ec5467 Use "autofiles" mechanism

1 file Authored by Colin Walters 8 years ago, Committed by Lokesh Mandvekar 8 years ago,
1 file changed. 30 lines added. 11 lines removed.
    Use "autofiles" mechanism
    I'm trying to do continuous delivery "through" the existing
    spec files, without forking them upstream.  The problem
    with this is that as upstream adds (or removes) files, RPM
    hard errors on the `%files` section.
    In practice, the "testing value" of `%files` is pretty low - if for
    example we missed installing some binaries, then integration tests
    should catch that.  The only thing that `%files` is really needed for
    is ensuring "directory ownership" which in turn really only solves the
    extremely mild problem of having package-specific directories go away
    when one removes the package.  (This is also a problem that
    OSTree/Docker and other image update systems completely solve)
    <remove trailing whitespace - probably crept in via wget>
    Signed-off-by: Lokesh Mandvekar <>
file modified
+30 -11