Andreas Thienemann afedbd
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
 This patch adds the MaxVolBytes to the output of a "show pools" command.
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
 It fixes bug #814.  Apply it to Bacula version 2.0.3 with:
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
   cd <bacula-source>
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
   patch -p0 <2.0.3-maxbyteslist.patch
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
   make install
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
Index: src/dird/dird_conf.c
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
--- src/dird/dird_conf.c	(revision 4349)
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
+++ src/dird/dird_conf.c	(working copy)
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
@@ -844,10 +844,13 @@
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
       sendit(sock, _("      CleaningPrefix=%s LabelType=%d\n"),
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
               NPRT(res->res_pool.cleaning_prefix), res->res_pool.LabelType);
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
-      sendit(sock, _("      RecyleOldest=%d PurgeOldest=%d MaxVolJobs=%d MaxVolFiles=%d\n"),
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
+      sendit(sock, _("      RecyleOldest=%d PurgeOldest=%d\n"), 
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
-              res->res_pool.purge_oldest_volume,
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
-              res->res_pool.MaxVolJobs, res->res_pool.MaxVolFiles);
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
+              res->res_pool.purge_oldest_volume);
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
+      sendit(sock, _("      MaxVolJobs=%d MaxVolFiles=%d MaxVolBytes=%s\n"),
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
+              res->res_pool.MaxVolJobs, 
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
+              res->res_pool.MaxVolFiles,
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
+              edit_uint64(res->res_pool.MaxVolFiles, ed1));
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
       sendit(sock, _("      MigTime=%s MigHiBytes=%s MigLoBytes=%s\n"),
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
               edit_utime(res->res_pool.MigrationTime, ed1, sizeof(ed1)),
Andreas Thienemann afedbd
               edit_uint64(res->res_pool.MigrationHighBytes, ed2),