/** \ingroup rpmcli * \file lib/rpminstall.c */ #include "system.h" #include #include #include /* rpmReadPackageFile, vercmp etc */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "lib/rpmgi.h" #include "lib/manifest.h" #include "debug.h" static int rpmcliPackagesTotal = 0; static int rpmcliHashesCurrent = 0; static int rpmcliHashesTotal = 0; static int rpmcliProgressCurrent = 0; static int rpmcliProgressTotal = 0; static int rpmcliProgressState = 0; /** * Print a CLI progress bar. * @todo Unsnarl isatty(STDOUT_FILENO) from the control flow. * @param amount current * @param total final */ static void printHash(const rpm_loff_t amount, const rpm_loff_t total) { int hashesNeeded; rpmcliHashesTotal = (isatty (STDOUT_FILENO) ? 34 : 40); if (rpmcliHashesCurrent != rpmcliHashesTotal) { float pct = (total ? (((float) amount) / total) : 1.0); hashesNeeded = (rpmcliHashesTotal * pct) + 0.5; while (hashesNeeded > rpmcliHashesCurrent) { if (isatty (STDOUT_FILENO)) { int i; for (i = 0; i < rpmcliHashesCurrent; i++) (void) putchar ('#'); for (; i < rpmcliHashesTotal; i++) (void) putchar (' '); fprintf(stdout, "(%3d%%)", (int)((100 * pct) + 0.5)); for (i = 0; i < (rpmcliHashesTotal + 6); i++) (void) putchar ('\b'); } else fprintf(stdout, "#"); rpmcliHashesCurrent++; } (void) fflush(stdout); if (rpmcliHashesCurrent == rpmcliHashesTotal) { int i; rpmcliProgressCurrent++; if (isatty(STDOUT_FILENO)) { for (i = 1; i < rpmcliHashesCurrent; i++) (void) putchar ('#'); pct = (rpmcliProgressTotal ? (((float) rpmcliProgressCurrent) / rpmcliProgressTotal) : 1); fprintf(stdout, " [%3d%%]", (int)((100 * pct) + 0.5)); } fprintf(stdout, "\n"); } (void) fflush(stdout); } } static rpmVSFlags setvsFlags(struct rpmInstallArguments_s * ia) { rpmVSFlags vsflags; if (ia->installInterfaceFlags & (INSTALL_UPGRADE | INSTALL_ERASE)) vsflags = rpmExpandNumeric("%{?_vsflags_erase}"); else vsflags = rpmExpandNumeric("%{?_vsflags_install}"); if (rpmcliQueryFlags & VERIFY_DIGEST) vsflags |= _RPMVSF_NODIGESTS; if (rpmcliQueryFlags & VERIFY_SIGNATURE) vsflags |= _RPMVSF_NOSIGNATURES; if (rpmcliQueryFlags & VERIFY_HDRCHK) vsflags |= RPMVSF_NOHDRCHK; vsflags |= rpmcliVSFlags; return vsflags; } void * rpmShowProgress(const void * arg, const rpmCallbackType what, const rpm_loff_t amount, const rpm_loff_t total, fnpyKey key, void * data) { Header h = (Header) arg; int flags = (int) ((long)data); void * rc = NULL; const char * filename = (const char *)key; static FD_t fd = NULL; switch (what) { case RPMCALLBACK_INST_OPEN_FILE: if (filename == NULL || filename[0] == '\0') return NULL; fd = Fopen(filename, "r.ufdio"); /* FIX: still necessary? */ if (fd == NULL || Ferror(fd)) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("open of %s failed: %s\n"), filename, Fstrerror(fd)); if (fd != NULL) { Fclose(fd); fd = NULL; } } else fd = fdLink(fd); return (void *)fd; break; case RPMCALLBACK_INST_CLOSE_FILE: /* FIX: still necessary? */ fd = fdFree(fd); if (fd != NULL) { Fclose(fd); fd = NULL; } break; case RPMCALLBACK_INST_START: case RPMCALLBACK_UNINST_START: if (rpmcliProgressState != what) { rpmcliProgressState = what; if (flags & INSTALL_HASH) { if (what == RPMCALLBACK_INST_START) { fprintf(stdout, _("Updating / installing...