* Wed Apr 23 2014 Anil Kumar - Ability to build with a non-source directory build root - Fixed files included in the download source file * Tue Oct 14 2010 Martin Gerhardy - release 2.1.1 * Wed Oct 13 2010 Martin Gerhardy - fixed bug #2976958 - fixed other const related warnings * Wed May 10 2006 Jerry St.Clair - modified dtd and xsl files to support inactive suites/tests. - instrumented entire framework/interfaces for gettext (not activated yet, just instrumented source). * Sun Apr 30 2006 Jerry St.Clair - Added ability to deactivate suite/tests dynamically. - Removed constraint that suite/test names be unique. - Added lookup functions to TestDB.[ch] - Changed test run behavior so suite is run even if it has no tests - user may expect init & cleanup functions to be run as long as suite is active. - Modified console: suites/tests selected by number, inactive tests/suites reported, added help function, added option menu. - Modified curses: suites/tests selected by number, inactive tests/suites reported, added help function, added option menu. - Modified automated: inactive suites/tests reported. - Modified docs and internal unit tests for these changes. - Moved doxygen comments for public functions to headers. This will make them more accessible to clients without having to generate doxygen docs. * Wed Mar 22 2006 Jerry St.Clair - release 2.1.0 * Sat Mar 17 2006 Jerry St.Clair - Finalized upgrade of configure.in, Makefile.am. - Upgraded Jamfile set to build shared library on Linux. - Minor changes to repository management strategy. * Mon Feb 13 2006 Anil Kumar (anilsaharan@users.sourceforge.net) - Modified XSL for bgcolor properties and other tags * Sun Jan 28 2006 Jerry St.Clair - Upgraded source based on splint analysis. - Added VC8 project file set. - Changed defaults of some options in configure.in. - Added variables to configure.in and upgraded Jamrules.in conversion. - Updated copyright & change log information in source files. * Wed Aug 03 2005 Anil Kumar - Applied patch (1239181) for building shared library targets. - Applied patch (1250604) for enable options in configure.in. - Modified Makefile.am in various directories for conditional building based on the configuration options selection. Added new selections for the Basic and Console also. * Sun May 08 2005 Jerry St.Clair - Added 'CU_' prefix to BOOL, TRUE, FALSE in Headers/CUnit.h. - Added jam system option to build dll's on Windows. * Sun May 01 2005 Jerry St.Clair - Added callback for suite cleanup failure to TestRun. - Added processing of suite failure to interfaces. - Added output of version number from interfaces. * Sun Apr 24 2005 Jerry St.Clair - Streamlined jam build system. - jam now builds in compiler- and debug-specific subdirectories. - Bug fixes: - minor errors in doc/managing_tests.html. (cunit-Bugs-1161520) - fixed CU_ADD_TEST() macro definition in TestDB.h. (cunit-Bugs-1161527) - changed header Curses.h to CUCurses.h to avoid conflict with system curses.h on Windows. (cunit-Bugs-1185382) - removed const qualifier from CU_get_failure_list() and and CU_get_run_summary() return values. (cunit-Bugs-1106644) * Sun Jan 08 2005 Jerry St.Clair - Bug fix: failures reported incorrectly in Basic interface from basic.c::basic_test_complete_message_handler() (bug report cunit-Bugs-1093861). * Sat Oct 02 2004 Jerry St.Clair - Bug fix: update pReg after registry intialization in TestDB.c::test_CU_add_test(). * Sun Sep 26 2004 Jerry St.Clair - Bug fixes found in internal unit testing. - Update Linux build files. - Add Visual Studio 2003/VC7 solution & project files. * Sun Sep 19 2004 Jerry St.Clair - Changed test message handlers to pass test and suite (not just their names). This is for future use. - Clarified behavior of CU_translate_special_characters() when szDest is too small to hold converted string (found in testing!). - Split out suite and test creation into distinct functions create_suite() & create_test() in TestDB.c. - Moved CU_get_suite_by_name() & CU_get_test_by_name() to TestDB. - Removed need for registry to be initialized for CU_run_suite() and CU_run_test() in TestRun.c (registry no longer holds result info, so this dependence is no longer needed). - Provided functions to turn on & off memory allocation in MyMem.c for use in internal testing. - Initial implementation of internal CUnit testing. - Implement modified registration system (based on Cheung/Aurema code). * Wed Sep 01 2004 Jerry St.Clair - Implemented setjmp/longjmp mechanism for aborting test runs. - Add assertion to CU_assertImplementation() to trap calls outside a registered test function during a test run. - Added CU_PASS and CU_FAIL to assertions in CUnit.h. * Sat Aug 28 2004 Jerry St.Clair - Html documentation implemented. - Jamfile and Makefile.am included for html doc installation. * Sat Aug 21 2004 Jerry St.Clair - initial implementation of jds-v2-expt experimental version containing the following changes. Wed 18-Aug-2004 Jerry St.Clair - Updated manpages, consolidating all docs in CUnit.3. - Jamfiles now only install lib, headers, man, and docs. - Initial shot at having configure generate custom Jamrules from Jamrules.in. - Library & examples now build on Linux (Mandrake 9.1). Wed 11-Aug-2004 Jerry St.Clair - Added new Basic interface and example. Sun 8-Aug-2004 Jerry St.Clair - Bug had been introduced when test functions were allowed to have more than one assertion failure (in v1.1-1 a failed assertion would always return, so max failure = 1). The automated result file was not writing any failure records except the last one. Fixed by changing the behavior of TestRun::run_single_test so that it now sends a pointer to the 1st failure record belonging to the test in question. The handler then only has to walk the rest of the linked list to visit all failures for its test. - Consolidated all test result handling in TestRun. This included moving the failure list head out of CU_TestRegistry into a static