_ROOT = $(TOP) ; EXAMPLES_DIR = $(TOP)$(SLASH)Examples ; CUNIT_HDR_DIR = $(TOP)$(SLASH)CUnit$(SLASH)Headers ; CUNIT_LIB_NAME = libcunit ; # Comment for normal jam deletion of object files after building targets KEEPOBJS = true ; if $(NODEBUG) { CCFLAGS += -DNDEBUG ; BUILD_SUBDIR = $(SLASH)Release ; } else { BUILD_SUBDIR = $(SLASH)Debug ; } if $(NT) { # variables not set properly for Windows/Win9x in Jambase 2.3 RM = del ; MV = move /Y ; SUFSHR = .dll ; # Windows-specific defines CCFLAGS = -DWIN32 -D_LIB -D_MBCS -D_DELAYTEST ; CUNIT_WIN_DIR = $(TOP)$(SLASH)CUnit$(SLASH)Sources$(SLASH)Win ; if $(BCCROOT) || ( $(TOOLSET) = BORLANDC ) { CCFLAGS += -q -d -g0 -j0 ; CCWARN = -w -w-8004 ; if $(NODEBUG) { CCDEBUG = -v- -O2 ; } else { CCDEBUG = -v -y -Od ; } BUILD_SUBDIR = $(BUILD_SUBDIR)$(SLASH)bcc ; } else if $(MSVCNT) || ( $(TOOLSET) = VISUALC ) { CCFLAGS += /Ze ; CCWARN = /W4 ; if $(NODEBUG) { CCDEBUG = /O2 ; } else { CCDEBUG = /Zi /Od ; } # Libraries are in different paths depending on VC version LINKFLAGS += /LIBPATH:$(VISUALC)\\lib /LIBPATH:$(VISUALC)\\PlatformSDK\\lib\\ ; LINKLIBS = advapi32.lib libc.lib oldnames.lib gdi32.lib user32.lib kernel32.lib ; BUILD_SUBDIR = $(BUILD_SUBDIR)$(SLASH)msvc ; } else if $(MINGW) || ( $(TOOLSET) = MINGW ) { # uncomment to select desired warning level and ansi-strictness CCWARN += -Wall ; CCWARN += -W ; CCWARN += -pedantic ; CCWARN += -Wshadow ; CCWARN += -ansi ; if $(NODEBUG) { CCDEBUG = -O3 ; } else { CCDEBUG = -g -O0 ; } BUILD_SUBDIR = $(BUILD_SUBDIR)$(SLASH)mingw ; } else if $(WATCOM) || ( $(TOOLSET) = WATCOM ) { CCFLAGS += /fr ; CCWARN = /wx ; if $(NODEBUG) { CCDEBUG = /ox ; } else { CCDEBUG = /od /d2 ; } BUILD_SUBDIR = $(BUILD_SUBDIR)$(SLASH)watcom ; } } else if $(OS) = LINUX { SUFSHR = .so ; # uncomment to select desired warning level and ansi-strictness CCWARN += -Wall ; CCWARN += -W ; CCWARN += -pedantic ; CCWARN += -Wshadow ; CCWARN += -ansi ; if $(NODEBUG) { CCDEBUG = -O3 ; } else { CCDEBUG = -g -O0 ; } BUILD_SUBDIR = $(BUILD_SUBDIR)$(SLASH)linux ; } CCFLAGS += $(USE_MEMTRACE) $(CCWARN) $(CCDEBUG) ; C++FLAGS += $(CCFLAGS) ; BUILD_DIR = $(BUILD_DIR_ROOT)$(BUILD_SUBDIR) ; #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # CUnit-specific rules & actions #---------------------------------------------------------------------- # If anyone can figure out a better way, good for you # (and let me (jds) know)! Here's the problem... # The built-in Jam install rules all convert the grist of # the source file to (:G=installed). As a result, they # seem unable to handle files having the same name in # different directories. If we want to install such files # as the Jamfile's or Makefile.am's or README's, the built-ins # can't handle it (in my hands, anyway). As a workaround, # we define a new rule which does not monkey with the grist # in this way. Duplicate file names will need to explicitly # use grist so Jam knows the difference, but the standard # <$(SOURCE_GRIST)> works in most cases. # rule DoInstallCUnitFile { local i t ; t = $(>:D=$(<)) ; DEPENDS install : $(t) ; DEPENDS $(t) : $(>) ; SEARCH on $(>) = $(SEARCH_SOURCE) ; MakeLocate $(t) : $(<) ; # Arrange for jam uninstall Clean uninstall : $(t) ; for i in $(>) { Install $(i:D=$(<)) : $(i) ; Chmod $(i:D=$(<)) ; } if $(UNIX) { if $(OWNER) { Chown $(t) ; OWNER on $(t) = $(OWNER) ; } if $(GROUP) { Chgrp $(t) ; GROUP on $(t) = $(GROUP) ; } } } rule InstallCUnitBin { DoInstallCUnitFile $(<) : $(>) ; MODE on $(>:D=$(<)) = $(EXEMODE) ; } rule InstallCUnitFile { DoInstallCUnitFile $(<) : $(>) ; MODE on $(>:D=$(<)) = $(FILEMODE) ; } #---------------------------------------------------------- # MakeImportLibrary # # This is a dummy rule. Import libraries are built in # the dll linking directive. However, jam doesn't know # that, so we provide a rule which does nothing more # than define a dependency. # # Parameters: # # 1 - name of the dll # 2 - name of the import library #---------------------------------------------------------- rule MakeImportLibrary { DEPENDS $(>) : $(<) ; LOCATE on $(>) = $(BUILD_DIR) ; }