\n")); } else { fprintf(stdout, _("Cleaning up / removing...\n")); } fflush(stdout); } } rpmcliHashesCurrent = 0; if (h == NULL || !(flags & INSTALL_LABEL)) break; if (flags & INSTALL_HASH) { char *s = headerGetAsString(h, RPMTAG_NEVR); if (isatty (STDOUT_FILENO)) fprintf(stdout, "%4d:%-33.33s", rpmcliProgressCurrent + 1, s); else fprintf(stdout, "%-38.38s", s); (void) fflush(stdout); free(s); } else { char *s = headerGetAsString(h, RPMTAG_NEVRA); fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", s); (void) fflush(stdout); free(s); } break; case RPMCALLBACK_INST_STOP: break; case RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_PROGRESS: case RPMCALLBACK_INST_PROGRESS: case RPMCALLBACK_UNINST_PROGRESS: case RPMCALLBACK_VERIFY_PROGRESS: if (flags & INSTALL_PERCENT) fprintf(stdout, "%%%% %f\n", (double) (total ? ((((float) amount) / total) * 100) : 100.0)); else if (flags & INSTALL_HASH) printHash(amount, total); (void) fflush(stdout); break; case RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_START: case RPMCALLBACK_VERIFY_START: rpmcliHashesCurrent = 0; rpmcliProgressTotal = 1; rpmcliProgressCurrent = 0; rpmcliPackagesTotal = total; rpmcliProgressState = what; if (!(flags & INSTALL_LABEL)) break; if (flags & INSTALL_HASH) { fprintf(stdout, "%-38s", (what == RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_START) ? _("Preparing...") : _("Verifying...")); } else { fprintf(stdout, "%s\n", (what == RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_START) ? _("Preparing packages...") : _("Verifying packages...")); } (void) fflush(stdout); break; case RPMCALLBACK_TRANS_STOP: case RPMCALLBACK_VERIFY_STOP: if (flags & INSTALL_HASH) printHash(1, 1); /* Fixes "preparing..." progress bar */ rpmcliProgressTotal = rpmcliPackagesTotal; rpmcliProgressCurrent = 0; break; case RPMCALLBACK_UNINST_STOP: break; case RPMCALLBACK_UNPACK_ERROR: break; case RPMCALLBACK_CPIO_ERROR: break; case RPMCALLBACK_SCRIPT_ERROR: break; case RPMCALLBACK_SCRIPT_START: break; case RPMCALLBACK_SCRIPT_STOP: break; case RPMCALLBACK_UNKNOWN: default: break; } return rc; } static void setNotifyFlag(struct rpmInstallArguments_s * ia, rpmts ts) { int notifyFlags; notifyFlags = ia->installInterfaceFlags | (rpmIsVerbose() ? INSTALL_LABEL : 0 ); rpmtsSetNotifyCallback(ts, rpmShowProgress, (void *) ((long)notifyFlags)); } struct rpmEIU { int numFailed; int numPkgs; char ** pkgURL; char ** fnp; char * pkgState; int prevx; int pkgx; int numRPMS; int numSRPMS; char ** sourceURL; int argc; char ** argv; rpmRelocation * relocations; rpmRC rpmrc; }; static int rpmcliTransaction(rpmts ts, struct rpmInstallArguments_s * ia, int numPackages) { rpmps ps; int rc = 0; int stop = 0; int eflags = ia->installInterfaceFlags & INSTALL_ERASE; if (!