dhodovsk / source-git / pacemaker

Forked from source-git/pacemaker 3 years ago

Blame doc/Clusters_from_Scratch/en-US/Ch-Shared-Storage.txt

rpm-build 3ee90c
:compat-mode: legacy
rpm-build 3ee90c
= Replicate Storage Using DRBD =
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Even if you're serving up static websites, having to manually synchronize
rpm-build 3ee90c
the contents of that website to all the machines in the cluster is not
rpm-build 3ee90c
ideal. For dynamic websites, such as a wiki, it's not even an option. Not
rpm-build 3ee90c
everyone care afford network-attached storage, but somehow the data needs
rpm-build 3ee90c
to be kept in sync.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Enter DRBD, which can be thought of as network-based RAID-1.
rpm-build 3ee90c
footnote:[See http://www.drbd.org/ for details.]
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
== Install the DRBD Packages ==
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
DRBD itself is included in the upstream kernel,footnote:[Since version 2.6.33]
rpm-build 3ee90c
but we do need some utilities to use it effectively.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
CentOS does not ship these utilities, so we need to enable a third-party
rpm-build 3ee90c
repository to get them. Supported packages for many OSes are available from
rpm-build 3ee90c
DRBD's maker http://www.linbit.com/[LINBIT], but here we'll use the free
rpm-build 3ee90c
http://elrepo.org/[ELRepo] repository.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
On both nodes, import the ELRepo package signing key, and enable the
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
# rpm --import https://www.elrepo.org/RPM-GPG-KEY-elrepo.org
rpm-build 3ee90c
# rpm -Uvh http://www.elrepo.org/elrepo-release-7.0-3.el7.elrepo.noarch.rpm
rpm-build 3ee90c
Retrieving http://www.elrepo.org/elrepo-release-7.0-3.el7.elrepo.noarch.rpm
rpm-build 3ee90c
Preparing...                          ################################# [100%]
rpm-build 3ee90c
Updating / installing...
rpm-build 3ee90c
   1:elrepo-release-7.0-3.el7.elrepo  ################################# [100%]
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Now, we can install the DRBD kernel module and utilities:
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
# yum install -y kmod-drbd84 drbd84-utils
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
DRBD will not be able to run under the default SELinux security policies.
rpm-build 3ee90c
If you are familiar with SELinux, you can modify the policies in a more
rpm-build 3ee90c
fine-grained manner, but here we will simply exempt DRBD processes from SELinux
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
# semanage permissive -a drbd_t
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
We will configure DRBD to use port 7789, so allow that port from each host to
rpm-build 3ee90c
the other:
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" \
rpm-build 3ee90c
    source address="" port port="7789" protocol="tcp" accept'
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# firewall-cmd --reload
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-2 ~]# firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" \
rpm-build 3ee90c
    source address="" port port="7789" protocol="tcp" accept'
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-2 ~]# firewall-cmd --reload
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
In this example, we have only two nodes, and all network traffic is on the same LAN.
rpm-build 3ee90c
In production, it is recommended to use a dedicated, isolated network for cluster-related traffic,
rpm-build 3ee90c
so the firewall configuration would likely be different; one approach would be to
rpm-build 3ee90c
add the dedicated network interfaces to the trusted zone.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
== Allocate a Disk Volume for DRBD ==
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
DRBD will need its own block device on each node. This can be
rpm-build 3ee90c
a physical disk partition or logical volume, of whatever size
rpm-build 3ee90c
you need for your data. For this document, we will use a 512MiB logical volume,
rpm-build 3ee90c
which is more than sufficient for a single HTML file and (later) GFS2 metadata.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# vgdisplay | grep -e Name -e Free
rpm-build 3ee90c
  VG Name               centos_pcmk-1
rpm-build 3ee90c
  Free  PE / Size       255 / 1020.00 MiB
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# lvcreate --name drbd-demo --size 512M centos_pcmk-1
rpm-build 3ee90c
 Logical volume "drbd-demo" created.
