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Forked from source-git/ghc-aeson 4 years ago

Blame tests/SerializationFormatSpec.hs

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{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
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{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
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#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
Packit 9a2dfb
{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
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-- These tests assert that the JSON serialization doesn't change by accident.
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module SerializationFormatSpec
Packit 9a2dfb
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  ) where
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import Prelude ()
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import Prelude.Compat
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import Control.Applicative (Const(..))
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import Data.Aeson (FromJSON(..), decode, encode, genericParseJSON, genericToEncoding, genericToJSON)
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import Data.Aeson.Types (Options(..), SumEncoding(..), ToJSON(..), defaultOptions)
Packit 9a2dfb
import Data.Fixed (Pico)
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import Data.Foldable (for_, toList)
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import Data.Functor.Compose (Compose(..))
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import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity(..))
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import Data.Functor.Product (Product(..))
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import Data.Functor.Sum (Sum(..))
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import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..))
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import Data.Proxy (Proxy(..))
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import Data.Scientific (Scientific)
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import Data.Tagged (Tagged(..))
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import Data.Time (fromGregorian)
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import Data.Word (Word8)
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import GHC.Generics (Generic)
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import Instances ()
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import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup)
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import Test.Framework.Providers.HUnit (testCase)
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import Test.HUnit (assertFailure, assertEqual)
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import Types (Approx(..), Compose3, Compose3', I)
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import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as L
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import qualified Data.DList as DList
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import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HM
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import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
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import qualified Data.IntMap as IntMap
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import qualified Data.IntSet as IntSet
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import qualified Data.Map as M
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import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid
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import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup
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import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
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import qualified Data.Set as Set
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import qualified Data.Tree as Tree
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import qualified Data.UUID.Types as UUID
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import qualified Data.Vector as Vector
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tests :: [Test]
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tests =
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    testGroup "To JSON representation" $ fmap assertJsonEncodingExample jsonEncodingExamples
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  , testGroup "From JSON representation" $ fmap assertJsonExample jsonDecodingExamples
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  , testGroup "To/From JSON representation" $ fmap assertJsonExample jsonExamples
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jsonExamples :: [Example]
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jsonExamples =
Packit 9a2dfb
Packit 9a2dfb
    example "Either Left" "{\"Left\":1}"  (Left 1 :: Either Int Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Either Right" "{\"Right\":1}"  (Right 1 :: Either Int Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Nothing"  "null"  (Nothing :: Maybe Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Just"  "1"  (Just 1 :: Maybe Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Proxy Int" "null"  (Proxy :: Proxy Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Tagged Char Int" "1"  (Tagged 1 :: Tagged Char Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