(ia->installInterfaceFlags & INSTALL_NODEPS)) { if (rpmtsCheck(ts)) { rc = numPackages; stop = 1; } ps = rpmtsProblems(ts); if (!stop && rpmpsNumProblems(ps) > 0) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("Failed dependencies:\n")); rpmpsPrint(NULL, ps); rc = numPackages; stop = 1; } ps = rpmpsFree(ps); } if (!stop && !(ia->installInterfaceFlags & INSTALL_NOORDER)) { if (rpmtsOrder(ts)) { rc = numPackages; stop = 1; } } if (numPackages && !stop) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_DEBUG, eflags ? "erasing packages\n" : "installing binary packages\n"); rpmtsClean(ts); rc = rpmtsRun(ts, NULL, ia->probFilter); ps = rpmtsProblems(ts); if (rpmpsNumProblems(ps) > 0 && (eflags || rc > 0)) rpmpsPrint(NULL, ps); ps = rpmpsFree(ps); } return rc; } static int tryReadManifest(struct rpmEIU * eiu) { int rc; /* Try to read a package manifest. */ FD_t fd = Fopen(*eiu->fnp, "r.ufdio"); if (fd == NULL || Ferror(fd)) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("open of %s failed: %s\n"), *eiu->fnp, Fstrerror(fd)); if (fd != NULL) { Fclose(fd); fd = NULL; } eiu->numFailed++; *eiu->fnp = NULL; return RPMRC_FAIL; } /* Read list of packages from manifest. */ rc = rpmReadPackageManifest(fd, &eiu->argc, &eiu->argv); if (rc != RPMRC_OK) rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("%s: not an rpm package (or package manifest): %s\n"), *eiu->fnp, Fstrerror(fd)); Fclose(fd); fd = NULL; if (rc != RPMRC_OK) { eiu->numFailed++; *eiu->fnp = NULL; } return rc; } static int tryReadHeader(rpmts ts, struct rpmEIU * eiu, Header * hdrp) { /* Try to read the header from a package file. */ FD_t fd = Fopen(*eiu->fnp, "r.ufdio"); if (fd == NULL || Ferror(fd)) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("open of %s failed: %s\n"), *eiu->fnp, Fstrerror(fd)); if (fd != NULL) { Fclose(fd); fd = NULL; } eiu->numFailed++; *eiu->fnp = NULL; return RPMRC_FAIL; } /* Read the header, verifying signatures (if present). */ eiu->rpmrc = rpmReadPackageFile(ts, fd, *eiu->fnp, hdrp); Fclose(fd); fd = NULL; /* Honor --nomanifest */ if (eiu->rpmrc == RPMRC_NOTFOUND && (giFlags & RPMGI_NOMANIFEST)) eiu->rpmrc = RPMRC_FAIL; if (eiu->rpmrc == RPMRC_FAIL) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("%s cannot be installed\n"), *eiu->fnp); eiu->numFailed++; *eiu->fnp = NULL; } return RPMRC_OK; } /* On --freshen, verify package is installed and newer */ static int checkFreshenStatus(rpmts ts, Header h) { rpmdbMatchIterator mi = NULL; const char * name = headerGetString(h, RPMTAG_NAME); const char *arch = headerGetString(h, RPMTAG_ARCH); Header oldH = NULL; if (name != NULL) mi = rpmtsInitIterator(ts, RPMDBI_NAME, name, 0); if (rpmtsColor(ts) && arch) rpmdbSetIteratorRE(mi, RPMTAG_ARCH, RPMMIRE_DEFAULT, arch); while ((oldH = rpmdbNextIterator(mi)) != NULL) { /* Package is newer than those currently installed. */ if (rpmVersionCompare(oldH, h) < 0) break; } rpmdbFreeIterator(mi); return (oldH != NULL); } static int rpmNoGlob(const char *fn, int *argcPtr, ARGV_t * argvPtr) { struct stat sb; int rc = stat(fn, &sb); if (rc == 0) { argvAdd(argvPtr, fn); *argcPtr = 1; } else { *argcPtr = 0; } return rc; } /** @todo Generalize --freshen policies. */ int rpmInstall(rpmts ts, struct rpmInstallArguments_s * ia, ARGV_t fileArgv) { struct rpmEIU * eiu = xcalloc(1, sizeof(*eiu)); rpmRelocation * relocations; char * fileURL = NULL; rpmVSFlags vsflags, ovsflags; rpmVSFlags ovfyflags; int rc; int i; vsflags = setvsFlags(ia); ovsflags = rpmtsSetVSFlags(ts, (vsflags | RPMVSF_NEEDPAYLOAD)); /* for rpm cli, --nosignature/--nodigest applies to both vs and vfyflags */ ovfyflags = rpmtsSetVfyFlags(ts, (rpmtsVfyFlags(ts) | rpmcliVSFlags)); if (fileArgv == NULL) goto exit; if (rpmcliVfyLevelMask) { int vfylevel = rpmtsVfyLevel(ts); vfylevel &= ~rpmcliVfyLevelMask; rpmtsSetVfyLevel(ts, vfylevel); } (void) rpmtsSetFlags(ts, ia->transFlags); relocations = ia->relocations; setNotifyFlag(ia, ts); if ((eiu->relocations = relocations) != NULL) { while (eiu->relocations->oldPath) eiu->relocations++; if (eiu->relocations->newPath == NULL) eiu->relocations = NULL; } /* Build fully globbed list of arguments in argv[argc]. */ for (eiu->fnp = fileArgv; *eiu->fnp != NULL; eiu->fnp++) { ARGV_t av = NULL; int ac = 0; if (giFlags & RPMGI_NOGLOB) { rc = rpmNoGlob(*eiu->fnp, &ac, &av); } else { char * fn = rpmEscapeSpaces(*eiu->fnp); rc = rpmGlob(fn, &ac, &av); fn = _free(fn); } if (rc || ac == 0) { if (giFlags & RPMGI_NOGLOB) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("File not found: %s\n"), *eiu->fnp); } else { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("File not found by glob: %s\n"), *eiu->fnp); } eiu->numFailed++; continue; } argvAppend(&(eiu->argv), av); argvFree(av); eiu->argc += ac; } restart: /* Allocate sufficient storage for next set of args. */ if (eiu->pkgx >= eiu->numPkgs) { eiu->numPkgs = eiu->pkgx + eiu->argc; eiu->pkgURL = xrealloc(eiu->pkgURL, (eiu->numPkgs + 1) * sizeof(*eiu->pkgURL)); memset(eiu->pkgURL + eiu->pkgx, 0, ((eiu->argc + 1) * sizeof(*eiu->pkgURL))); eiu->pkgState = xrealloc(eiu->pkgState, (eiu->numPkgs + 1) * sizeof(*eiu->pkgState)); memset(eiu->pkgState + eiu->pkgx, 0, ((eiu->argc + 1) * sizeof(*eiu->pkgState))); } /* Retrieve next set of args, cache on local storage. */ for (i = 0; i < eiu->argc; i++) { fileURL = _free(fileURL); fileURL = eiu->argv[i]; eiu->argv[i] = NULL; switch (urlIsURL(fileURL)) { case URL_IS_HTTPS: case URL_IS_HTTP: case URL_IS_FTP: { char *tfn = NULL; FD_t tfd; if (rpmIsVerbose()) fprintf(stdout, _("Retrieving %s\n"), fileURL); tfd = rpmMkTempFile(rpmtsRootDir(ts), &tfn); if (tfd && tfn) { Fclose(tfd); rc = urlGetFile(fileURL, tfn); } else { rc = -1; } if (rc != 0) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("skipping %s - transfer failed\n"), fileURL); eiu->numFailed++; eiu->pkgURL[eiu->pkgx] = NULL; tfn = _free(tfn); break; } eiu->pkgState[eiu->pkgx] = 1; eiu->pkgURL[eiu->pkgx] = tfn; eiu->pkgx++; } break; case URL_IS_PATH: case URL_IS_DASH: /* WRONG WRONG WRONG */ case URL_IS_HKP: /* WRONG WRONG WRONG */ default: eiu->pkgURL[eiu->pkgx] = fileURL; fileURL = NULL; eiu->pkgx++; break; } } fileURL = _free(fileURL); if (eiu->numFailed) goto exit; /* Continue processing file arguments, building transaction set. */ for (eiu->fnp = eiu->pkgURL+eiu->prevx; *eiu->fnp != NULL; eiu->fnp++, eiu->prevx++) { Header h = NULL; const char * fileName; rpmlog(RPMLOG_DEBUG, "============== %s\n", *eiu->fnp); (void) urlPath(*eiu->fnp, &fileName); if (tryReadHeader(ts, eiu, &h) == RPMRC_FAIL) continue; if (eiu->rpmrc == RPMRC_NOTFOUND) { rc = tryReadManifest(eiu); if (rc == RPMRC_OK) { eiu->prevx++; goto restart; } } if (headerIsSource(h)) { if (ia->installInterfaceFlags & INSTALL_FRESHEN) { headerFree(h); continue; } rpmlog(RPMLOG_DEBUG, "\tadded source package [%d]\n", eiu->numSRPMS); eiu->sourceURL = xrealloc(eiu->sourceURL, (eiu->numSRPMS + 2) * sizeof(*eiu->sourceURL)); eiu->sourceURL[eiu->numSRPMS] = *eiu->fnp; *eiu->fnp = NULL; eiu->numSRPMS++; eiu->sourceURL[eiu->numSRPMS] = NULL; continue; } if (eiu->relocations) { struct rpmtd_s prefixes; headerGet(h, RPMTAG_PREFIXES, &prefixes, HEADERGET_DEFAULT); if (rpmtdCount(&prefixes) == 1) { eiu->relocations->oldPath = xstrdup(rpmtdGetString(&prefixes)); rpmtdFreeData(&prefixes); } else { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("package %s is not relocatable\n"), headerGetString(h, RPMTAG_NAME)); eiu->numFailed++; goto exit; } } if (ia->installInterfaceFlags & INSTALL_FRESHEN) if (checkFreshenStatus(ts, h) != 1) { headerFree(h); continue; } if (ia->installInterfaceFlags & INSTALL_REINSTALL) rc = rpmtsAddReinstallElement(ts, h, (fnpyKey)fileName); else rc = rpmtsAddInstallElement(ts, h, (fnpyKey)fileName, (ia->installInterfaceFlags & INSTALL_UPGRADE) != 0, relocations); headerFree(h); if (eiu->relocations) eiu->relocations->oldPath = _free(eiu->relocations->oldPath); switch (rc) { case 0: rpmlog(RPMLOG_DEBUG, "\tadded binary package [%d]\n", eiu->numRPMS); break; case 1: rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("error reading from file %s\n"), *eiu->fnp); eiu->numFailed++; goto exit; break; default: eiu->numFailed++; goto exit; break; } eiu->numRPMS++; } rpmlog(RPMLOG_DEBUG, "found %d source and %d binary packages\n", eiu->numSRPMS, eiu->numRPMS); if (eiu->numFailed) goto exit; if (eiu->numRPMS) { int rc = rpmcliTransaction(ts, ia, eiu->numPkgs); if (rc < 0) eiu->numFailed += eiu->numRPMS; else if (rc > 0) eiu->numFailed += rc; } if (eiu->numSRPMS && (eiu->sourceURL != NULL)) { rpmcliProgressState = 0; rpmcliProgressTotal = 0; rpmcliProgressCurrent = 0; for (i = 0; i < eiu->numSRPMS; i++) { rpmsqPoll(); if (eiu->sourceURL[i] != NULL) { rc = RPMRC_OK; if (!