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# lvs
rpm-build 3ee90c
  LV        VG            Attr       LSize   Pool Origin Data%  Meta%  Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert
rpm-build 3ee90c
  drbd-demo centos_pcmk-1 -wi-a----- 512.00m
rpm-build 3ee90c
  root      centos_pcmk-1 -wi-ao----   3.00g
rpm-build 3ee90c
  swap      centos_pcmk-1 -wi-ao----   1.00g
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Repeat for the second node, making sure to use the same size:
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# ssh pcmk-2 -- lvcreate --name drbd-demo --size 512M centos_pcmk-2
rpm-build 3ee90c
 Logical volume "drbd-demo" created.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
== Configure DRBD ==
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
There is no series of commands for building a DRBD configuration, so simply
rpm-build 3ee90c
run this on both nodes to use this sample configuration:
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
# cat <<END >/etc/drbd.d/wwwdata.res
rpm-build 3ee90c
resource wwwdata {
rpm-build 3ee90c
 protocol C;
rpm-build 3ee90c
 meta-disk internal;
rpm-build 3ee90c
 device /dev/drbd1;
rpm-build 3ee90c
 syncer {
rpm-build 3ee90c
  verify-alg sha1;
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
 net {
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
 on pcmk-1 {
rpm-build 3ee90c
  disk   /dev/centos_pcmk-1/drbd-demo;
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
 on pcmk-2 {
rpm-build 3ee90c
  disk   /dev/centos_pcmk-2/drbd-demo;
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Edit the file to use the hostnames, IP addresses and logical volume paths
rpm-build 3ee90c
of your nodes if they differ from the ones used in this guide.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Detailed information on the directives used in this configuration (and
rpm-build 3ee90c
other alternatives) is available in the
rpm-build 3ee90c
https://docs.linbit.com/docs/users-guide-8.4/#ch-configure[DRBD User's Guide].
rpm-build 3ee90c
The *allow-two-primaries* option would not normally be used in
rpm-build 3ee90c
an active/passive cluster. We are adding it here for the convenience
rpm-build 3ee90c
of changing to an active/active cluster later.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
== Initialize DRBD ==
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
With the configuration in place, we can now get DRBD running.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
These commands create the local metadata for the DRBD resource,
rpm-build 3ee90c
ensure the DRBD kernel module is loaded, and bring up the DRBD resource.
rpm-build 3ee90c
Run them on one node:
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# drbdadm create-md wwwdata
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
  --==  Thank you for participating in the global usage survey  ==--
rpm-build 3ee90c
The server's response is:
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
you are the 2147th user to install this version
rpm-build 3ee90c
initializing activity log
rpm-build 3ee90c
initializing bitmap (16 KB) to all zero
rpm-build 3ee90c
Writing meta data...
rpm-build 3ee90c
New drbd meta data block successfully created.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# modprobe drbd
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# drbdadm up wwwdata
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
  --==  Thank you for participating in the global usage survey  ==--
rpm-build 3ee90c
The server's response is:
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
We can confirm DRBD's status on this node:
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# cat /proc/drbd
rpm-build 3ee90c
version: 8.4.11-1 (api:1/proto:86-101)
rpm-build 3ee90c
GIT-hash: 66145a308421e9c124ec391a7848ac20203bb03c build by mockbuild@, 2018-04-26 12:10:42
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
 1: cs:WFConnection ro:Secondary/Unknown ds:Inconsistent/DUnknown C r----s
rpm-build 3ee90c
    ns:0 nr:0 dw:0 dr:0 al:8 bm:0 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 ep:1 wo:f oos:524236
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Because we have not yet initialized the data, this node's data
rpm-build 3ee90c
is marked as *Inconsistent*. Because we have not yet initialized
rpm-build 3ee90c
the second node, the local state is *WFConnection* (waiting for connection),
rpm-build 3ee90c
and the partner node's status is marked as *Unknown*.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Now, repeat the above commands on the second node, starting with creating
rpm-build 3ee90c
wwwdata.res. After giving it time to connect, when we check the status, it
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-2 ~]# cat /proc/drbd
rpm-build 3ee90c
version: 8.4.11-1 (api:1/proto:86-101)
rpm-build 3ee90c
GIT-hash: 66145a308421e9c124ec391a7848ac20203bb03c build by mockbuild@, 2018-04-26 12:10:42
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
 1: cs:Connected ro:Secondary/Secondary ds:Inconsistent/Inconsistent C r-----
rpm-build 3ee90c
    ns:0 nr:0 dw:0 dr:0 al:8 bm:0 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 ep:1 wo:f oos:524236
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
You can see the state has changed to *Connected*, meaning the two DRBD nodes
rpm-build 3ee90c
are communicating properly, and both nodes are in *Secondary* role
rpm-build 3ee90c
with *Inconsistent* data.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
To make the data consistent, we need to tell DRBD which node should be
rpm-build 3ee90c
considered to have the correct data. In this case, since we are creating
rpm-build 3ee90c
a new resource, both have garbage, so we'll just pick pcmk-1
rpm-build 3ee90c
and run this command on it:
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# drbdadm primary --force wwwdata
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
If you are using a different version of DRBD, the required syntax may be different.
