/** \ingroup rpmio * \file rpmio/rpmsq.c */ #include "system.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "debug.h" static __thread int disableInterruptSafety; static __thread sigset_t rpmsqCaught; static __thread sigset_t rpmsqActive; typedef struct rpmsig_s * rpmsig; static void rpmsqIgn(int signum, siginfo_t *info, void *context) { } static void rpmsqTerm(int signum, siginfo_t *info, void *context) { if (info->si_pid == 0) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_DEBUG, "exiting on signal %d (killed by death, eh?)\n", signum); } else { int lvl = (signum == SIGPIPE) ? RPMLOG_DEBUG : RPMLOG_WARNING; rpmlog(lvl, _("exiting on signal %d from pid %d\n"), signum, info->si_pid); } /* exit 128 + signum for compatibility with bash(1) */ exit(128 + signum); } static struct rpmsig_s { int signum; rpmsqAction_t defhandler; rpmsqAction_t handler; siginfo_t siginfo; struct sigaction oact; } rpmsigTbl[] = { { SIGINT, rpmsqTerm, NULL }, { SIGQUIT, rpmsqTerm, NULL }, { SIGHUP, rpmsqTerm, NULL }, { SIGTERM, rpmsqTerm, NULL }, { SIGPIPE, rpmsqTerm, NULL }, { -1, NULL, NULL }, }; static int rpmsigGet(int signum, struct rpmsig_s **sig) { for (rpmsig tbl = rpmsigTbl; tbl->signum >= 0; tbl++) { if (tbl->signum == signum) { *sig = tbl; return 1; } } return 0; } int rpmsqIsCaught(int signum) { return sigismember(&rpmsqCaught, signum); } static void rpmsqHandler(int signum, siginfo_t * info, void * context) { int save = errno; if (sigismember(&rpmsqActive, signum)) { if (!sigismember(&rpmsqCaught, signum)) { rpmsig sig = NULL; if (rpmsigGet(signum, &sig)) { (void) sigaddset(&rpmsqCaught, signum); memcpy(&sig->siginfo, info, sizeof(*info)); } } } errno = save; } rpmsqAction_t rpmsqSetAction(int signum, rpmsqAction_t handler) { rpmsig sig = NULL; rpmsqAction_t oh = RPMSQ_ERR; if (rpmsigGet(signum, &sig)) { oh = sig->handler; sig->handler = (handler == RPMSQ_IGN) ? rpmsqIgn : handler; } return oh; } int rpmsqActivate(int state) { sigset_t newMask, oldMask; if (disableInterruptSafety) return 0; (void) sigfillset(&newMask); (void) pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &newMask, &oldMask); if (state) { struct sigaction sa; for (rpmsig tbl = rpmsigTbl; tbl->signum >= 0; tbl++) { sigdelset(&rpmsqCaught, tbl->signum); memset(&tbl->siginfo, 0, sizeof(tbl->siginfo)); /* XXX Don't set a signal handler if already SIG_IGN */ sigaction(tbl->signum, NULL, &tbl->oact); if (tbl->oact.sa_handler == SIG_IGN) continue; sigemptyset (&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = SA_SIGINFO; sa.sa_sigaction = rpmsqHandler; if (sigaction(tbl->signum, &sa, &tbl->oact) == 0) sigaddset(&rpmsqActive, tbl->signum); } } else { for (rpmsig tbl = rpmsigTbl; tbl->signum >= 0; tbl++) { if (!sigismember(&rpmsqActive, tbl->signum)) continue; if (sigaction(tbl->signum, &tbl->oact, NULL) == 0) { sigdelset(&rpmsqActive, tbl->signum); sigdelset(&rpmsqCaught, tbl->signum); memset(&tbl->siginfo, 0, sizeof(tbl->siginfo)); } } } pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldMask, NULL); return 0; } int rpmsqPoll(void) { sigset_t newMask, oldMask; int n = 0; /* block all signals while processing the queue */ (void) sigfillset(&newMask); (void) pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &newMask, &oldMask); for (rpmsig tbl = rpmsigTbl; tbl->signum >= 0; tbl++) { /* honor blocked signals in polling too */ if (sigismember(&oldMask, tbl->signum)) continue; if (sigismember(&rpmsqCaught, tbl->signum)) { rpmsqAction_t handler = (tbl->handler != NULL) ? tbl->handler : tbl->defhandler; /* delete signal before running handler to prevent recursing */ sigdelset(&rpmsqCaught, tbl->signum); handler(tbl->signum, &tbl->siginfo, NULL); memset(&tbl->siginfo, 0, sizeof(tbl->siginfo)); n++; } } pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldMask, NULL); return n; } int rpmsqBlock(int op) { static __thread sigset_t oldMask; static __thread int blocked = 0; sigset_t newMask; int ret = 0; if (op == SIG_BLOCK) { blocked++; if (blocked == 1) { sigfillset(&newMask); sigdelset(&newMask, SIGABRT); sigdelset(&newMask, SIGBUS); sigdelset(&newMask, SIGFPE); sigdelset(&newMask, SIGILL); sigdelset(&newMask, SIGSEGV); sigdelset(&newMask, SIGTSTP); ret = pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &newMask, &oldMask); } } else if (op == SIG_UNBLOCK) { blocked--; if (blocked == 0) { ret = pthread_sigmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldMask, NULL); rpmsqPoll(); } else if (blocked < 0) { blocked = 0; ret = -1; } } return ret; } /** \ingroup rpmio * * By default, librpm will trap various unix signals such as SIGINT and SIGTERM, * in order to avoid process exit while locks are held or a transaction is being * performed. However, there exist tools that operate on non-running roots (traditionally * build systems such as mock), as well as deployment tools such as rpm-ostree. * * These tools are more robust against interruption - typically they * will just throw away the partially constructed root. This function * is designed for use by those tools, so an operator can happily * press Control-C. * * It's recommended to call this once only at process startup if this * behavior is desired (and to then avoid using librpm against "live" * databases), because currently signal handlers will not be retroactively * applied if a database is open. */ void rpmsqSetInterruptSafety(int on) { disableInterruptSafety = !on; }