(rpmtsFlags(ts) & RPMTRANS_FLAG_TEST)) rc = rpmInstallSource(ts, eiu->sourceURL[i], NULL, NULL); if (rc != 0) eiu->numFailed++; } } } exit: if (eiu->pkgURL != NULL) { for (i = 0; i < eiu->numPkgs; i++) { if (eiu->pkgURL[i] == NULL) continue; if (eiu->pkgState[i] == 1) (void) unlink(eiu->pkgURL[i]); eiu->pkgURL[i] = _free(eiu->pkgURL[i]); } } eiu->pkgState = _free(eiu->pkgState); eiu->pkgURL = _free(eiu->pkgURL); eiu->argv = _free(eiu->argv); rc = eiu->numFailed; free(eiu); rpmtsEmpty(ts); rpmtsSetVSFlags(ts, ovsflags); rpmtsSetVfyFlags(ts, ovfyflags); return rc; } int rpmErase(rpmts ts, struct rpmInstallArguments_s * ia, ARGV_const_t argv) { char * const * arg; char *qfmt = NULL; int numFailed = 0; int numPackages = 0; rpmVSFlags vsflags, ovsflags; if (argv == NULL) return 0; vsflags = setvsFlags(ia); ovsflags = rpmtsSetVSFlags(ts, vsflags); (void) rpmtsSetFlags(ts, ia->transFlags); setNotifyFlag(ia, ts); qfmt = rpmExpand("%{?_query_all_fmt}\n", NULL); for (arg = argv; *arg; arg++) { rpmdbMatchIterator mi = rpmtsInitIterator(ts, RPMDBI_LABEL, *arg, 0); int matches = rpmdbGetIteratorCount(mi); int erasing = 1; if (! matches) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("package %s is not installed\n"), *arg); numFailed++; } else { Header h; /* XXX iterator owns the reference */ if (matches > 1 && !(ia->installInterfaceFlags & UNINSTALL_ALLMATCHES)) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("\"%s\" specifies multiple packages:\n"), *arg); numFailed++; erasing = 0; } while ((h = rpmdbNextIterator(mi)) != NULL) { if (erasing) { (void) rpmtsAddEraseElement(ts, h, -1); numPackages++; } else { char *nevra = headerFormat(h, qfmt, NULL); rpmlog(RPMLOG_NOTICE, " %s", nevra); free(nevra); } } } rpmdbFreeIterator(mi); } free(qfmt); if (numFailed) goto exit; numFailed = rpmcliTransaction(ts, ia, numPackages); exit: rpmtsEmpty(ts); rpmtsSetVSFlags(ts, ovsflags); return (numFailed < 0) ? numPackages : numFailed; } int rpmInstallSource(rpmts ts, const char * arg, char ** specFilePtr, char ** cookie) { FD_t fd; int rc; fd = Fopen(arg, "r.ufdio"); if (fd == NULL || Ferror(fd)) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("cannot open %s: %s\n"), arg, Fstrerror(fd)); if (fd != NULL) (void) Fclose(fd); return 1; } if (rpmIsVerbose() && specFilePtr != NULL) fprintf(stdout, _("Installing %s\n"), arg); { rpmVSFlags ovsflags = rpmtsSetVSFlags(ts, (specFilePtr) ? (rpmtsVSFlags(ts) | RPMVSF_NEEDPAYLOAD) : rpmtsVSFlags(ts)); rpmRC rpmrc = rpmInstallSourcePackage(ts, fd, specFilePtr, cookie); rc = (rpmrc == RPMRC_OK ? 0 : 1); rpmtsSetVSFlags(ts, ovsflags); } if (rc != 0) { rpmlog(RPMLOG_ERR, _("%s cannot be installed\n"), arg); if (specFilePtr && *specFilePtr) *specFilePtr = _free(*specFilePtr); if (cookie && *cookie) *cookie = _free(*cookie); } (void) Fclose(fd); return rc; }