variable in TestRun.c and moving assertImplementation into TestRun.c. - Created a structure (CU_RunSummary) and static variable in TestRun.c to hold the run counts and head of the failure record list. - Added tracking of assertions in addition to tests and suites. The counts are now reported in Automated, Console, and Curses. - Added function for retrieval of the entire run summary at once. - Consolidated example test functions in a single function called by each of the example interface programs. Modified Jamfiles. - Made all curses constants & functions static. Fri 30-Jul-2004 Jerry St.Clair - Created new function CU_list_all_to_file() in Automated.c to allow users & other modules to generate a test list file. Consolidated automated_list_all_tests() and automated_list_group_tests() into this new function. - Changed default output file root to "CUnitTest" and name endings for xml files to "-Listing.xml" and "-Results.xml". This makes the names more generic and descriptive. - CU_automated_run_tests no longer automatically generates a listing file. Users should generate a listing explicitly when needed. - Added assertion to protect against file writes when the file pointer is NULL. - xml bug fixes based on xml validation report ( must come before in Automated.c; wrong top element in document type declaration, incorrect element ordering in in MyMem.c). Tue 27-Jul-2004 Jerry St.Clair - fixed bugs in converted curses.c, MyMem.c - removed f_bCleanupResultSet from TestRun.c, since presence of results to be cleaned is indicated by non-null pRegistry->pResult. Sun 18-Jul-2004 Jerry St.Clair - Provided a set of jam build files (ftjam preferred - http://www.freetype.org/jam/index.html) which build on Linux and Windows (Borland and VC++7). - Converted all public names to CU_ prefixed names to minimize potential for name clashes with client code. - Provided support for old interface names when needed. - Modified terminology: 'Test Group' = 'Suite', 'Test Case' = 'Test'. Changed function & variable names, comments, DTD, and xml output to reflect the new terminology. - Eliminated global variables (except in deprecated interface). - Fixed direct references to 'global' test registry (mostly in TestDB.c) in cases where a specified pRegistry is meant to be used. - Changed CU_set_registry() so that existing registry is not destroyed. The functions running suites in the interface modules (automated, console, curses) take a pRegistry argument which was being ignored. These functions now set the registry (if it is different from the active one) and restore it after the tests are complete. - Added functions for creating and destroying a test registry independent of the CUnit internal system. Convenience, mostly for testing. - Added assertions preventing modification of the test registry during a test run. - Moved add_failure prototype to TestRun.h since implemented in TestRun.c. - Changed 'Errno.h' to 'CUError.h' to avoid confusion with standard header. - Error codes made an enum CU_ErrorCode. Changed signatures of functions returning an error code accordingly. - Moved all error-related code to new source file 'CUError.c'. - Made all local functions & callbacks static to minimize global names. - Modified assertions so that standard assertions do not include a 'return' statement. Provided new assertions with '_FATAL' suffix to allow user to request this when test function should return on a failure. - Modified XSL for list to more compact format. - Restructured memory tracking code so reallocations and multiple deletions tracked. - CU_dump_memory_usage now takes an argument specifying the filename for the memory dump output. The original version always overwrote the same output file, making tracking multiple dumps difficult. A default filename is used if a NULL or empty char* is specified. - Modified DTD and XSL for memory dump output to reflect new structure. - Initial doxygen comments added to code, and 'Doxyfile' configuration file added to base directory. - Restructured code to be more top-down (still have multiple returns in a couple of cases). - Provided default file name to automated interface in case user doesn't specify one. - Modified Automated::CU_set_output_filename to avoid buffer overrun for large szFileName. - Converted Examples to new interface. Old examples renamed 'xxx_v1.c' and building of the old examples under the deprecated interface added to Jam files. - Modified makefile.am set to reflect above changes (not working yet). * Sat Jul 26 2003 Anil Kumar - Applied a patch for correct XML output for first/last group display. * Mon Mar 17 2003 Anil Kumar - Added Macro's for different kind of comparisons. * Tue Jul 23 2002 Anil Kumar - Changed HTML to XML Format file generation for Automated Tests. * Tue Jun 25 2002 Anil Kumar - Added Memory Tracing Functions to check if there is any unreleased Memory. * Sat Apr 07 2002 Anil Kumar - Added #ifdef conditions to include extern "C" linkage directive in the header files. - Corrected Makefile.am for Headers Directory. * Sun Mar 24 2002 Anil Kumar - Added interface for automated run test. It generates HTML file. * Sun Feb 03 2002 Anil Kumar - Made modifications for moving RPM Creation in the root directory. - Cleaned up configure.in for checks not required and added some additonal header and library checks. - Made separate options for gzip, tar, zip and rpm creation in root directory. - Fixed Workspace file for Windows Build. * Sun Dec 23 2001 Anil Kumar - Made modifications for change in Directory Structure and Linking Options. - Included GPL Headers in all the files. * Sun Nov 25 2001 Anil Kumar - Added Curses based interface to the Package. - Modified some options for the Console Based Interface. * Sun Oct 28 2001 Anil Kumar - Integrated RPM creation in the package configuration. * Sun Oct 21 2001 Anil Kumar - Added a few Error Codes and respective description. - Added code for handling duplicate group/test name.