# run the misc tests: we need to do this in a script since
# these are expected to fail which would normally cause %check
# to stop. however, this is expected behavior. we are running
# iasl precisely because we expect it to stop when presented with
# faulty ASL.
# this script assumes it is in the source 'tests' directory at
# start.
set -x
# create files to compare against
$BINDIR/iasl -h
m=`uname -m`
case $m in
s390x | ppc64le \
*64) BITS=64
*) BITS=32
# if a build starts before midnight, but ends after midnight, this
# test can get confused. grab the date from the iasl file we just
# built so they match regardless.
FDATE=`stat --format="%Y" $BINDIR/iasl | cut -d" " -f1`
WHEN=`date --date="@$FDATE" +"%b %_d %Y"`
sed -e "s/XXXXXXXXXXX/$WHEN/" \
-e "s/YYYY/$BITS/" \
../badcode.asl.result > misc/badcode.asl.result
sed -e "s/XXXXXXXXXXX/$WHEN/" \
-e "s/YYYY/$BITS/" \
../grammar.asl.result > misc/grammar.asl.result
cd misc
# see if badcode.asl failed as expected
# NB: the -f option is required so we can see all of the errors
$BINDIR/iasl -f badcode.asl 2>&1 | tee badcode
diff badcode badcode.asl.result >/dev/null 2>&1
[ $? -eq 0 ] || exit 1
# see if grammar.asl failed as expected
# NB: the -f option is required so we can see all of the errors
$BINDIR/iasl -f -of grammar.asl 2>&1 | tee grammar
diff grammar grammar.asl.result >/dev/null 2>&1
[ $? -eq 0 ] || exit 1
exit 0