Packit 9a2dfb
    -- Test Tagged instance is polykinded
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Tagged 123 Int" "1"  (Tagged 1 :: Tagged 123 Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
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  , example "Const Char Int" "\"c\""  (Const 'c' :: Const Char Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Tuple" "[1,2]"  ((1, 2) :: (Int, Int))
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "NonEmpty" "[1,2,3]"  (1 :| [2, 3] :: NonEmpty Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Seq" "[1,2,3]"  (Seq.fromList [1, 2, 3] ::  Seq.Seq Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "DList" "[1,2,3]"  (DList.fromList [1, 2, 3] :: DList.DList Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "()" "[]"  ()
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  , Example "HashMap Int Int"
Packit 9a2dfb
        [ "{\"0\":1,\"2\":3}", "{\"2\":3,\"0\":1}"]
Packit 9a2dfb
        (HM.fromList [(0,1),(2,3)] :: HM.HashMap Int Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , Example "Map Int Int"
Packit 9a2dfb
        [ "{\"0\":1,\"2\":3}", "{\"2\":3,\"0\":1}"]
Packit 9a2dfb
        (M.fromList [(0,1),(2,3)] :: M.Map Int Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , Example "Map (Tagged Int Int) Int"
Packit 9a2dfb
        [ "{\"0\":1,\"2\":3}", "{\"2\":3,\"0\":1}"]
Packit 9a2dfb
        (M.fromList [(Tagged 0,1),(Tagged 2,3)] :: M.Map (Tagged Int Int) Int)
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  , example "Map [Int] Int"
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        (M.fromList [([0],1),([2],3)] :: M.Map [Int] Int)
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  , Example "Map [Char] Int"
Packit 9a2dfb
        [ "{\"ab\":1,\"cd\":3}", "{\"cd\":3,\"ab\":1}" ]
Packit 9a2dfb
        (M.fromList [("ab",1),("cd",3)] :: M.Map String Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , Example "Map [I Char] Int"
Packit 9a2dfb
        [ "{\"ab\":1,\"cd\":3}", "{\"cd\":3,\"ab\":1}" ]
Packit 9a2dfb
        (M.fromList [(map pure "ab",1),(map pure "cd",3)] :: M.Map [I Char] Int)
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  , example "nan :: Double" "null"  (Approx $ 0/0 :: Approx Double)
Packit 9a2dfb
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  , example "Ordering LT" "\"LT\"" LT
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Ordering EQ" "\"EQ\"" EQ
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Ordering GT" "\"GT\"" GT
Packit 9a2dfb
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Float" "3.14" (3.14 :: Float)
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  , example "Pico" "3.14" (3.14 :: Pico)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Scientific" "3.14" (3.14 :: Scientific)
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  , example "UUID" "\"c2cc10e1-57d6-4b6f-9899-38d972112d8c\"" $ UUID.fromWords
Packit 9a2dfb
      0xc2cc10e1 0x57d64b6f 0x989938d9 0x72112d8c
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  , example "Set Int" "[1,2,3]" (Set.fromList [3, 2, 1] :: Set.Set Int)
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  , example "IntSet"  "[1,2,3]" (IntSet.fromList [3, 2, 1])
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  , example "IntMap" "[[1,2],[3,4]]" (IntMap.fromList [(3,4), (1,2)] :: IntMap.IntMap Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Vector" "[1,2,3]" (Vector.fromList [1, 2, 3] :: Vector.Vector Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "HashSet Int" "[1,2,3]" (HashSet.fromList [3, 2, 1] :: HashSet.HashSet Int)
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  , example "Tree Int" "[1,[[2,[[3,[]],[4,[]]]],[5,[]]]]" (let n = Tree.Node in n 1 [n 2 [n 3 [], n 4 []], n 5 []] :: Tree.Tree Int)
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  -- Three separate cases, as ordering in HashMap is not defined
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  , example "HashMap Float Int, NaN" "{\"NaN\":1}"  (Approx $ HM.singleton (0/0) 1 :: Approx (HM.HashMap Float Int))
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  , example "HashMap Float Int, Infinity" "{\"Infinity\":1}"  (HM.singleton (1/0) 1 :: HM.HashMap Float Int)
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  , example "HashMap Float Int, +Infinity" "{\"-Infinity\":1}"  (HM.singleton (negate 1/0) 1 :: HM.HashMap Float Int)
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  -- Functors
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  , example "Identity Int" "1"  (pure 1 :: Identity Int)
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  , example "Identity Char" "\"x\""      (pure 'x' :: Identity Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Identity String" "\"foo\""  (pure "foo" :: Identity String)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "[Identity Char]" "\"xy\""   ([pure 'x', pure 'y'] :: [Identity Char])
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Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Maybe Char" "\"x\""              (pure 'x' :: Maybe Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Maybe String" "\"foo\""          (pure "foo" :: Maybe String)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Maybe [Identity Char]" "\"xy\""  (pure [pure 'x', pure 'y'] :: Maybe [Identity Char])
Packit 9a2dfb
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Day; year >= 1000" "\"1999-10-12\""        (fromGregorian 1999    10 12)
