Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
%global base_name       io
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
%global short_name      commons-%{base_name}
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Name:           apache-%{short_name}
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Version:        1.4
Stanislav Ochotnicky f4f295
Release:        4%{?dist}
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Epoch:          1
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Summary:        Utilities to assist with developing IO functionality
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
License:        ASL 2.0
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Group:          Development/Libraries
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
URL:  {base_name}
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
BuildArch:      noarch
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
BuildRequires:  java-devel >= 1:1.6.0
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
BuildRequires:  jpackage-utils >= 0:1.7.2
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
BuildRequires:  maven-plugin-bundle
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
BuildRequires:  maven-surefire-maven-plugin
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
BuildRequires:  maven-surefire-provider-junit
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
BuildRequires:  maven-doxia-sitetools
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
BuildRequires:  maven2-plugin-assembly
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
BuildRequires:  maven2-plugin-antrun
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
BuildRequires:  maven2-plugin-compiler
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
BuildRequires:  maven2-plugin-idea
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
BuildRequires:  maven2-plugin-install
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
BuildRequires:  maven2-plugin-jar
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
BuildRequires:  maven2-plugin-javadoc
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
BuildRequires:  maven2-plugin-resources
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Requires:       java >= 1:1.6.0
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Requires:       jpackage-utils >= 0:1.6
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Requires(post):    jpackage-utils
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Requires(postun):  jpackage-utils
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
BuildRoot:      %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-root-%(%{__id_u} -n)
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
# This should go away with F-17
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Provides:       jakarta-%{short_name} = %{epoch}:%{version}-%{release}
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Obsoletes:      jakarta-%{short_name} <= 0:1.4
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Commons-IO contains utility classes, stream implementations,
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
file filters, and endian classes. It is a library of utilities
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
to assist with developing IO functionality.
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
%package        javadoc
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Summary:        API documentation for %{name}
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Group:          Documentation
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Requires:       jpackage-utils
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Obsoletes:      jakarta-%{short_name}-javadoc <= 0:1.4
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
%description    javadoc
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
%setup -q -n %{short_name}-%{version}-src
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
sed -i 's/\r//' *.txt
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
export MAVEN_REPO_LOCAL=$(pwd)/.m2/repository
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
mvn-jpp -Dmaven.repo.local=$MAVEN_REPO_LOCAL \
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
        install javadoc:javadoc
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
# jars
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
install -p -m 644 target/%{short_name}-%{version}.jar $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}/%{name}-%{version}.jar
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
pushd $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadir}
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
for jar in *-%{version}*; do
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
    ln -sf ${jar} `echo $jar| sed "s|apache-||g"`
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
    ln -sf ${jar} `echo $jar| sed "s|-%{version}||g"`
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
    ln -sf ${jar} `echo $jar| sed "s|apache-\(.*\)-%{version}|\1|g"`
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
popd # come back from javadir
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
# pom
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mavenpomdir}
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
install -pm 644 pom.xml $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_mavenpomdir}/JPP-%{short_name}.pom
Stanislav Ochotnicky f4f295
%add_to_maven_depmap org.apache.commons %{short_name} %{version} JPP %{short_name}
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
# following line is only for backwards compatibility. New packages
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
# should use proper groupid org.apache.commons
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
%add_to_maven_depmap %{short_name} %{short_name} %{version} JPP %{name}
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
# javadoc
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
install -d -m 755 $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-%{version}
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
cp -pr target/site/apidocs/* $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}-%{version}
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
ln -s %{name}-%{version} $RPM_BUILD_ROOT%{_javadocdir}/%{name}
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
%files javadoc
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
%doc %{_javadocdir}/%{name}-%{version}
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
%doc %{_javadocdir}/%{name}
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f4f295
* Mon May 17 2010 Stanislav Ochotnicky <> - 1:1.4-4
Stanislav Ochotnicky f4f295
- Fix maven depmap JPP name to short_name
Stanislav Ochotnicky f4f295
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
* Wed May 12 2010 Stanislav Ochotnicky <> - 1:1.4-3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
- Add obsoletes to javadoc sub-package
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
* Wed May 12 2010 Stanislav Ochotnicky <> - 1:1.4-2
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
- Add symlink to short_name.jar
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
- Fix mavendepmapfragdir wildcard
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
* Tue May 11 2010 Stanislav Ochotnicky <> - 1:1.4-1
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
- Rename and rebase of jakarta-commons-io
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3
- Clean up whole spec
Stanislav Ochotnicky f326c3