diff --git a/badcode.asl.result b/badcode.asl.result index 27a4125..da7847e 100644 --- a/badcode.asl.result +++ b/badcode.asl.result @@ -26,15 +26,24 @@ badcode.asl 67: Method (MTH1, 0, NotSerialized, 32) Error 6125 - SyncLevel must be in the range 0-15 ^ badcode.asl 71: Store (Arg3, Local0) +Warning 3144 - ^ Method Local is set but never used (Local0) + +badcode.asl 71: Store (Arg3, Local0) Error 6006 - ^ Method argument is not initialized (Arg3) badcode.asl 71: Store (Arg3, Local0) Remark 2087 - ^ Not a parameter, used as local only (Arg3) badcode.asl 72: Store (Local1, Local2) +Warning 3144 - ^ Method Local is set but never used (Local2) + +badcode.asl 72: Store (Local1, Local2) Error 6066 - ^ Method local variable is not initialized (Local1) badcode.asl 76: Subtract (MTX1, 4, Local3) +Warning 3144 - Method Local is set but never used ^ (Local3) + +badcode.asl 76: Subtract (MTX1, 4, Local3) Error 6058 - Invalid type ^ ([Mutex|Reference] found, Subtract operator requires [Integer|String|Buffer]) badcode.asl 80: CreateField (BUF1, 0, Subtract (4, 4), FLD1) @@ -65,9 +74,15 @@ badcode.asl 101: Switch (ToInteger (INT1)) Error 6078 - ^ No Case statements under Switch badcode.asl 120: Store (MTH2 (), Local0) +Warning 3144 - ^ Method Local is set but never used (Local0) + +badcode.asl 120: Store (MTH2 (), Local0) Warning 3122 - ^ Called method may not always return a value badcode.asl 126: Method (MTH5) {Store (MTH4(), Local0)} +Warning 3144 - Method Local is set but never used ^ (Local0) + +badcode.asl 126: Method (MTH5) {Store (MTH4(), Local0)} Error 6080 - Called method returns no value ^ badcode.asl 132: Name (_HID, "*PNP0C0A") // Illegal leading asterisk @@ -235,6 +250,9 @@ Warning 3129 - ResourceTag smaller than Field ^ (Size mismatch, Tag: 2 badcode.asl 397: CreateField (RSC3, \DWI1._RNG, 3, RNG2) Remark 2089 - Object is not referenced ^ (Name is within method [REM1]) +badcode.asl 404: Store (40, Local0) +Warning 3144 - ^ Method Local is set but never used (Local0) + Intel ACPI Component Architecture ASL+ Optimizing Compiler version VVVVVVVV-YYYY @@ -242,7 +260,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2000 - 2015 Intel Corporation Ignoring all errors, forcing AML file generation -ASL Input: badcode.asl - 402 lines, 11480 bytes, 79 keywords -AML Output: badcode.aml - 1184 bytes, 60 named objects, 19 executable opcodes +ASL Input: badcode.asl - 409 lines, 11588 bytes, 81 keywords +AML Output: badcode.aml - 1195 bytes, 61 named objects, 20 executable opcodes -Compilation complete. 46 Errors, 22 Warnings, 11 Remarks, 16 Optimizations, 1 Constants Folded +Compilation complete. 46 Errors, 28 Warnings, 11 Remarks, 16 Optimizations, 1 Constants Folded diff --git a/grammar.asl.result b/grammar.asl.result index ee5b7f6..96d7a32 100644 --- a/grammar.asl.result +++ b/grammar.asl.result @@ -37,6 +37,9 @@ Remark 2089 - Object is not referenced ^ (Name is grammar.asl 513: Name (_STR, Unicode ("test")) Remark 2089 - ^ Object is not referenced (Name is within method [TCOP]) +grammar.asl 515: Store (MFLD, Local0) +Warning 3144 - ^ Method Local is set but never used (Local0) + grammar.asl 522: NAME (ESC1, "abcdefg\x00hijklmn") Warning 3055 - ^ Invalid Hex/Octal Escape - Non-ASCII or NULL @@ -46,6 +49,30 @@ Warning 3055 - ^ Invalid Hex/Octal Escape - Non- grammar.asl 620: RCIV (Subtract (Arg0, 1)) Remark 2098 - ^ Recursive method call (RCIV) +grammar.asl 668: Method(SMWE, 4) +Remark 2146 - ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg0) + +grammar.asl 668: Method(SMWE, 4) +Remark 2146 - ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg1) + +grammar.asl 668: Method(SMWE, 4) +Remark 2146 - ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg2) + +grammar.asl 668: Method(SMWE, 4) +Remark 2146 - ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg3) + +grammar.asl 673: Method(SMRE, 4) +Remark 2146 - ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg0) + +grammar.asl 673: Method(SMRE, 4) +Remark 2146 - ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg1) + +grammar.asl 673: Method(SMRE, 4) +Remark 2146 - ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg2) + +grammar.asl 673: Method(SMRE, 4) +Remark 2146 - ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg3) + grammar.asl 701: CreateField (\_SB_.SBUF, 148, 96, FLDV) Remark 2089 - Object is not referenced ^ (Name is within method [_INI]) @@ -76,12 +103,33 @@ Warning 3102 - ^ Reserved method has too few arguments grammar.asl 738: Device(EIO) Warning 3141 - Missing dependency ^ (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR in same scope) +grammar.asl 822: If(LNot(SMRE(0x09,0x17,Local2,RefOf(Local3)))){ +Warning 3144 - Method Local is set but never used ^ (Local3) + +grammar.asl 823: Store(Local1,Arg2) +Remark 2146 - Method Argument is never used ^ (Arg2) + grammar.asl 913: Device (DEV1) Warning 3141 - ^ Missing dependency (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR in same scope) grammar.asl 949: Method (_ERR, 2) Warning 3102 - ^ Reserved method has too few arguments (_ERR requires 3) +grammar.asl 963: Divide (Local0, Local1, Local3) +Warning 3144 - Method Local is set but never used ^ (Local3) + +grammar.asl 987: Method (R226, 2) +Remark 2146 - ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg0) + +grammar.asl 987: Method (R226, 2) +Remark 2146 - ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg1) + +grammar.asl 1010: Store (Local0, Local1) +Warning 3144 - ^ Method Local is set but never used (Local1) + +grammar.asl 1291: Method (OBJ1, 1, SERIALIZED) +Remark 2146 - ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg0) + grammar.asl 1295: Name(BUFR, Buffer (Local0) {}) Remark 2089 - ^ Object is not referenced (Name is within method [OBJ1]) @@ -109,9 +157,33 @@ Warning 3130 - ^ Result is not used, possible operato grammar.asl 1645: Add (Local0, Local1) Error 6114 - ^ Result is not used, operator has no effect +grammar.asl 1656: Add (Local0, Local1, Local2) +Warning 3144 - Method Local is set but never used ^ (Local2) + +grammar.asl 1772: Store (LAnd (0xFFFFFFFF, 0x11111111), Local0) +Warning 3144 - Method Local is set but never used ^ (Local0) + +grammar.asl 1775: Store (LEqual (0xFFFFFFFF, 0x11111111), Local1) +Warning 3144 - Method Local is set but never used ^ (Local1) + +grammar.asl 1778: Store (LGreater (0xFFFFFFFF, 0x11111111), Local2) +Warning 3144 - Method Local is set but never used ^ (Local2) + +grammar.asl 1781: Store (LGreaterEqual (0xFFFFFFFF, 0x11111111), Local3) +Warning 3144 - Method Local is set but never used ^ (Local3) + +grammar.asl 1784: Store (LLess (0xFFFFFFFF, 0x11111111), Local4) +Warning 3144 - Method Local is set but never used ^ (Local4) + +grammar.asl 1787: Store (LLessEqual (0xFFFFFFFF, 0x11111111), Local5) +Warning 3144 - Method Local is set but never used ^ (Local5) + grammar.asl 1816: Method (COND) Warning 3115 - ^ Not all control paths return a value (COND) +grammar.asl 1927: Store (RefOf (MAIN), Local5) +Warning 3144 - Method Local is set but never used ^ (Local5) + grammar.asl 2002: Device (IFEL) Warning 3141 - ^ Missing dependency (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR in same scope) @@ -121,6 +193,15 @@ Warning 3141 - ^ Missing dependency (Device object requires a grammar.asl 2580: Device (IDXF) Warning 3141 - ^ Missing dependency (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR in same scope) +grammar.asl 2608: Store (IFE0, Local0) +Warning 3144 - ^ Method Local is set but never used (Local0) + +grammar.asl 2609: Store (IFE1, Local1) +Warning 3144 - ^ Method Local is set but never used (Local1) + +grammar.asl 2610: Store (IFE2, Local2) +Warning 3144 - ^ Method Local is set but never used (Local2) + grammar.asl 2627: Device (NSTL) Warning 3141 - Missing dependency ^ (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR in same scope) @@ -136,6 +217,9 @@ Warning 3141 - ^ Missing dependency (Device object requires a grammar.asl 2816: Device (PRW1) Warning 3141 - ^ Missing dependency (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR in same scope) +grammar.asl 2883: Store (Arg0, Local0) +Warning 3144 - ^ Method Local is set but never used (Local0) + grammar.asl 2886: Device (RTLV) Warning 3141 - Missing dependency ^ (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR in same scope) @@ -208,9 +292,18 @@ Remark 2063 - ^ Initializer list shorter than grammar.asl 6187: Device (C19B) Warning 3141 - Missing dependency ^ (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR in same scope) +grammar.asl 6196: Divide (Local1, 10, Local0, Local2) // Local0 = Local1 / 10 +Warning 3144 - Method Local is set but never used ^ (Local0) + grammar.asl 6241: Device (DWDF) Warning 3141 - ^ Missing dependency (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR in same scope) +grammar.asl 6273: Method (MKW_, 2) +Remark 2146 - ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg0) + +grammar.asl 6273: Method (MKW_, 2) +Remark 2146 - ^ Method Argument is never used (Arg1) + grammar.asl 6282: Device (DVAX) Warning 3141 - ^ Missing dependency (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR in same scope) @@ -220,6 +313,27 @@ Warning 3141 - ^ Missing dependency (Device object requires a grammar.asl 6349: Device (TST_) Warning 3141 - Missing dependency ^ (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR in same scope) +grammar.asl 6368: Store (IFE0, Local0) +Warning 3144 - ^ Method Local is set but never used (Local0) + +grammar.asl 6369: Store (IFE1, Local1) +Warning 3144 - ^ Method Local is set but never used (Local1) + +grammar.asl 6370: Store (IFE2, Local2) +Warning 3144 - ^ Method Local is set but never used (Local2) + +grammar.asl 6373: Store (\IDX6.IFE0, Local3) +Warning 3144 - Method Local is set but never used ^ (Local3) + +grammar.asl 6374: Store (\IDX6.IFE1, Local4) +Warning 3144 - Method Local is set but never used ^ (Local4) + +grammar.asl 6376: Store (\IDX6.TST_.IFE0, Local5) +Warning 3144 - Method Local is set but never used ^ (Local5) + +grammar.asl 6377: Store (\IDX6.TST_.IFE1, Local6) +Warning 3144 - Method Local is set but never used ^ (Local6) + grammar.asl 6390: Device (IDX5) Warning 3141 - ^ Missing dependency (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR in same scope) @@ -268,6 +382,9 @@ Warning 3141 - ^ Missing dependency (Device object requires a grammar.asl 8717: Name (PKG2, Package (4) Remark 2063 - ^ Initializer list shorter than declared package length +grammar.asl 9129: Store (_OS, Local0) +Warning 3144 - ^ Method Local is set but never used (Local0) + grammar.asl 9259: Device (MBIT) Warning 3141 - Missing dependency ^ (Device object requires a _HID or _ADR in same scope) @@ -293,4 +410,4 @@ Ignoring all errors, forcing AML file generation ASL Input: grammar.asl - 10282 lines, 322891 bytes, 4818 keywords AML Output: grammar.aml - 43476 bytes, 670 named objects, 4148 executable opcodes -Compilation complete. 6 Errors, 64 Warnings, 25 Remarks, 1105 Optimizations +Compilation complete. 6 Errors, 89 Warnings, 39 Remarks, 1105 Optimizations