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  , example "Day; year > 0 && < 1000" "\"0500-03-04\""  (fromGregorian 500     3  4)
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  , example "Day; year == 0" "\"0000-02-20\""           (fromGregorian 0       2  20)
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  , example "Day; year < 0" "\"-0234-01-01\""           (fromGregorian (-234)  1  1)
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  , example "Day; year < -1000" "\"-1234-01-01\""       (fromGregorian (-1234) 1  1)
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  , example "Product I Maybe Int" "[1,2]"         (Pair (pure 1) (pure 2) :: Product I Maybe Int)
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  , example "Product I Maybe Int" "[1,null]"      (Pair (pure 1) Nothing :: Product I Maybe Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Product I [] Char" "[\"a\",\"foo\"]" (Pair (pure 'a') "foo" :: Product I [] Char)
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  , example "Sum I [] Int: InL"  "{\"InL\":1}"       (InL (pure 1) :: Sum I [] Int)
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  , example "Sum I [] Int: InR"  "{\"InR\":[1,2]}"   (InR [1, 2] :: Sum I [] Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Sum I [] Char: InR" "{\"InR\":\"foo\"}" (InR "foo" :: Sum I [] Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose I  I  Int" "1"      (pure 1 :: Compose I I   Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose I  [] Int" "[1]"    (pure 1 :: Compose I []  Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose [] I  Int" "[1]"    (pure 1 :: Compose [] I  Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose [] [] Int" "[[1]]"  (pure 1 :: Compose [] [] Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose I  I  Char" "\"x\""    (pure 'x' :: Compose I  I  Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose I  [] Char" "\"x\""    (pure 'x' :: Compose I  [] Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose [] I  Char" "\"x\""    (pure 'x' :: Compose [] I  Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose [] [] Char" "[\"x\"]"  (pure 'x' :: Compose [] [] Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose3 I  I  I  Char" "\"x\""      (pure 'x' :: Compose3 I  I  I  Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose3 I  I  [] Char" "\"x\""      (pure 'x' :: Compose3 I  I  [] Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose3 I  [] I  Char" "\"x\""      (pure 'x' :: Compose3 I  [] I  Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose3 I  [] [] Char" "[\"x\"]"    (pure 'x' :: Compose3 I  [] [] Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose3 [] I  I  Char" "\"x\""      (pure 'x' :: Compose3 [] I  I  Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose3 [] I  [] Char" "[\"x\"]"    (pure 'x' :: Compose3 [] I  [] Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose3 [] [] I  Char" "[\"x\"]"    (pure 'x' :: Compose3 [] [] I  Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose3 [] [] [] Char" "[[\"x\"]]"  (pure 'x' :: Compose3 [] [] [] Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose3' I  I  I  Char" "\"x\""      (pure 'x' :: Compose3' I  I  I  Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose3' I  I  [] Char" "\"x\""      (pure 'x' :: Compose3' I  I  [] Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose3' I  [] I  Char" "\"x\""      (pure 'x' :: Compose3' I  [] I  Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose3' I  [] [] Char" "[\"x\"]"    (pure 'x' :: Compose3' I  [] [] Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose3' [] I  I  Char" "\"x\""      (pure 'x' :: Compose3' [] I  I  Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose3' [] I  [] Char" "[\"x\"]"    (pure 'x' :: Compose3' [] I  [] Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose3' [] [] I  Char" "[\"x\"]"    (pure 'x' :: Compose3' [] [] I  Char)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Compose3' [] [] [] Char" "[[\"x\"]]"  (pure 'x' :: Compose3' [] [] [] Char)
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Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "MyEither Int String: Left"  "42"      (MyLeft 42     :: MyEither Int String)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "MyEither Int String: Right" "\"foo\"" (MyRight "foo" :: MyEither Int String)
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  -- newtypes from Monoid/Semigroup
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Monoid.Dual Int" "2" (pure 2 :: Monoid.Dual Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Monoid.First Int" "2" (pure 2 :: Monoid.First Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Monoid.Last Int" "2" (pure 2 :: Monoid.Last Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Semigroup.Min Int" "2" (pure 2 :: Semigroup.Min Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Semigroup.Max Int" "2" (pure 2 :: Semigroup.Max Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Semigroup.First Int" "2" (pure 2 :: Semigroup.First Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Semigroup.Last Int" "2" (pure 2 :: Semigroup.Last Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Semigroup.WrappedMonoid Int" "2" (Semigroup.WrapMonoid 2 :: Semigroup.WrappedMonoid Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Semigroup.Option Just" "2" (pure 2 :: Semigroup.Option Int)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "Semigroup.Option Nothing" "null" (Semigroup.Option (Nothing :: Maybe Bool))