rpm-build 3ee90c
See the documentation for your version for how to perform these commands.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
If we check the status immediately, we'll see something like this:
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# cat /proc/drbd
rpm-build 3ee90c
version: 8.4.11-1 (api:1/proto:86-101)
rpm-build 3ee90c
GIT-hash: 66145a308421e9c124ec391a7848ac20203bb03c build by mockbuild@, 2018-04-26 12:10:42
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
 1: cs:SyncSource ro:Primary/Secondary ds:UpToDate/Inconsistent C r-----
rpm-build 3ee90c
    ns:43184 nr:0 dw:0 dr:45312 al:8 bm:0 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 ep:1 wo:f oos:481052
rpm-build 3ee90c
	[>...................] sync'ed:  8.6% (481052/524236)K
rpm-build 3ee90c
	finish: 0:01:51 speed: 4,316 (4,316) K/sec
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
We can see that this node has the *Primary* role, the partner node has
rpm-build 3ee90c
the *Secondary* role, this node's data is now considered *UpToDate*,
rpm-build 3ee90c
the partner node's data is still *Inconsistent*, and a progress bar
rpm-build 3ee90c
shows how far along the partner node is in synchronizing the data.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
After a while, the sync should finish, and you'll see something like:
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# cat /proc/drbd
rpm-build 3ee90c
version: 8.4.11-1 (api:1/proto:86-101)
rpm-build 3ee90c
GIT-hash: 66145a308421e9c124ec391a7848ac20203bb03c build by mockbuild@, 2018-04-26 12:10:42
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
 1: cs:Connected ro:Primary/Secondary ds:UpToDate/UpToDate C r-----
rpm-build 3ee90c
    ns:524236 nr:0 dw:0 dr:526364 al:8 bm:0 lo:0 pe:0 ua:0 ap:0 ep:1 wo:f oos:0
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Both sets of data are now *UpToDate*, and we can proceed to creating
rpm-build 3ee90c
and populating a filesystem for our WebSite resource's documents.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
== Populate the DRBD Disk ==
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
On the node with the primary role (pcmk-1 in this example),
rpm-build 3ee90c
create a filesystem on the DRBD device:
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# mkfs.xfs /dev/drbd1
rpm-build 3ee90c
meta-data=/dev/drbd1             isize=512    agcount=4, agsize=32765 blks
rpm-build 3ee90c
         =                       sectsz=512   attr=2, projid32bit=1
rpm-build 3ee90c
         =                       crc=1        finobt=0, sparse=0
rpm-build 3ee90c
data     =                       bsize=4096   blocks=131059, imaxpct=25
rpm-build 3ee90c
         =                       sunit=0      swidth=0 blks
rpm-build 3ee90c
naming   =version 2              bsize=4096   ascii-ci=0 ftype=1
rpm-build 3ee90c
log      =internal log           bsize=4096   blocks=855, version=2
rpm-build 3ee90c
         =                       sectsz=512   sunit=0 blks, lazy-count=1
rpm-build 3ee90c
realtime =none                   extsz=4096   blocks=0, rtextents=0
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
In this example, we create an xfs filesystem with no special options.
