# config options for cAdvisor # # # Docker endpoint to connect to # Default: unix:///var/run/docker.sock CADVISOR_DOCKER_ENDPOINT="unix:///var/run/docker.sock" # Port to listen on # Default: 8080 # kubernetes expects it on port 4194 CADVISOR_PORT="4194" # Samples # Number of samples to keep # Default: 1024 CADVISOR_SAMPLES="1024" # Storage driver # Default: none/blank # # Available Options: # - [none] # - bigquery # - influxdb CADVISOR_STORAGE_DRIVER="" # Storage driver host # Default: localhost:8086" CADVISOR_STORAGE_DRIVER_HOST="localhost:8086" # Storage driver password # Default: root CADVISOR_STORAGE_DRIVER_PASSWORD="root" # Storage driver secure connection # Default: false CADVISOR_STORAGE_DRIVER_SECURE="false" # Storage driver user # Default: root CADVISOR_STORAGE_DRIVER_USER="root" # Log to stderr (and thus to journal) # Default: false CADVISOR_LOG_TO_STDERR="true"