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Packit 9a2dfb
jsonEncodingExamples :: [Example]
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jsonEncodingExamples =
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  -- Maybe serialising is lossy
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  -- https://github.com/bos/aeson/issues/376
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    example "Just Nothing" "null" (Just Nothing :: Maybe (Maybe Int))
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  -- infinities cannot be recovered, null is decoded as NaN
Packit 9a2dfb
  , example "inf :: Double" "null" (Approx $ 1/0 :: Approx Double)
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jsonDecodingExamples :: [Example]
Packit 9a2dfb
jsonDecodingExamples = [
Packit 9a2dfb
  -- Maybe serialising is lossy
Packit 9a2dfb
  -- https://github.com/bos/aeson/issues/376
Packit 9a2dfb
    MaybeExample "Nothing"      "null" (Just Nothing :: Maybe (Maybe Int))
Packit 9a2dfb
  , MaybeExample "Just"         "1"    (Just $ Just 1 :: Maybe (Maybe Int))
Packit 9a2dfb
  , MaybeExample "Just Nothing" "null" (Just Nothing :: Maybe (Maybe (Maybe Int)))
Packit 9a2dfb
  -- Integral values are truncated, and overflowed
Packit 9a2dfb
  -- https://github.com/bos/aeson/issues/317
Packit 9a2dfb
  , MaybeExample "Word8 3"    "3"    (Just 3 :: Maybe Word8)
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  , MaybeExample "Word8 3.00" "3.00" (Just 3 :: Maybe Word8)
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  , MaybeExample "Word8 3.14" "3.14" (Nothing :: Maybe Word8)
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  , MaybeExample "Word8 -1"   "-1"   (Nothing :: Maybe Word8)
Packit 9a2dfb
  , MaybeExample "Word8 300"  "300"  (Nothing :: Maybe Word8)
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  -- Negative zero year, encoding never produces such:
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  , MaybeExample "Day -0000-02-03" "\"-0000-02-03\"" (Just (fromGregorian 0 2 3))
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data Example where
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        :: (Eq a, Show a, ToJSON a, FromJSON a)
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        => String -> [L.ByteString] -> a -> Example -- empty bytestring will fail, any p [] == False
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        :: (Eq a, Show a, FromJSON a)
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        => String -> L.ByteString -> Maybe a -> Example
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example :: (Eq a, Show a, ToJSON a, FromJSON a)
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        => String -> L.ByteString -> a -> Example
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example n bs x = Example n [bs] x
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data MyEither a b = MyLeft a | MyRight b
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  deriving (Generic, Show, Eq)
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instance (ToJSON a, ToJSON b) => ToJSON (MyEither a b) where
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    toJSON = genericToJSON defaultOptions { sumEncoding = UntaggedValue }
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    toEncoding = genericToEncoding defaultOptions { sumEncoding = UntaggedValue }
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instance (FromJSON a, FromJSON b) => FromJSON (MyEither a b) where
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    parseJSON = genericParseJSON defaultOptions { sumEncoding = UntaggedValue }
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assertJsonExample :: Example -> Test
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assertJsonExample (Example name bss val) = testCase name $ do
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    assertSomeEqual "encode"           bss        (encode val)
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    assertSomeEqual "encode/via value" bss        (encode $ toJSON val)
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    for_ bss $ \bs ->
Packit 9a2dfb
        assertEqual "decode"           (Just val) (decode bs)
Packit 9a2dfb
assertJsonExample (MaybeExample name bs mval) = testCase name $
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    assertEqual "decode" mval (decode bs)
Packit 9a2dfb
Packit 9a2dfb
assertJsonEncodingExample :: Example -> Test
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assertJsonEncodingExample (Example name bss val) = testCase name $ do
Packit 9a2dfb
    assertSomeEqual "encode"           bss (encode val)
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    assertSomeEqual "encode/via value" bss (encode $ toJSON val)
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assertJsonEncodingExample (MaybeExample name _ _) = testCase name $
Packit 9a2dfb
    assertFailure "cannot encode MaybeExample"
Packit 9a2dfb
Packit 9a2dfb
assertSomeEqual :: (Eq a, Show a, Foldable f) => String -> f a -> a -> IO ()
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assertSomeEqual preface expected actual
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    | actual `elem` expected = return ()
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    | otherwise = assertFailure $ preface
Packit 9a2dfb
        ++ ": expecting one of " ++ show (toList expected)
Packit 9a2dfb
        ++ ", got " ++ show actual
Packit 9a2dfb