/*! \mainpage librpm API Documentation. This documents the librpm API as available to rpm itself and to the various depsolvers or language bindings that rely upon it. It enables to build tools for: - \link rpmbuild creating \endlink, - \link rpmsign signing \endlink, - \link rpmtd querying \endlink, - or \link rpmts (un)installing \endlink RPM packages. */ /** \defgroup buildsign Building & signing packages: * * @{ */ /** \defgroup rpmbuild Build API. \brief API for building packages. */ /** \defgroup signature Signature Tags API. \brief List of signature tags. */ /** \defgroup rpmsign Signature API. \brief How to add or remove a signature from a package header. */ /** @}*/ /** \defgroup datatypes Data types: * * @{ */ /** \defgroup rpmtypes RPM data types. \brief The abstract RPM data types. */ /** \defgroup rpmstring String Manipulation API. \brief String Manipulation API. */ /** \defgroup rpmstrpool String Pool API. \brief How to store strings in pools. */ /** @} */ /** \defgroup install (un)Installing packages: * * @{ */ /** \defgroup rpmds Dependency Set API. \brief How to compare dependencies. */ /** \defgroup rpmcallback Callback signature & types. \brief The signature of function to register as callback and the cases where it can be called */ /** \defgroup rpmts Transaction Set API. \brief How to create, run & destroy a package transaction. */ /** \defgroup rpmte Transaction Element API. \brief How to retrieve information from a transaction element. */ /** \defgroup rpmps Problem Set API. \brief Problem Set API. */ /** \defgroup rpmprob Problem Element API. \brief Problem Element API. */ /** \defgroup rpmvf Verify API. \brief How to verify a package */ /** @} */ /** \defgroup rpmfiles File Info Set API. \brief File Info Set API. */ /** \defgroup rpmfi File Info Set Iterator API. \brief File Info Set Iterator API. */ /** \defgroup rpmfc File Classification API. \brief Structures and methods for build-time file classification */ /** \defgroup rpmkeyring RPM keyring API. \brief RPM keyring API. */ /** \defgroup rpmmacro Macro API. \brief Macro API. */ /** \defgroup rpmlog Logging API. \brief RPM Logging facilities. */ /** \defgroup rpmpgp OpenPGP API. \brief OpenPGP constants and structures from RFC-2440. */ /** \defgroup headquery Querying package headers: * * @{ */ /** \defgroup header Header API. \brief How to manipulate package headers (which carries all information about a package). */ /** \defgroup rpmtag RPM Tag API. \brief Manipulating RPM tags (accessing values, types, ...) */ /** \defgroup rpmtd RPM Tag Data Container API. \brief How to retrieve data from package headers. */ /** @} */ /** \defgroup io I/O * * @{ */ /** \defgroup header Header API. /** \defgroup rpmdb Database API. \brief Opening & accessing the RPM indices using Berkeley DB (the so called rpmdb) */ /** \defgroup rpmio RPM IO API. \brief The RPM IO API (Fd_t is RPM equivalent to libc's FILE). */ /** \defgroup rpmfileutil File and Path Manipulation API. \brief File and path manipulation helper functions. */ /** \defgroup rpmurl URL Manipulation API. \brief A couple utils for URL Manipulation. */ /** \defgroup rpmargv Argument Manipulation API. \brief Argument Manipulation API. */ /** \defgroup rpmcli Command Line API. \brief Parsing RPM command line arguments. */ /** @} */ /** \defgroup rpmsq Signal Queue API. \brief Signal Queue API. */ /** \defgroup rpmsw Statistics API. \brief Statistics API. */ /** \defgroup rpmrc RPMRC. \brief Reading config files and getting some important configuration values. */ /** @} */