rpm-build 3ee90c
In a production environment, you should choose a filesystem type and
rpm-build 3ee90c
options that are suitable for your application.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Mount the newly created filesystem, populate it with our web document,
rpm-build 3ee90c
give it the same SELinux policy as the web document root,
rpm-build 3ee90c
then unmount it (the cluster will handle mounting and unmounting it later):
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# mount /dev/drbd1 /mnt
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# cat <<-END >/mnt/index.html
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
  <body>My Test Site - DRBD</body>
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# chcon -R --reference=/var/www/html /mnt
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# umount /dev/drbd1
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
== Configure the Cluster for the DRBD device ==
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
One handy feature `pcs` has is the ability to queue up several changes
rpm-build 3ee90c
into a file and commit those changes all at once. To do this, start by
rpm-build 3ee90c
populating the file with the current raw XML config from the CIB.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs cluster cib drbd_cfg
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Using pcs's `-f` option, make changes to the configuration saved
rpm-build 3ee90c
in the +drbd_cfg+ file. These changes will not be seen by the cluster until
rpm-build 3ee90c
the +drbd_cfg+ file is pushed into the live cluster's CIB later.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Here, we create a cluster resource for the DRBD device, and an additional _clone_
rpm-build 3ee90c
resource to allow the resource to run on both nodes at the same time.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs -f drbd_cfg resource create WebData ocf:linbit:drbd \
rpm-build 3ee90c
         drbd_resource=wwwdata op monitor interval=60s
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs -f drbd_cfg resource master WebDataClone WebData \
rpm-build 3ee90c
         master-max=1 master-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 \
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs -f drbd_cfg resource show
rpm-build 3ee90c
 ClusterIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	Started pcmk-1
rpm-build 3ee90c
 WebSite	(ocf::heartbeat:apache):	Started pcmk-1
rpm-build 3ee90c
 Master/Slave Set: WebDataClone [WebData]
rpm-build 3ee90c
     Stopped: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ]
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
In Fedora 29 and CentOS 8.0, 'master' resources have been renamed to
rpm-build 3ee90c
'promotable clone' resources and the `pcs` command has been changed
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs -f drbd_cfg resource promotable WebData \
rpm-build 3ee90c
         promoted-max=1 promoted-node-max=1 clone-max=2 clone-node-max=1 \
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
The new command does not allow to set a custom name for the resulting
rpm-build 3ee90c
promotable resource. `Pcs` automatically creates a name for the resource in
rpm-build 3ee90c
the form of *pass:[<replaceable>resource_name</replaceable>]-clone*, that is
rpm-build 3ee90c
*WebData-clone* in this case.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
To avoid confusion whether the +pcs resource show+ command displays resources'
rpm-build 3ee90c
status or configuration, the command has been deprecated in Fedora 29 and
rpm-build 3ee90c
CentOS 8.0. Two new commands have been introduced for displaying resources'
rpm-build 3ee90c
status and configuration: `pcs resource status` and `pcs resource config`,
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
After you are satisfied with all the changes, you can commit
rpm-build 3ee90c
them all at once by pushing the drbd_cfg file into the live CIB.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs cluster cib-push drbd_cfg --config
rpm-build 3ee90c
CIB updated
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Let's see what the cluster did with the new configuration:
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs status
rpm-build 3ee90c
Cluster name: mycluster
rpm-build 3ee90c
Stack: corosync
rpm-build 3ee90c
Current DC: pcmk-2 (version 1.1.18-11.el7_5.3-2b07d5c5a9) - partition with quorum
rpm-build 3ee90c
Last updated: Mon Sep 10 17:58:07 2018
rpm-build 3ee90c
Last change: Mon Sep 10 17:57:53 2018 by root via cibadmin on pcmk-1
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
2 nodes configured
rpm-build 3ee90c
4 resources configured
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Online: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ]
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Full list of resources:
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
 ClusterIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	Started pcmk-1
rpm-build 3ee90c
 WebSite	(ocf::heartbeat:apache):	Started pcmk-1
rpm-build 3ee90c
 Master/Slave Set: WebDataClone [WebData]
rpm-build 3ee90c
     Masters: [ pcmk-1 ]
rpm-build 3ee90c
     Slaves: [ pcmk-2 ]
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Daemon Status:
rpm-build 3ee90c
  corosync: active/disabled
rpm-build 3ee90c
  pacemaker: active/disabled
rpm-build 3ee90c
  pcsd: active/enabled
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
We can see that *WebDataClone* (our DRBD device) is running as master (DRBD's
rpm-build 3ee90c
primary role) on *pcmk-1* and slave (DRBD's secondary role) on *pcmk-2*.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
The resource agent should load the DRBD module when needed if it's not already
rpm-build 3ee90c
loaded. If that does not happen, configure your operating system to load the
rpm-build 3ee90c
module at boot time. For &DISTRO; &DISTRO_VERSION;, you would run this on both
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
# echo drbd >/etc/modules-load.d/drbd.conf
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
== Configure the Cluster for the Filesystem ==
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Now that we have a working DRBD device, we need to mount its filesystem.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
In addition to defining the filesystem, we also need to
rpm-build 3ee90c
tell the cluster where it can be located (only on the DRBD Primary)
rpm-build 3ee90c
and when it is allowed to start (after the Primary was promoted).
