Jarod Wilson ca8bcf
Name:               conman
Steven M. Parrish 78f5f6
Version:            0.2.4
Steven M. Parrish 78f5f6
Release:            1%{?dist}
Jarod Wilson ca8bcf
Summary:            ConMan - The Console Manager
Jarod Wilson ca8bcf
Jarod Wilson ca8bcf
Group:              Applications/System
Steven M. Parrish 8f6fce
License:            GPLv2+
Jarod Wilson 6afb1c
URL:                http://home.gna.org/conman/
Jarod Wilson 1b01e1
Source0:            http://download.gna.org/%{name}/%{version}/%{name}-%{version}.tar.bz2
Jarod Wilson ca8bcf
Source1:            %{name}.init
Jarod Wilson ca8bcf
Source2:            %{name}.logrotate
Jarod Wilson ca8bcf
BuildRoot:          %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
Jarod Wilson ca8bcf
Jarod Wilson ca8bcf
Requires:           logrotate
Jarod Wilson ca8bcf
Requires(post):     /sbin/chkconfig
Jarod Wilson ca8bcf
Requires(preun):    /sbin/chkconfig
Jarod Wilson ca8bcf
Requires(preun):    /sbin/service
Jarod Wilson ca8bcf
Requires(postun):   /sbin/service
Jarod Wilson ca8bcf
BuildRequires:      tcp_wrappers
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
ConMan is a serial console management program designed to support a large
Jarod Wilson 740e88
number of console devices and simultaneous users.  It currently supports
Jarod Wilson 740e88
local serial devices and remote terminal servers (via the telnet protocol).
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Its features include:
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
  - mapping symbolic names to console devices
Jarod Wilson 740e88
  - logging all output from a console device to file
Jarod Wilson 740e88
  - supporting monitor (R/O), interactive (R/W), and
Jarod Wilson 740e88
    broadcast (W/O) modes of console access
Jarod Wilson 740e88
  - allowing clients to join or steal console "write" privileges
Jarod Wilson 740e88
  - executing Expect scripts across multiple consoles in parallel
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
%setup -q
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
# not really lib material, more like share
Jarod Wilson 740e88
mv lib share
Jarod Wilson 740e88
chmod -x share/examples/*.exp
Jarod Wilson 740e88
%{__perl} -pi.orig -e 's|cd lib|cd share|g' \
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
%{__perl} -pi -e 's|lib\/|share\/|g' \
Jarod Wilson 740e88
    Makefile.in share/examples/*.exp
Jarod Wilson 2a92b1
# don't strip the bins on install, let find-debug.sh do it
Jarod Wilson 2a92b1
%{__perl} -pi -e 's|-m 755 -s conman|-m 755 conman|g' \
Jarod Wilson 2a92b1
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
%configure --with-tcp-wrappers
Jarod Wilson 5b6967
make %{?_smp_mflags}
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
# put in our own initscript and logrotate
Jarod Wilson 740e88
install -m 0755 %{SOURCE1} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/init.d/%{name}
Jarod Wilson 740e88
install -m 0644 %{SOURCE2} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name}
Jarod Wilson 740e88
# make log directories
Jarod Wilson 740e88
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}
Jarod Wilson 740e88
mkdir -p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_localstatedir}/log/%{name}.old
Jarod Wilson 740e88
# examples don't belong in datadir...
Jarod Wilson 740e88
rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_datadir}/%{name}/examples
Jarod Wilson 740e88
# these shouldn't be executable
Jarod Wilson 740e88
chmod -x $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/%{name}
Jarod Wilson 740e88
# adjust perms on main config file
Jarod Wilson 740e88
chmod 644 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_sysconfdir}/%{name}.conf
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
rm -rf "$RPM_BUILD_ROOT"
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
/sbin/chkconfig --add conman
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
if [ "$1" = 0 ]; then
Jarod Wilson 740e88
  /sbin/service conman stop >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
Jarod Wilson 740e88
  /sbin/chkconfig --del conman
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
if [ "$1" -ge 1 ]; then
Jarod Wilson 740e88
  /sbin/service conman condrestart >/dev/null 2>&1 || :
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Steven M. Parrish 8f6fce
Jarod Wilson 740e88
%doc share/examples
Jarod Wilson 740e88
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/%{name}.conf
Jarod Wilson 740e88
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/sysconfig/%{name}
Jarod Wilson 740e88
%config(noreplace) %{_sysconfdir}/logrotate.d/%{name}
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Steven M. Parrish 78f5f6
* Mon Apr 20 2009 Steven M. Parrish <tuxbrewr@fedoraproject.org> - 0.2.4-1
Steven M. Parrish 78f5f6
- New upstream release
Steven M. Parrish 78f5f6
Steven M. Parrish 95b203
* Mon Oct 06 2008 Jarod Wilson <jarod@redhat.com> 0.2.2-2
Steven M. Parrish 95b203
- The console option in conman.conf is case-insensitive, so relax
Steven M. Parrish 78f5f6
- defined consoles check in initscript (Mark McLoughlin, #465777)
Steven M. Parrish 95b203
Steven M. Parrish 8f6fce
* Mon Sep 08 2008 Steven M. Parrish <smparrish@shallowcreek.net> 0.2.2-1
Steven M. Parrish 8f6fce
- New upstream release
Steven M. Parrish 8f6fce
Jarod Wilson 1b01e1
* Fri May 02 2008 Jarod Wilson <jwilson@redhat.com> 0.2.1-1
Jarod Wilson 1b01e1
- New upstream release
Jarod Wilson 1b01e1
Jarod Wilson 28b49d
* Wed Feb 13 2008 Jarod Wilson <jwilson@redhat.com>
Jarod Wilson 28b49d
- Bump and rebuild for gcc 4.3
Jarod Wilson 28b49d
Jarod Wilson 6afb1c
* Thu Apr 26 2007 Jarod Wilson <jwilson@redhat.com>
Jarod Wilson 6afb1c
- Update project urls
Jarod Wilson 6afb1c
- Fix up initscript exit codes (#237936)
Jarod Wilson 6afb1c
Jarod Wilson e27da7
* Tue Sep 05 2006 Jarod Wilson <jwilson@redhat.com>
Jarod Wilson e27da7
- Bump for new glibc
Jarod Wilson e27da7
Jarod Wilson 5b6967
* Fri Jul 28 2006 Jarod Wilson <jwilson@redhat.com>
Jarod Wilson 5b6967
- Properly enable smp_mflags this time
Jarod Wilson 5b6967
Jarod Wilson ca8bcf
* Fri Jul 28 2006 Jarod Wilson <jwilson@redhat.com>
Jarod Wilson ca8bcf
- Add Reqs on chkconfig and service
Jarod Wilson ca8bcf
- Turn on smp_mflags
Jarod Wilson ca8bcf
- Initial build for RHEL5
Jarod Wilson ca8bcf
Jarod Wilson 60ba5d
* Wed Jul 05 2006 Jarod Wilson <jwilson@redhat.com>
Jarod Wilson 60ba5d
- Add missing condrestart fuction to initscript
Jarod Wilson 60ba5d
Jarod Wilson 2a92b1
* Tue Jun 27 2006 Jarod Wilson <jwilson@redhat.com>
Jarod Wilson 2a92b1
- Don't strip bins on make install, leave for find-debug.sh
Jarod Wilson 2a92b1
Jarod Wilson 695670
* Tue Jun 27 2006 Jarod Wilson <jwilson@redhat.com>
Jarod Wilson 695670
- Update to
Jarod Wilson 695670
Jarod Wilson 740e88
* Tue Jun 20 2006 Jarod Wilson <jwilson@redhat.com>
Jarod Wilson 740e88
- Add Requires: logrotate
Jarod Wilson 740e88
- Ugh, conmand exits cleanly if no CONSOLE(s) are defined in
Jarod Wilson 740e88
  /etc/conman.conf, add check to initscript to report failure
Jarod Wilson 740e88
  if none are defined
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
* Wed Jun 14 2006 Jarod Wilson <jwilson@redhat.com>
Jarod Wilson 740e88
- Create log directories and install working logrotate config
Jarod Wilson 740e88
- Use a much cleaner RH/FC-specific initscript
Jarod Wilson 740e88
Jarod Wilson 740e88
* Tue Jun 13 2006 Jarod Wilson <jwilson@redhat.com>
Jarod Wilson 740e88
- Initial build for Fedora Extras