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
We are going to take a shortcut when creating the resource this time.
rpm-build 3ee90c
Instead of explicitly saying we want the *ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem* script, we
rpm-build 3ee90c
are only going to ask for *Filesystem*. We can do this because we know there is only
rpm-build 3ee90c
one resource script named *Filesystem* available to pacemaker, and that pcs is smart
rpm-build 3ee90c
enough to fill in the *ocf:heartbeat:* portion for us correctly in the configuration.
rpm-build 3ee90c
If there were multiple *Filesystem* scripts from different OCF providers, we would need
rpm-build 3ee90c
to specify the exact one we wanted.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Once again, we will queue our changes to a file and then push the
rpm-build 3ee90c
new configuration to the cluster as the final step.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs cluster cib fs_cfg
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs -f fs_cfg resource create WebFS Filesystem \
rpm-build 3ee90c
	device="/dev/drbd1" directory="/var/www/html" fstype="xfs"
rpm-build 3ee90c
Assumed agent name 'ocf:heartbeat:Filesystem' (deduced from 'Filesystem')
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs -f fs_cfg constraint colocation add \
rpm-build 3ee90c
	WebFS with WebDataClone INFINITY with-rsc-role=Master
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs -f fs_cfg constraint order \
rpm-build 3ee90c
	promote WebDataClone then start WebFS
rpm-build 3ee90c
Adding WebDataClone WebFS (kind: Mandatory) (Options: first-action=promote then-action=start)
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
We also need to tell the cluster that Apache needs to run on the same
rpm-build 3ee90c
machine as the filesystem and that it must be active before Apache can
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs -f fs_cfg constraint colocation add WebSite with WebFS INFINITY
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs -f fs_cfg constraint order WebFS then WebSite
rpm-build 3ee90c
Adding WebFS WebSite (kind: Mandatory) (Options: first-action=start then-action=start)
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Review the updated configuration.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs -f fs_cfg constraint
rpm-build 3ee90c
Location Constraints:
rpm-build 3ee90c
  Resource: WebSite
rpm-build 3ee90c
    Enabled on: pcmk-1 (score:50)
rpm-build 3ee90c
Ordering Constraints:
rpm-build 3ee90c
  start ClusterIP then start WebSite (kind:Mandatory)
rpm-build 3ee90c
  promote WebDataClone then start WebFS (kind:Mandatory)
rpm-build 3ee90c
  start WebFS then start WebSite (kind:Mandatory)
rpm-build 3ee90c
Colocation Constraints:
rpm-build 3ee90c
  WebSite with ClusterIP (score:INFINITY)
rpm-build 3ee90c
  WebFS with WebDataClone (score:INFINITY) (with-rsc-role:Master)
rpm-build 3ee90c
  WebSite with WebFS (score:INFINITY)
rpm-build 3ee90c
Ticket Constraints:
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs -f fs_cfg resource show
rpm-build 3ee90c
 ClusterIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	Started pcmk-1
rpm-build 3ee90c
 WebSite	(ocf::heartbeat:apache):	Started pcmk-1
rpm-build 3ee90c
 Master/Slave Set: WebDataClone [WebData]
rpm-build 3ee90c
     Masters: [ pcmk-1 ]
rpm-build 3ee90c
     Slaves: [ pcmk-2 ]
rpm-build 3ee90c
 WebFS	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	Stopped
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
After reviewing the new configuration, upload it and watch the
rpm-build 3ee90c
cluster put it into effect.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs cluster cib-push fs_cfg --config
rpm-build 3ee90c
CIB updated
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs status
rpm-build 3ee90c
Cluster name: mycluster
rpm-build 3ee90c
Stack: corosync
rpm-build 3ee90c
Current DC: pcmk-2 (version 1.1.18-11.el7_5.3-2b07d5c5a9) - partition with quorum
rpm-build 3ee90c
Last updated: Mon Sep 10 18:02:24 2018
rpm-build 3ee90c
Last change: Mon Sep 10 18:02:14 2018 by root via cibadmin on pcmk-1
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
2 nodes configured
rpm-build 3ee90c
5 resources configured
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Online: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ]
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Full list of resources:
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
 ClusterIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	Started pcmk-1
rpm-build 3ee90c
 WebSite	(ocf::heartbeat:apache):	Started pcmk-1
rpm-build 3ee90c
 Master/Slave Set: WebDataClone [WebData]
rpm-build 3ee90c
     Masters: [ pcmk-1 ]
rpm-build 3ee90c
     Slaves: [ pcmk-2 ]
rpm-build 3ee90c
 WebFS	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	Started pcmk-1
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Daemon Status:
rpm-build 3ee90c
  corosync: active/disabled
rpm-build 3ee90c
  pacemaker: active/disabled
rpm-build 3ee90c
  pcsd: active/enabled
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
== Test Cluster Failover ==
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Previously, we used `pcs cluster stop pcmk-1` to stop all cluster
rpm-build 3ee90c
services on *pcmk-1*, failing over the cluster resources, but there is another
rpm-build 3ee90c
way to safely simulate node failure.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
We can put the node into _standby mode_. Nodes in this state continue to
rpm-build 3ee90c
run corosync and pacemaker but are not allowed to run resources. Any resources
rpm-build 3ee90c
found active there will be moved elsewhere. This feature can be particularly
rpm-build 3ee90c
useful when performing system administration tasks such as updating packages
rpm-build 3ee90c
used by cluster resources.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Put the active node into standby mode, and observe the cluster move all
rpm-build 3ee90c
the resources to the other node. The node's status will change to indicate that
rpm-build 3ee90c
it can no longer host resources, and eventually all the resources will move.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs cluster standby pcmk-1
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs status
rpm-build 3ee90c
Cluster name: mycluster
rpm-build 3ee90c
Stack: corosync
rpm-build 3ee90c
Current DC: pcmk-2 (version 1.1.18-11.el7_5.3-2b07d5c5a9) - partition with quorum
rpm-build 3ee90c
Last updated: Mon Sep 10 18:04:22 2018
rpm-build 3ee90c
Last change: Mon Sep 10 18:03:43 2018 by root via cibadmin on pcmk-1
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
2 nodes configured
rpm-build 3ee90c
5 resources configured
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Node pcmk-1: standby
rpm-build 3ee90c
Online: [ pcmk-2 ]
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Full list of resources:
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
 ClusterIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	Started pcmk-2
rpm-build 3ee90c
 WebSite	(ocf::heartbeat:apache):	Started pcmk-2
rpm-build 3ee90c
 Master/Slave Set: WebDataClone [WebData]
rpm-build 3ee90c
     Masters: [ pcmk-2 ]
rpm-build 3ee90c
     Stopped: [ pcmk-1 ]
rpm-build 3ee90c
 WebFS	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	Started pcmk-2
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Daemon Status:
rpm-build 3ee90c
  corosync: active/disabled
rpm-build 3ee90c
  pacemaker: active/disabled
rpm-build 3ee90c
  pcsd: active/enabled
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Once we've done everything we needed to on pcmk-1 (in this case nothing,
rpm-build 3ee90c
we just wanted to see the resources move), we can allow the node to be a
rpm-build 3ee90c
full cluster member again.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs cluster unstandby pcmk-1
rpm-build 3ee90c
[root@pcmk-1 ~]# pcs status
rpm-build 3ee90c
Cluster name: mycluster
rpm-build 3ee90c
Stack: corosync
rpm-build 3ee90c
Current DC: pcmk-2 (version 1.1.18-11.el7_5.3-2b07d5c5a9) - partition with quorum
rpm-build 3ee90c
Last updated: Mon Sep 10 18:05:22 2018
rpm-build 3ee90c
Last change: Mon Sep 10 18:05:21 2018 by root via cibadmin on pcmk-1
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
2 nodes configured
rpm-build 3ee90c
5 resources configured
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Online: [ pcmk-1 pcmk-2 ]
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Full list of resources:
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
 ClusterIP	(ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2):	Started pcmk-2
rpm-build 3ee90c
 WebSite	(ocf::heartbeat:apache):	Started pcmk-2
rpm-build 3ee90c
 Master/Slave Set: WebDataClone [WebData]
rpm-build 3ee90c
     Masters: [ pcmk-2 ]
rpm-build 3ee90c
     Slaves: [ pcmk-1 ]
rpm-build 3ee90c
 WebFS	(ocf::heartbeat:Filesystem):	Started pcmk-2
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Daemon Status:
rpm-build 3ee90c
  corosync: active/disabled
rpm-build 3ee90c
  pacemaker: active/disabled
rpm-build 3ee90c
  pcsd: active/enabled
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Notice that *pcmk-1* is back to the *Online* state, and that the cluster resources
rpm-build 3ee90c
stay where they are due to our resource stickiness settings configured earlier.
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
rpm-build 3ee90c
Since Fedora 29 and CentOS 8.0, the commands for controlling standby mode are
rpm-build 3ee90c
`pcs node standby` and `pcs node unstandby`.
rpm-build 3ee90c